Gottes einziger vorgesehener Ort der Anbetung
Shreveport, Louisiana USA
E-2 Ich sprach zu meinem kleinen Freund Ernie Fandler, ich vermute, dass einige von euch, die jetzt über das Telefon zuhören sich an Ernie erinnern, wie er bekehrt wurde, wie er zum Herrn geführt wurde. Er spricht nicht gut Englisch sonst würde ich ihn ein paar Worte sagen lassen. Und er bekommt seine V's und W's alle durcheinander. Er fragte mich ob ich mich an die Zeit in Shawano erinnere, wo er lebt. Dort starb ein Mann in der Versammlung während er auf seinem Sitzplatz saß. Wir ließen alle ganz stille sein. Dann sprach ich das Wort des Herrn über ihm und er kam zurück zum Leben. Er kam diesen anderen Weg. Sie haben das nie vergessen und möchten, dass wir wieder kommen.
E-3 Wenn ich richtig verstanden habe fasten heute Morgen mehr als zweitausend Franzosen, ein mehrtägiges Fasten, sie fasten, dass wir kommen und die Botschaft in Französisch nach Frankreich bringen. Die ganze protestantische Nation. Der protestantische Teil der französischen Nation. So sind wir...
Es ist dabei aufzublühen, es beginnt gerade, die Spreu fängt an sich vom Weizen zurück zu ziehen, so dass der Weizen jetzt frei liegt. Seht ihr? Deshalb, bleibt andächtig und im Gebet. Seht ihr? Denkt daran: „Die auf den Herrn warten erneuern ihre Kraft.”
Nun, da ist... Ich war... ich werde langsam alt und ich dachte: „Werde ich... Wird da noch eine Erweckung sein, werde ich das noch einmal erleben?” Denkt daran, von Westen wird ein Reiter auf einem weißen Pferd kommen. Wir werden den Pfad noch einmal reiten. Das ist richtig. Sobald... Wir sind bereit dafür. Es ist eine Verheißung, versteht ihr?
E-4 Nun, ich möchte Bruder Leo sagen... Gestern Abend sprach ich über Bruder Wood, sein leiblicher Bruder ist hier. Bruder Leo, du und die kleine Gruppe, die heute Morgen zuhört; Schwester Mercier, dein Vater ist hier. Ich habe ihn gestern Abend gesehen. Er ist hier irgendwo im Gebäude und er sieht gut und gesund aus.
An dem Morgen, als er im Tabernacle geheilt wurde, waren da zwei schwere Krebs Fälle, wirklich am Sterben. Beide von ihnen wurden geheilt. Und ihr Vater, ein älterer Mann mit einem Herzinfarkt wurde zur Verherrlichung Gottes davon befreit. Er ist hier in der Versammlung irgendwo. Ich kann ihn jetzt in der Menschenmenge nicht sehen, aber gestern Abend war er hier.
E-5 Ich grüße euch alle dort draußen im Land und hier an diesem wundervollen Platz, im Life Tabernacle in Shreveport mit den vielen Menschen die hier herein gestopft wurden um eine Sonntagsschul-Lektion zu hören. Wisst ihr, ich will ja gegen niemand etwas sagen, aber wenn ich in Shreveport leben würde, dann wäre dies der Platz wo ich zur Kirche gehen würde, hier im Life Tabernacle. Dies ist keine Denomination. Das Life Tabernacle ist heute eine interdenominationelle Zusammenkunft. Sie kamen aus den verschiedenen Denominationen weil sie mich und die Botschaft, die ich predige angenommen haben. Bruder Jack Moore, mein Bruder und Freund, wurde aus den Denominationen ausgeschlossen, weil er zu mir hielt. Ich denke damit hat er Vertrauen verdient. Das ist richtig. Gott segne ihn. Helft ihm die Hände hoch zu halten im Gebet und glaubt mit ihm.
E-6 Und Schwester Moore, ich kann sie nirgends sehen, sie... Ja, dort hinten. Heute Morgen, als sie dort saß, sah sie aus wie ein Mädchen in ihrem schönen neuen Kleid es sah aus wie ein Oster-Kostüm. Es sah aus wie... selbst Br. Jack hat sie nicht erkannt. Nun, Schwester Moore.
Wir vermissen Anna, Jeanne und Don und die anderen. Ich freue mich auch Bruder Nolan zu begegnen er war hier einer der Partner.
E-7 Und Bruder Ernie, ich bat ihn gestern ob er das Amen singen könnte. Ich habe eine Aufzeichnung davon und ich habe es so oft gehört bis das Band abgenutzt war, Amen. Ich denke er hat eine Stimme dafür, besser als all die anderen. Und die kleine Judy, ich bemerkte sie, die zwei, sie sehen aus wie Bruder und Schwester. Ist es nicht so? Aber sie sind Ehemann und Ehefrau. Schaut sie euch beide an, wie sie sich ähnlich sehen. Seht ihr? Sie sind wirklich ein liebliches kleines Paar. Das ist, wie ihr wisst, das ist... Bruder Palmer welcher gerade die goldenen Stufen erklommen hat, es ist seine Tochter und sein Schwiegersohn. Und das ist... Sie hat gewiss einen Verdienst in der Kindererziehung. Und da sind noch andere verheiratete Prediger und Evangelisten, die ihren Platz dort draußen haben und andere. Es ist einfach großartig.
E-8 Schwester Palmer habe ich noch nicht gesehen, ich weiß nicht ob ich sie erkennen würde, wenn ich sie sehe. Wahrscheinlich ist sie irgendwo in der Versammlung (mit Sicherheit). Ganz dort hinten, Gott segne dich Schwester Palmer.
Es bewegt mein Herz jedes Mal, wenn ich daran denke. Bruder Palmer hatte die Stufen gerade ein paar Minuten erklommen, bevor man mir mitteilte, dass er gegangen war. Ich konnte es nicht glauben. Billy rief mich an, jemand hatte es mitbekommen... sie wussten es. Wir waren so gute Freunde und dann zu erfahren, dass er gegangen war, es hat mich wirklich erschüttert. Aber wir alle müssen einmal gehen, ganz egal wer wir sind. Einer nach dem anderen müssen wir gehen. Da gibt es nur eine Sache: „Lasst uns das Fazit aus der ganzen Sache ziehen: Fürchtet Gott und haltet seine Gebote, denn dies ist die Pflicht des Menschen”. Prediger 12:13.
E-9 Nun, ich habe nicht viel Zeit für diese Sonntagsschullektion und ich bin heiser.
Bruder Pearry Green hat eine noble Sache für mich getan. Gestern Abend hörte er mich sagen: „Ich habe mein kleines Haarteil vergessen, welches mich schützt...” Daraufhin versuchte er jemanden zu finden, der es für mich einfliegt. Ich sagte: „Zu spät, ich bin bereits heiser.” Seit Jahren versuchte ich eine Lösung zu finden und als ich es dann bekam wurde es damit besser. Aber diesmal habe ich es vergessen, so bin ich jetzt ein wenig heiser. So müsst ihr mich ertragen, wie ich jetzt spreche.
E-10 Nun, wie viele mögen Sonntagsschule? Oh, my, das ist gut. Es ist eine gute Sache eure Kinder dort hin zu schicken. Nein, lasst mich das korrigieren, eine gute Sache um eure Kinder dort hin zu bringen. Das ist richtig. Ihr bringt eure Kinder und somit seid ihr auch gekommen. Wie viele wissen wie unsere Sonntagsschule zuerst entstand? In England. Wie wurde sie am Anfang genannt? Lumpen Schule. Das ist richtig, sie wurde Lumpen Schule genannt. Ich vergaß den Namen des Mannes, der sie eingeführt hat. Wie war noch mal sein Name? [Jemand sagt: „Robert Raikes.” - Verf.] Das ist richtig, ganz genau. Er hatte dort die kleinen Burschen von der Straße (sie trugen Lumpen und hatten kein Zuhause, sehr schlimm) Er holte sie herein und begann ihnen Bibel-Lektionen zu erteilen. Es nahm zu und wuchs bis heute beinahe zu einer der größten Säulen der Kirche heran. Sonntagschule. Gut dahin zu gehen. Seid sicher, dass ihr kommt und bringt eure Kinder mit. Ich denke hier im Tabernacle gibt es Lehrer, geeignet ausgestattete Räume, Altersgruppen und so weiter. Und ihr, die ihr neu bekehrt seid, gerade zu Christus gekommen, folgt der Botschaft, kommt hier her zum Life Tabernacle, es wird euch gut tun.
E-11 Nun, heute Abend werden wir eine altmodische Gebetslinie haben. Wir werden einfach für die Kranken beten, in der Weise wie wir es früher taten, Bruder Jack und Bruder Brown.
Ich erinnere mich, ich sah Bruder Brown, wie er versuchte Gebetskarten auszugeben und wie er, selber ein Prediger... Damals in jenen Tagen in der Organisation... legten sie Druck auf ihn, wisst ihr? „Du bist verantwortlich dafür, dass ich dort hinauf komme”. Oh, er hatte sicher eine schwere Zeit. Aber er blieb so treu und wahrhaftig wie man nur sein kann. Bruder Brown ist ein feiner Mann. Und wir lieben ihn.
E-12 Und wenn ich alle von uns sehe, drei von uns wie wir... schleichend werden wir älter und gehen dem Ende entgegen. Da wäre es eine sehr traurige Sache wenn wir nicht in uns diese große Sache platziert hätten, von der wir wissen, dass es die Wahrheit ist. Wir bereiten uns darauf vor eines Tages zurück zu kehren, zurück zu unserem jungen Mannesalter um nie... unsere Leiber werden verwandelt, in Gleichheit mit ihm um zu bleiben. „Denn wenn diese irdische Behausung vergeht, dann ist da eine andere die bereits auf uns wartet.”
E-13 Und lieber Freund, der dankbare Teil davon ist, dass der liebe Herr Jesus... Ihr, die ihr mir vertraut, dass ich euch die Wahrheit sage: Der liebe Herr Jesus ließ mich das andere Land sehen, an einem Morgen gegen acht Uhr. Nun, es war keine - es war keine Vision, ich möchte darüber nicht sprechen. Was es auch war, es war so real wie ich jetzt hier zu euch spreche. Ich habe die Gesichter der Leute gesehen und konnte sie nicht wiedererkennen, sie waren wieder jung geworden. Und sie waren so real wie... Ich habe ihre Hände gehalten. Ganz real...
E-14 Es hat mir geholfen, denn ich hatte da so eine Vorstellung: Wenn eine Person starb, dass nur ihre Seele sie verließ. Aber als er mir dann dieses Zitat brachte, wo es heißt: „Wenn diese irdische Behausung... dann haben wir dort bereits eine.” Seht ihr? Und es muss immer alles in dreien sein, damit es Vollkommen ist. Seht ihr? Da ist ein Leib hier, dann dieser Leib, welcher ein himmlischer Leib ist und dann der verherrlichte Leib in der Auferstehung. Seht ihr, damit ist es komplett. Seht ihr? Es ist ein... Es ist kein Mythos, keine Vorstellung oder Einbildung, es ist auch kein Geist. Es ist ein Mann und eine Frau wie du es bist, ganz genau.
E-15 Vor Jahren, sah ich die Orte wo die Verlorenen sind und bin dort gewesen. Als ein alter Mann, sage ich dir mein Freund lass mich dich davon überzeugen, überall in dieser Nation heute Morgen, diese Orte wollt ihr nicht gesehen haben. Es gibt keine Möglichkeit, dass ich es euch... Wenn ich ein Künstler wäre, ein Maler, es wäre mir unmöglich das Bild zu zeichnen. Als ein Prediger kann ich es euch nicht beschreiben. Man spricht über die Hölle als einen mit Feuer brennenden Platz, es ist eine Million mal schlimmer als das, dieses Entsetzen und Grauen welches das Ganze begleitet.
E-16 Und der Himmel... oder dieser Ort, wo auch immer es war, ich weiß nicht wie ich es beschreiben soll. Er bezog sich darauf als „Seelen unter dem Altar”. Aber wenn es das war, ich habe niemals... Es gibt keine Möglichkeit zu beschreiben wie schön das ist. Dort ist... Nun, ihr müsst einfach mein Wort annehmen, ich bin nur ein Mann. Seht ihr? Aber diese Visionen, die immer genau so geschehen wie ich es euch gesagt habe und ihr wisst, dass jede von ihnen die Wahrheit gewesen ist und genau so wahr ist dies. Was immer ihr tut, ihr könnt alles andere verfehlen (Gesundheit, Stärke, euer Augenlicht, was auch immer) aber dies sollt ihr nicht verfehlen. Es gibt nichts was damit vergleichbar wäre. Es ist... Es gibt kein Wort in der englischen Sprache, welches ich kenne welches es beschreiben könnte. Wenn du sagst „perfekt”, dann geht es noch weit darüber hinaus; „grandios” es geht weit darüber hinaus; „himmlisch”, … Da gibt es keine Worte, die ich kenne, die es beschreiben könnten, denn es war so... Und dann zu denken, dass das noch nicht einmal das Ende ist. Ich dachte: „Und hier vor fürchte ich mich um dorthin zu gehen?”
Ich sagte: „Esst ihr hier etwas?”
Sie sagten: „Nein nicht hier. Wir essen hier nicht, aber wenn wir zur Erde zurückkehren, dann empfangen wir einen Leib in welchem wir essen können.”
E-17 Gut, ich konnte sie fühlen. Sie waren wie dies. Seht ihr? Und sie... Ich sagte: „Gut, ihr habt...” Oh ja, sie haben einen Leib. Das ist kein Märchen, es ist tatsächlich ein Leib. Wir kennen einander. Sie alle kannten mich, sie umarmten mich, Millionen von ihnen.
Ich sagte: „Gut, ich möchte ihn sehen, den der mich hier her gebracht hat.”
Jemand sagte: „Du kannst ihn jetzt nicht sehen, du musst noch warten.”
Ich sagte: „Warum habt ihr mich hier oben drauf gestellt?”
Er sagte: „In deinem Leben warst du ein Anführer.”
Ich sagte: „Sind das hier alles Branhams?”
Er sagte: „Nein! Das sind die, welche du zu Christus gebracht hast.” Seht ihr?
E-18 Ich schaute mich um, und all die schweren Nächte, die Versuchungen, alles verschwand, als ich ihre Gesichter dort sehen konnte. Eine junge Frau kam angerannt, eine der hübschesten Frauen, sie warf ihre Arme um mich und sagte: „Mein kostbarer Bruder.” Und als sie dann weiter ging... Nun, sie war eine Frau. So... Aber dort, dort wird niemals Sünde sein. Unsere Drüsen sind dort verändert. Dort werden keine Kinder mehr groß gezogen. Seht ihr? Alle sind gleich.
Das Gefühl macht den Unterschied. Das ist der Grund warum ich gegen den Tanzboden bin. Kein Mann... ich, vor Gott und dieser Bibel, ich habe rein gelebt, auf meinem Lebensweg, als ich ein kleiner Junge war, durch meine ganze Jugend und als junger Mann. Jedes Mädchen, mit dem ich ausging, ich kann mit ihr vor den Gerichtsthron treten. Seht ihr? Aber es gibt keinen Mann und es ist mir egal wer du bist, wenn eine Frau sich an dich schmiegt, dich umarmt, wenn du ein gesunder Mann bist, dann gibt es da ein Gefühl. Aber dort war es nicht so, dort gibt es keine Drüsen. Sie haben alle dieselben Drüsen. Seht ihr? Einfach reine, unverdorbene schwesterliche oder brüderliche Liebe, nochmal anders als wenn du deine eigene kleine Tochter umarmst. Seht ihr? Deine eigene Tochter, sie ist immer noch weiblich und du bist männlich. Selbst da könnte etwas entstehen, aber dort ist es nicht möglich, die Sünde ist nicht mehr, es ist alles vorbei. Seht ihr? Real... es ist einfach real, heilige Liebe.
E-19 Und ich schaute diese Frau an. Dort waren... es sah so aus als wären dort Millionen von ihnen und alle hatten langes Haar und weiße lange Gewänder. Und diese, er der mit mir sprach, er sagte: „Erkennst du sie nicht?”
Ich sagte: „Nein.”
Er sagte: „Sie war neunzig Jahre alt, als du sie zu Christus gebracht hast.”
„Erstaunliche Gnad, wie süß der Klang.” Seht ihr? Es gibt keine Möglichkeit es zu erklären, was es ist. Verlasst euch auf mein Wort und glaubt mir. Seid sicher es richtig zu machen... verbrennt jede Brücke zur Welt hinter euch.
E-20 Ich glaube, die Gemeinde beginnt die Botschaft zu hören und sie fängt an sie zu verstehen. Aber Freund, höre, wir müssen in der Gegenwart des Sohnes liegen, wir müssen zur Reife kommen. Unser Glaube ist nicht reif. Intellektuell hören wir die Botschaft die Gott uns gegeben hat und sehen die Zeichen, die er uns gezeigt hat. Und durch die Bibel wird es als solches bewiesen, aber oh, wie sehr die Gemeinde es notwendig hat in seiner Gegenwart zu liegen bis sie sich ihm ganz ausliefert. Wisst ihr, bis sie im Geist lieblich wird, so dass sie ganz gewaschen wird. Manchmal, wenn du die Botschaft sprichst, wirst du schroff, du musst durchbrechen, denn du musst einen Nagel versenken damit es einen Halt gibt. Aber wenn die Gemeinde es einmal erfassen wird, die Erwählten sind die heraus gerufenen Abgesonderten, die in der Gegenwart Gottes sind. Ich weiß sie werden den Menschen dort drüben ähnlich sein wenn sie in die Entrückung gehen.
E-21 Ich wollte heute Morgen über die Entrückung sprechen, aber meine Stimme macht da nicht mit, und so ertragt mich einfach eine kleine Weile. Ich möchte über das Thema sprechen: Der einzige von Gott zur Verfügung gestellte Platz der Anbetung.
Nun, das ist ein umfassendes Thema. Lasst uns jetzt beten. Überall im Lande, wo ihr auch seid heute Morgen, beugt eure Häupter gerade für ein paar Momente. Seid jetzt wirklich andächtig, wir nähern uns dem Worte Gottes und das ist Gott in Schriftform.
E-22 Großer Autor diese Buches, wir wurden belehrt, dass es ein Same ist, ein Same den ein Sämann aussäte. So sagt es der Autor. Nun wir erkennen, dass ein Same in der richtigen Erde wachsen wird. So, Vater, mögest du heute Morgen all die Dornbüsche und Disteln, Unglauben und skeptische Gedanken aus unseren Herzen entfernen, auf dass das Wort Gottes frei wachsen kann, gewässert durch den Geist in unseren Herzen. Nicht nur bei uns, die wir dies erkannt haben, sondern mögen dort andere sein in diesem Land, jeder dessen Herz brennt mit Liebe und Freundlichkeit möge hinausgehen und versuchen den verlorenen Bruder und die verlorene Schwester zu gewinnen. Gewähre es heute, Gott. Wir schauen ganz auf dich, denn du bist unser Führer und unser Herr. So beten wir, dass du uns heute führen mögest in deinem Wort und uns deine Segnungen gibst. Durch deine Gnade und in deinem Namen bitten wir dies. Amen.
E-23 Nun für dieses Thema möchte ich... Ich möchte aus dem fünften Buch Moses lesen im alten Testament um eine Schriftstelle zu Grunde zu legen. Ich habe einige wenige Notizen, die ich schnell aufgeschrieben habe nachdem ich vom Frühstück mit Br. Vayle kam.
Ich habe dem Mann im Hotel noch nicht danken können... der gestern Abend im Restaurant für unser Abendessen bezahlt hat. Meine Frau, mein kleines Mädchen und ich waren dort und als ich hin ging die Rechnung zu bezahlen, da war sie bereits bezahlt worden. Wer es auch war, ich danke dir. Man sagte mir: „Der Mann der am Tischende saß.” Da war eine ganze Gruppe, die wir kannten. Nun, ich... es muss ein Indianer der Algonkin gewesen sein, jemand in der Art, der dort im Restaurant mit uns war. Ich danke dir, wer es auch was der das tat. Jeder von euch, Gott segne euch.
E-24 Nun, im fünften Buch Moses, das 16. Kapitel, es geht da um das Einhalten des Passah. Wir wollen die ersten paar Verse lesen. Die ersten vier, fünf, sechs Verse hier.
Halte den Monat Abib, daß du Passah haltest dem HERRN, deinem Gott; denn im Monat Abib hat dich der HERR, dein Gott, aus Ägypten geführt bei der Nacht.
Und sollst dem HERRN, deinem Gott, das Passah schlachten, Schafe und Rinder, an der Stätte, die der HERR erwählen wird, daß sein Name daselbst wohne.
Du sollst kein Gesäuertes auf das Fest essen, denn mit Furcht bist du aus Ägyptenland gezogen, auf daß du des Tages deines Auszugs aus Ägyptenland gedenkest dein Leben lang.
Es soll in sieben Tagen kein Sauerteig gesehen werden in allen deinen Grenzen und soll auch nichts vom Fleisch, das des Abends am ersten Tage geschlachtet ist, über Nacht bleiben bis an den Morgen.
Du darfst nicht Passah schlachten in irgend deiner Tore einem, die dir der HERR, dein Gott gegeben hat;
sondern an der Stätte, die der HERR, dein Gott erwählen wird, daß sein Name daselbst wohne, da sollst du das Passah schlachten des Abends, wenn die Sonne ist.
Möge der Herr nun seinen Segen zum lesen des Wortes hinzufügen.
E-25 Nun, verzerrt diese Mikrophon was gesagt wird? Ich hörte gestern Abend sei es so gewesen. Könnt ihr alle gut hören, überall? Du verstehst nichts. (Bruder Branham richtet das Mikrophon frisch aus.) Ist es jetzt besser? Ist es so besser, wenn ich nach unten in das Mikrophon spreche, wie jetzt? Ich bin ein wenig heiser, aus diesem Grunde stehe ich heute Morgen so nah dran. Und ich hoffe Bruder Pearry kann die Verzerrung weg bekommen. Könnt ihr jetzt gut hören? Ich denke sie konnten es richtig einstellen. Gut.
E-26 Nun, die Sache, über die ich heute Morgen sprechen möchte, ist, dass Gott nur einen Ort hat, an dem der Anbeter Gott begegnen kann, nur einen Ort. Durch die Zeitalter haben viele diesen geheimen Platz Gottes gesucht, durch all die Zeitalter. Selbst Hiob wollte wissen, wo Er wohnt. „Wen ich nur zu seinem Hause gehen könnte und an seine Türe klopfen”. Hiob wünschte sich den Wohnort Gottes zu finden, denn dort ist es wo Gott uns seine Familie zusammen anbeten.
Es ist wie Gestern, in der Botschaft gestern Morgen, wir finden heraus, dass es die Möglichkeit gibt, dass eine Person Gott vergeblich anbetet, trotz aufrichtiger Anbetung. Gott hat all diese Dinge für uns festgelegt. Das Problem ist, wir müssen herausfinden wo sie sind. Paulus wies Timotheus an zu forschen wann die richtige Zeit ist und wann nicht, ein Wort auszuteilen, ein Wort - der Hoffnung die in ihm war.
E-27 Nun, all diese Dinge sind hier drin. Und wir finden... Manchmal würde ich gerne nach Shreveport kommen um zwei oder drei Wochen lang jeden Abend dreißig Minuten die Lehre zu bringen, einfach Lehre. Seht, bleibt richtig im Wort, diese geheimen Passagen, seht, wir könnten dann herausfinden wie wir dort hinein kommen. Und achtet darauf, dass ihr Gottes Anweisungen folgt, denn für jede Türe gibt es nur einen Schlüssel. Das ist richtig. Und kein anderer Schlüssel passt, ganz egal wie gut es aussieht. Gott hat keinen Schlüssel der wie ein Skelett aussieht, nur einen Schlüssel. Und diesen Schlüssel musst du haben oder die Türe wird nicht zu öffnen sein. Egal wie aufrichtig du bist, du kannst die Türe nicht aufschließen.
E-28 Nun, wie viele waren gestern beim Frühstück dabei, gestern Morgen? Gut, ich denke die meisten, wenigstens neunzig Prozent von euch oder sogar mehr. Damit ihr einen Hintergrund dafür bekommt, was ich sagen werde, David war zum König gesalbt (von Gott gesalbt), der größte König, den Israel jemals hatte, ausgenommen der Herr Jesus (welcher Gott ist) der Gesalbte. David ist sein Sohn... oder Jesus war der Sohn Davids, gemäß der Blutlinie, dem Fleische nach. Und Er wird sitzen auf dem Throne Davids... den Er zurück ererbt. Der Prinz erbt immer den Thron des Königs.
Gebt Acht, David war gesalbt und trotz diese Salbung tat er etwas, er entfernte sich aus dem Willen des Herrn, trotz der Salbung. Und all die Menschen, die nicht im Fluss der Schrift bleiben oder nicht den Schlüssel dieser Offenbarung nehmen, auch sie alle sind gesalbt. Alle von ihnen jubeln und preisen den Herrn für eine Sache die exakt richtig aussieht. Nämlich das Wort Gottes zurück in das Haus Gottes zu bringen. Aber David war ein König, kein Prophet. Seht ihr? Er... Da war ein Prophet im Land um es zu tun. Und Gott entehrte die ganze Bewegung, weil sie nicht den richtigen Schlüssel benutzten. Die Türe blieb verschlossen. Wir müssen uns daran erinnern und in unserer Erinnerung behalten. Da ist... Bei allem von Gott, gibt es einen bestimmten Weg wie es getan werden soll und dabei bleibt es. Nun, Gott hat eine ganz bestimmte Gemeinde in welcher er den Menschen begegnet und in dieser Gemeinde wird er dich entgegennehmen aber in keiner anderen.
E-29 Ich sage dies, weil ich so oft missverstanden wurde und die Menschen haben mir gesagt...
Ich sage: „Bist du ein Christ?”
„Ich bin Baptist.”
„Bist du ein Christ?”
„Ich bin Methodist.”
„Bist du ein Christ?”
„Ich bin Pfingstler.”
Nun, schaut, das bedeutet bei Gott aber auch gar nichts. Du stocherst mit dem falschen Schlüssel. Aber es gibt einen richtigen Schlüssel, einen wo Gott... Gott hat nie verheißen dir auf der Basis zu begegnen, dass du ein Methodist, Baptist oder Pfingstler bist oder sonst einer anderen Denomination angehörst. Er berücksichtigt keine Denominationen, sie sind gegen ihn.
Sehr bald werde ich in einer langen Botschaft im Tabernacle darüber sprechen. Dann wird Bruder Jack es hören und dann könnt ihr euch überlegen was ihr in dieser Sache tun wollt. Dann wird es auf dem Tonband aufgenommen sein.
E-30 Nun, die Menschen tun so als ob Gott verpflichtet wäre ihnen auf Basis ihrer Theologie zu begegnen. Genauso treten sie auf. Nicht einmal mit einander wollen sie verkehren. Die Dreieinigkeitsleute oder die Pfingstler haben keinen Umgang mit den Einheitsleuten aber auch die Einheitsleute wollen nichts mit der Dreieinigkeit zu tun haben. Die Methodisten geben sich nicht mit den Baptisten ab, denn der eine ist ein Legalist und er andere ein Calvinist. So haben sie keine Gemeinschaft. Und sie beeinflussen die Gesinnung der Menschen so, dass einer gegen den anderen ist.
E-31 Vor einiger Zeit ging ich um in einem Krankenhausraum zu beten. Dort lag eine Dame, die sehr krank war, sie stand vor einer Operation und man erwartete, dass sie sterben würde. Dort lag auch noch eine andere Dame (Ich war gerufen worden um für sie zu beten.). Ich sagte zu ihr: „Würde es ihnen etwas ausmachen, wenn ich ein Gebet spreche?”
Sie sagte: „Ziehen sie den Vorhang zu.”
Ich sagte: „Entschuldigung. Ich frage doch nur ob ich ein Gebet sprechen darf.”
Sie sagte: „Ziehen sie den Vorhang vor.”
Ich sagte: „Ja, Maàm.” Ihr Sohn saß dort, sah so aus wie so ein kleiner, weltlicher Junge. Ich sagte: „Nun gut, sind sie nicht auch Christen.”
Sie sagte: „Wir sind Methodisten!”
Ich sagte: „Danach habe ich nicht gefragt, ich wollte wissen ob sie ein Christ sind.” Seht ihr?
Sie sagte: „Ziehen sie den Vorhang vor!”
Schaut, weil jemand ein Gebet für eine sterbende Frau sprechen wollte, der kein Methodist war und sie selbst lag auch im Sterben. Aber weil ich nicht ihrer Organisation angeschlossen war, wollte sie das nicht hören und auch nichts damit zu tun haben. Wenn das nicht ein Pharisäer ist, dann weiß ich nicht wie ich mir einen vorstellen soll.
E-32 Wartet bis ihr die Predigt hört: „Der Weg der Schlange”. Huh. Gut. Nun, sie denken, dass ihre Denomination das einzige ist was von Gott zugelassen ist. „Gott wird dich nicht erhören, es sei denn, du bist ein Methodist, ein Baptist, ein Dreieiniger oder einer von den Einheitsleuten” oder irgendwas wie dieses. Das ist falsch.
Meine Bestimmung ist es das zu entlarven. Aber es gibt ein Verlangen in der Gesinnung der Menschen und in ihren Herzen richtig zu sein... Ich glaube nicht, dass die Frau es tat weil... oder auch irgendjemand anderes. Ein Methodist würde sich nicht erheben und Partei ergreifen für die Methodistenkirche, weil er weiß dass es falsch ist. Der Mensch denkt er ist richtig. Ich glaube auch nicht, dass einer von der Dreiheit einen von der Einheit jemand verdammen würde oder einer von der Einheit einen Pfingstler oder einen von der Dreiheit, einfach nur um anders zu sein. Er denkt er ist richtig. Und man muss seine Vorstellung respektieren. Wisst ihr, die Decke dehnt sich in beide Richtungen. Aber in all dem, erinnert euch, wenn da etwas in dem Herzen eines Mannes oder einer Frau ist, von dem sie glauben dass es „richtig” ist, dann muss da auch etwas sein, was tatsächlich richtig ist. Oftmals habe ich gesagt: „Wenn da eine Tiefe ist, die einer Tiefe zuruft, dann muss es auch eine Tiefe geben die antwortet.”
E-33 Ihr wisst, uns wurde gesagt, dass einmal ein Seehund mit Füßen am Meeresstrand lief. Aber jetzt hat er keine Füße mehr, sie wurden zu Flossen, denn er benötigte Flossen als Pelztragendes Tier das vom Land ins Wasser ging. Die Natur formte ihm Flossen anstelle von Füßen, denn er schwamm mehr als er lief.
Ich kann mich nicht an den Namen erinnern, von diesem großen Mann, der an den Südpol ging. Wie war noch sein Name? Byrd. Man sagt, er hatte Mäntel für das Vieh gemacht, welches ihn auf seiner Expedition begleitete. Das Vieh hatte er dabei wegen der Milch. Und er hatte Pelzmäntel für das Vieh machen lassen um es vor dem Tod durch Erfrieren zu schützen. Aber als sie dorthin kamen, brauchten sie die Mäntel nicht, die Natur hatte ihnen ein Fell wachsen lassen. Seht ihr? Bevor es die Flosse auf dem Rücken eines Fisches gab, musste es Wasser geben in dem er schwimmen konnte oder er hätte nie eine Flosse gehabt. Da... Bevor es einen Baum gab der in der Erde wächst, muss es eine Erde geben in der er wachsen kann oder es würde keinen Baum geben.
Also, seht ihr, solange es etwas im menschlichen Herzen gibt, das nach etwas ruft, muss es etwas geben dort draußen was antworten kann um diesen Ruf zu befriedigen.
E-34 Eine Frau... Vor einiger Zeit wurde an einer Frau die gestorben war eine Autopsie vorgenommen. Der Grund war, sie aß Zwiebeln, immer und ständig, sie dachten das hätte sie umgebracht. Wenn sie keine Zwiebeln aß, dann hatte sie Juckreiz am Kopf und überall. Sie wussten nicht warum. Die Autopsie wurde also durchgeführt und sie fanden in der Frau ein Gewächs, welches eine bestimmte Art von Zellen hatte. Sie hatten einen Namen dafür. Man konnte dies Gewächs in eine Schüssel Zwiebeln legen und über Nacht hatten sich die Zwiebeln aufgelöst. Seht ihr? Was war es? Etwas in der Frau verlangte nach Zwiebeln. Und hätte es keine Zwiebeln gegeben, hätte es auch dies Gewächs nicht gegeben.
In anderen Worten, zuerst muss da ein Schöpfer sein, bevor es eine Schöpfung gibt. Seht ihr?
E-35 Nun, es gibt im menschlichen Herzen ein Verlangen, bei den Methodisten, Baptisten, Prebyterianern, Katholiken und all den anderen, ein Verlangen den richtigen Weg zu finden. Von ihren Priestern und Pastoren wird ihnen gesagt: „Dies ist der richtige Weg.” Die Priester sagen: „Außerhalb der Katholischen Kirche gibt es keine Erlösung.”
Jede Kirche hat da ihre eigene Idee. Einige von ihnen würden das nicht zugeben, aber an ihren Handlungen ist es zu erkennen. Was man tut spricht lauter als die Worte. Es ist einfach eine... Sie sind dann noch viel größere Heuchler/Pharisäer als die Katholiken. Die Katholiken bekennen es frei heraus: „Ich glaube, dass dies der einzige Weg ist.” Aber die anderen tun das nicht. Sie verbergen es, aber ihre Werke beweisen was sie denken. Seht ihr?
E-36 Weil es jedoch im menschlichen Herzen ein solches Verlangen gibt, den richtigen Weg zu finden, muss es ihn auch geben. Und ich denke das Wort Gottes hat die Antwort für alles was wir benötigen. Gott hat also die Antwort und lasst uns jetzt mal in der Schrift danach suchen. Und wenn Gott uns in der Schrift den einzigen Ort der Anbetung zeigt, den einzigen Grund um darauf zu stehen, (die einzige Denomination, wenn es so ist.) den einzigen Weg auf dem Gott einem Menschen begegnen wird, dann sollten wir uns daran halten, denn wir haben dann die Wahrheit der Bibel herausgefunden, was sie dazu sagt.
E-37 Nun das Wort Deutoronomie [fünfter Buch Moses - Verf.], das Wort in sich selbst bedeutet: „zwei Gesetze”. Gott hat zwei Gesetze. Die zwei Gesetze sind folgende: eines ist der Ungehorsam dem Wort gegenüber und die Folge davon ist dass man muss sterben. Das andere ist Gehorsam dem Wort gegenüber und daraus folgt Leben. Das sind die zwei Gesetze, Deutoronomie bedeutet zwei Gesetze. Beide werden uns in der Schrift gezeigt. Eines ist Tod und das andere ist Leben. Leben oder Tod. Gott wirkt nur im Leben, Satan wirkt im Tod. Dies wurde der Öffentlichkeit in der Welt gezeigt, offen, so dass jeder es sehen kann. Da gibt es keine Entschuldigung. Das eine von ihnen wurde am Berg Sinai gezeigt, als das Gesetz gegeben wurde. Das Gesetz verdammte die ganze menschliche Rasse zum Tod. Das andere wurde auf Golgatha gegeben, es brachte der ganzen menschlichen Rasse das Leben, als Jesus Christus dort die Schuld bezahlte. Die zwei Gesetze von Deutoronomie erfüllten sich an diesen beiden Orten.
E-38 Ich möchte dass ihr weiter bemerkt, es wurden auch zwei Bündnisse gegeben. Ein Bund war mit Adam, der war an Bedingungen gebunden, wie das Gesetz: „Wenn du dies nicht anrührst, wirst du leben. Wenn du es aber anrührst, wirst du sterben.” Das war ein Gesetz. Dann wurde Abraham ein anderes Gesetz gegeben, das war durch Gnade, ohne Bedingung. „Ich habe dich und deinen Samen nach dir errettet.” Amen! Das ist der Typ auf Golgatha, nicht der Typ von Adams Bund, es ist der Bund mit Abraham.
Aber jetzt hören wir ihn sagen, dass es da nur einen Platz gibt, wo er dem Menschen in der Anbetung begegnet. Wir haben es vorher gelesen, ihr habt es gehört. In wenigen Minuten kommen wir noch einmal darauf zurück.
E-39 Wenn da also nur ein Ort ist, an welchem Gott dem Menschen begegnet, dann sollten wir besser sehr vorsichtig sein. Lasst uns heute Morgen unsere Traditionen bei Seite legen, und... in dieser Sonntagsschullektion wollen wir sehr sicher sein, dass wir diesen einen Platz finden. Denn Gott hat gesagt, Er wird dich an keinem anderen Platz empfangen. In keiner anderen Kirche. Er wird dich darin nicht empfangen. Nur in seiner Gemeinde, dort ist der einzige Ort wo Er dich empfangen wird.
Nun: „Was sagst du da Br. Branham? Wenn ich doch aufrichtig bin?” Nein.
Erinnert euch, Jesus sprach zu aufrichtigen Menschen, denen die an seinem Tag anbeteten und Er sagte: „vergeblich beten sie mich an.” Wahre, echte Anbetung von der Tiefe ihrer Herzen. „Vergeblich beten sie mich an, lehrten die Gebote der Menschen als Glaubenssatz”, oder ihr denominationelles Glaubensbekenntnis. Aufrichtig, andächtig, so religiös wie man nur sein kann. Und dort bei den Pharisäern war das nichts Neues. Kain und Abel, die ersten beiden Anbeter, die geboren wurden, natürliche Geburt hier auf der Erde, kamen absolut in derselben Haltung.
E-40 Kain war genauso religiös wie Abel. Beide bauten einen Altar. Beide liebten Gott. Beide brachten Opfer dar. Beide anbeteten. Beide zahlten Zehnten. Beide taten genau das gleiche. Aber Abel, anbetete durch Glauben welcher „Offenbarung” ist. Das Wort Gottes geoffenbart, klar gemacht, verstanden und bestätigt. Glory! Kain brachte ein Opfer dar, aber Gott bestätigte es nicht. Gott wünschte Anbetung und Kain brachte sein Opfer, aber Gott bestätigte es nicht. Aber durch den richtigen Kanal...
Du sagst: „Gut, meine Kirche, die ist es. My...”
Warte eine Minute. Gott legt sein Wort aus durch die Begriffe mit denen er spricht. Seht, Kain sagte: „Ich bin religiös. Ich liebe meinen Schöpfer. Diesen schönen Altar opfere ich dir, dies Opfer bringe ich dir dar. All dies habe ich aufgebaut weil ich dich liebe.” Abel sagte das gleiche. Aber es geht darum wer ist bestätigt. Wer ist richtig begründet. Und Gott kommt herab und nimmt Abels Opfer an, denn dieser hatte durch Offenbarung den richtigen Kanal getroffen, den Gott akzeptierte.
E-41 Nun schaut, diesen Geist des Kain findet man durch die ganze Schrift bis zum letzten Tag. Fundamentalismus? Er war genauso fundamental wie der andere.
Schaut euch die Propheten Moses und Bileam an. Beide von ihnen hatten sieben Altäre. Altäre für Jehova, auf einem jeden Blut. Und nicht nur das, Schafböcke auf einem jeden von ihnen. Gemäß der Numerologie genau die richtige Zahl, sieben. „Perfekt”, sieben Schafböcke. Ganz genau dasselbe auf beiden Altären. So fundamental wie der eine war auch der andere. Aber wer wurde von Gott bestätigt? Seht ihr? Seht ihr? Der, der mit dem Worte war. Fundamental zu sein bedeutet nicht viel, es geht um die Offenbarung von Gott.
E-42 Nun, denkt mal darüber nach! Diese Männer (die Pharisäer), warum wurden sie in diesen Zustand versetzt, wo Jesus sagte: „Umsonst beten sie mich an.” Sie beten ihn an, echte Anbetung, wahrhaftige Anbetung die von Herzen kommt. „Umsonst betet ihr mich an.” Warum? Sie unterrichteten die Traditionen von Menschen als Lehre. „Dadurch macht ihr die Gebote Gottes bei den Menschen wirkungslos.”
Wenn ich euch eine Methodisten Botschaft lehren würde, sie wäre an euch wirkungslos, dies ist die Zeit der Braut. Wenn Moses die Botschaft von Noah gelehrt hätte, dann wäre es wirkungslos gewesen. Wenn Jesus die Botschaft von Moses gelehrt hätte, es wäre wirkungslos gewesen. Denn der vorherbestimmte Same liegt dort und wird nur die Sorte von Wasser aufnehmen, welches für diesen Samen gegeben wurde. Seht ihr? Er wird unter keinen anderen Umständen wachsen. Die Bedingungen müssen richtig sein um ihn wachsen lassen.
E-43 Nun, du kannst ein Hühnerei nehmen und es in einen Brutkasten legen, eigentlich sollte es unter einer Henne liegen, aber es wird trotzdem ein Küken schlüpfen. Lege es unter einen Hund, es wird schlüpfen. Es ist die Wärme, die Umstände, die es zum Schlüpfen bringen. Es muss unter bestimmten Bedingungen geschehen. Du könntest ein gutes befruchtetes Ei nehmen und unter eine tote Henne legen, es wird nicht schlüpfen. Seht ihr, seht ihr? Es sind die Bedingungen.
Genauso ist es in dem Zeitalter in dem wir leben. Du musst herausfinden wie der Weg Gottes in diesem Zeitalter aussieht. Martin Luther fand es für sich heraus. John Wesley fand es heraus und die Pfingstler fanden es in ihrer Zeit heraus. Gottes Periode und die Zeit es zu tun.
E-44 Nun, die Pfingstler. Dieser Bruder, damals... Ich glaube er hatte ein Auge verloren. Ein farbiger Bruder der mit der Pfingstbotschaft begann. Er begann in Californien, in der Azusa Street. Man lachte ihn aus, denn er war ein Neger, er wurde verspottet, aber er brachte die Botschaft für jenen Tag. Gerade ein kleiner Junge, hatte Schwierigkeiten seinen Namen zu schreiben, aber der Herr hatte ihm offenbart, dass dies die Zeit war für die Wiedererstattung der Gaben. Und sie kamen. Egal was darüber gesagt wurde, sie kamen. Und dann kamen alle in die Atmosphäre davon und sahen ein, dass die Zeit dafür gekommen war. Und man konnte sehen wie Gott es bestätigte, diese Menschen konnten in Zungen sprechen und so weiter, es geschah. Aber als er dann hin ging und es festnagelte, nämlich, dass „dies der einzige Beweis” sei. Damit kam der Tod. Seht ihr? Und es ist immer noch aktiv, wie ihr sehen könnt. Aber das ist was geschah, es starb. Und dann begannen sie Trennungslinien zu ziehen, in Bezug auf dies und jenes und machten eine Denomination daraus. Der eine sagt, er kommt auf einer Wolke, der andere, er kommt in einem Busch. Und oh, my, das ist der Weg den sie eingeschlagen haben.
E-45 Das ist was Denominationen tun. Seht ihr? Gott ist nicht der Urheber von Denominationen, denn eine Denomination ist Babylon. Gott ist nicht der Urheber von Verworrenheit. Wir sehen wie sie... Du brauchst nicht intellektuell zu sein um das zu sehen. Es ist Babylon. Seht ihr? Traditionen (denkt darüber nach), aufrichtige Menschen. Und trotzdem, gerade weil sie so glauben muss es auch einen echten Ort geben an dem man Gott begegnen kann.
Nun, lest nochmal Vers 2: „Anbetet an dem Platz den ich erwählt habe”. Das Opfer, selbstverständlich, wo anbetet wird, bringt man auch das Opfer. „An dem Platz, den ich erwählt habe, nicht an dem den ihr erwählt habt, den ein Mensch erwählt hat. An dem Ort den ich erwählt habe, sollt ihr anbeten.” Das zeigt, es gibt nur einen einzigen Platz, alles andere ist vergebens. Es kommt nicht auf eure Wahl an, es muss seine Wahl sein.
„Gut, ich muss nicht zur Kirche gehen.” Oder: „Ihr seid ja so kleingeistig! Ihr haltet euch darüber auf ob Frauen predigen dürfen und... oder ob sie ihr Haar schneiden dürfen und bei den Männern, diese und jene Dinge. Ihr seid ja so engstirnig!”
Gut, du brauchst Gottes Wort in Bezug auf diese Dinge nicht annehmen, geh nur dorthin wo sie so etwas tun. Seht ihr? Aber ihr werdet herausfinden, dass deshalb in der Schrift steht: „Vergebens beten sie mich an”. Seht ihr? Davon sprach Jesus. Seht ihr?
E-46 In allem musst du getreu sein, bis zum kleinsten Körnchen. Es sind immer die kleinen Füchse, die den Weinberg verderben. Manchmal verlässt du... Es sind nicht die großen Dinge die du tust, es sind die kleinen, die du ungetan lässt. Bedenkt, eine Kette ist nur so stark wie ihr schwächstes Glied. „Selig sind diejenigen, die alle Gebote Gottes tun, damit sie ein Recht haben, einzutreten.” Sage alles, was Gott gesagt hat.
Wenn es für Frauen heißt, lange Haare zu haben ... Du sagst ... Ein Mann sagte mir nicht lange her, sagte: “Ich predige keine Wäscheleine Religion.”
Ich sagte: „Dann predigst du auch nicht das Evangelium.” Jawohl!
Gott hat es so ausgebracht, Er sagte was zu tun ist. Und entweder tust du es... Das ist deine Sache, ob du es für angebracht hältst. Eine kleine Sache, die bedeutungslos erscheint. Jesus sagte: „Gesegnet sind die welche auf die kleinen Dinge achtgeben.” Ihr Haar wachsen zu lassen ist für eine Frau... es ist doch etwas was sie tun kann, aber sie will nicht einmal das tun. Sie tut nicht einmal das.
„Oh, lehre uns große Sachen.”
Wie kann ich euch große Sachen lehren, wenn ihr die kleinen, einfachen Sachen unerledigt lasst? Seht, euer Motiv und eure Zielvorstellung ist falsch.
E-47 Es geht um deine Liebe zu Gott. „Herr, es ist mir egal, was du möchtest, dass ich tun soll, ich bin willig es zu tun.” Dann kommst du weiter, aber wenn du es nicht auf diese Weise tust, auf die Art und Weise wie Er es sagte, dass du es tun sollst...
Es geht darum was Er erwählt: „Den Platz, den ich erwählt habe.” Das ist wo du mit deinem Opfer anbetest.
Du bringst... Kain brachte sein Opfer und Abel brachte sein Opfer, es hing davon ab an welchem Platz es gebracht wurde. Wenn du es an dem Platz bringst, den Er erwählt hat, dann wird alles gut sein, Er wird es akzeptieren, wenn nicht, wird Er es nicht akzeptieren. Ganz egal... es ist dasselbe Opfer, was auch immer es ist. Es ist immer noch un... verworfen, es sei denn es wird an diesem bestimmten Platz gebracht.
Nun, wir wollen herausfinden wo wir dieses Opfer bringen wollen. Wenn wir nur herausfinden könnten... Wir alle wollen doch in den Himmel. Nicht wahr? Und wir alle wissen wir haben es falsch getan. Wir alle glauben, dass Jesus das Opfer ist. Nun wollen wir wissen, wohin wir mit ihm kommen müssen, damit es akzeptiert wird. Seht ihr? Das ist richtig. Die Bibel sagt uns wohin wir ihn bringen müssen, damit es akzeptiert wird. An keinem anderen Platz wird es akzeptiert.
E-48 Lasst uns den Platz erkennen, den Er erwählt hat, damit das Opfer dorthin gelegt wird, den Platz den Er erwählt hat um das Opfer dort zu bringen. Du kannst es in keines dieser Tore legen, nur an den Platz den Er erwählt hat. An diesem Platz hat Er auch seinen Namen platziert. Schaut, das ist was Er hier sagt. Er hat den Platz ausgesucht um seinen Namen dort zu platzieren. Nun, lasst uns die Schrift nach diesem Platz durchforschen. Denn das ist der Ort an dem sein Name wohnt.
Lasst es uns aus der Schrift lesen, die wir zugrunde gelegt haben. Ich hatte heute Morgen hier eine kleine Notiz liegen... etwas das mich traf. Wir gehen zum 2. Vers von diesem Kapitel. Ich will euch nicht zu lange halten. Wegen der Rechnung der Leute, die telefonisch mit uns verbunden sind. Nun, der 2. Vers aus dem 16. Kapitel:
Und sollst dem HERRN, deinem Gott, das Passah schlachten, Schafe und Rinder, an der Stätte, die der HERR erwählen wird, daß sein Name daselbst wohne.
E-49 Nun, du kannst das nicht nehmen... deine Aufrichtigkeit und alles was du bekennen möchtest, du kannst das nicht zum Methodisten-Altar bringen, zum Baptisten-Altar, zum Pfingst-Altar aber es gibt einen Altar, den Er erwählt hat, dass dort... Er hat seinen Namen da hinein gelegt und an diesem Platz wird Er dir begegnen. Nun, wenn du alles richtig machst, dann wird es funktionieren, alles in der richtigen Ordnung. Wenn da ein Kurzschluss im Kabel ist, wird das Licht nicht angehen, denn es hat eine Erdung. Und wenn du eins von Gottes Worten weg nimmst oder einen seiner Orte und in deinem Herzen ein selbstsüchtiges Motiv hast, das wird die Kraft Gottes sofort erden. Wenn du es tust um pfiffig zu sein oder dich von jemand anderem abzuheben, oder irgendetwas in der Art, es wird sofort geerdet, die Sicherung wird raus fliegen. Du bist verkehrt. Du musst in Lauterkeit kommen, die aus der tiefe deines Herzens kommt. Deine Motive und Ziele auf Gott ausgerichtet. Dann such nach diesem Platz, finde heraus was Er dir sagt und bringe es dort hin. Seht ihr?
E-50 Schaut euch Martha und Maria an. Als Jesus zurückkam, nachdem Er das Evangelium gelehrt hatte (das Licht des Tages, denn Er war der Messias), war Er verhasst und verworfen. Oh, die Pharisäer und die Gemeinden verachteten ihn. Aber Lazarus war gestorben, der Bruder, welcher ein Busenfeund war. Er ließ ihn dort liegen, sie schickten nach ihm, aber Er kam nicht einmal.
Schaut jedoch auf Matha, ihre Einstellung. Sie sagte: „Herr wenn du hier gewesen wärst.” Rede ihn richtig an: HERR, ganz groß HERR, Yahweh, Jehova. Glory! „Wenn du hier gewesen wärst, mein Bruder wäre nicht gestorben.” Leben und Tod können nicht auf demselben Weg zusammen laufen, oder im selben Haus sein. „Er wäre nicht gestorben.”
Jesus sagt zu ihr: „Ich bin die Auferstehung und das Leben”, das bedeutet Gott. Als Er sagte: „Dein Bruder wird wieder leben.”
Sagte sie: „Ja, Herr, das glaube ich. Als eine Jüdin glaube ich, dass es da eine allgemeine Auferstehung von den Toten gibt. Und ich glaube mein Bruder war loyal und aufrichtig in der Anbetung. Und ich glaube, dass du der Messias bist. So sagt es die Bibel. Denn Gott bestätigt sein Wort in dir und zeigt damit, dass du der Botschafter der Stunde bist. Du bist der Messias. Ich glaube, dass du der Christus bist, der kommen soll, denn deine Werke bezeugen, dass Gott dich gesandt hat um der Messias zu sein.” Oh, my! Schau wie die Zahnräder jetzt in die richtige Stellung kommen. Seht ihr?
E-51 Nun, sie hatte ein Recht zu sagen: „Warum bist du nicht gekommen um meinen Bruder aufzuwecken? Warum hast du ihn nicht geheilt? Andere hast du geheilt. Dein bester Freund und schau was geschehen ist.” Nein, nein, diese Art der Zielsetzung führt nirgends hin.
„Ich glaube, dass du genau das bist, als was die Schrift dich identifiziert. Ich glaube, dies ist der Tag an dem der Messias kommen soll, wir haben danach Ausschau gehalten. Mir ist egal was der Rest von ihnen sagt. Ich glaube von ganzem Herzen an das was ich gesehen und gehört habe, durch das Wort. Das Wort ist in dir bestätigt. Und deshalb bist du der Messias.” Seht tief in ihr war etwas um das sie bitten wollte, aber sie musste den richtigen Weg kommen.
E-52 Was wenn sie zu ihm gerannt wäre und gesagt hätte: „Und du sagst mir, dass du der Messias bist! Du hast nicht einmal die Höflichkeit ein Gentleman zu sein um uns auf unsere Bitte zu antworten. In unserem Haus haben wir dich ernährt und wohnen lassen, haben uns auf deine Seite gestellt, haben unsere Kirche verlassen weil du uns angewiesen hast aus den Denominationen heraus zu kommen.” Seht ihr? „Wir haben sie verlassen und jetzt betrachtet man uns als Vertriebene und Abtrünnige. Alles haben wir für dich getan und du hast nicht einmal die Höflichkeit auf unseren Hilferuf zu antworten?” Nun, tatsächlich, sie hatte das Recht so etwas zu sagen.
Genau wie du, in Bezug auf dein kurzes Haar: „Ich bin amerikanischer Bürger, ich kann kurze Hosen tragen, ich kann alles tun was ich will. Das ist nicht illegal.” Das ist dein gutes Recht, aber ein Schaf gibt seine Rechte auf. Uh -huh. Wenn du ein Lamm bist, dann hast du nichts als Wolle und du gehst dessen verlustig. Deine Gott gegebenen Rechte gibst du auf.
E-53 „Ich habe ein Recht jeder Denomination beizutreten”. Das ist richtig, aber du gibst das auf. Seht ihr?
Es gibt all seine Rechte auf, um das manifestierte Wort Gottes erkennen zu können, welches direkt vor ihm liegt.
Er sagte: „Ich bin die Auferstehung und das Leben, er der an mich glaubt, wenn er auch tot wäre, dennoch wird er leben. Und wer lebt und an mich glaubt wird niemals sterben. Glaubst du dies? Seht, da war noch eine weitere kleine Klausel mit der sie noch nicht in Übereinstimmung war. Seht ihr?
„Ja, Herr! Ich glaube, dass du der Christus bist, der Sohn des lebendigen Gottes!” Oh, Bruder, jetzt war alles bereit damit der Funke überspringen konnte. Seht ihr?
„Wo habt ihr ihn hingelegt?” Seht ihr? Und ihr wisst was dann geschah.
E-54 Schaut, ihr müsst in die richtige Stellung kommen, bevor Er euer Opfer annehmen wird. Seht, ihr müsst an den richtigen Platz kommen. Schaut. den Platz, welchen der Herr erwählen wird um seinen Namen dort wohnen zu lassen.
Ihr sollt dabei kein gesäuertes Brot essen...
Was typisiert das bei dem Opfer? Vermischt es mit keinem Glaubensbekenntnis, es muss das Wort sein. „Kein gesäuertes Brot.” Sauerteig ist... Ihr wisst, was Sauerteig bewirkt. „Ein wenig Sauerteig durchsäuert den ganzen Teig”. Der ganze Teig ist der Leib. Du kannst kein kleines bisschen einer Denomination oder eines Glaubensbekenntnisses (Katechismus) in Christus bringen. Nein, Herr, das wird nicht funktionieren.
Erinnert ihr euch an die Botschaft von letztem Donnerstagabend? Unser alter Ehemann muss tot sein. Richtig. Der neue Ehemann ist das Wort.
...sieben Tage sollt ihr ungesäuertes Brot essen...
„Sieben Tage”. Was wird da typisiert? Alle sieben Gemeindezeitalter, sieben Tage. Warum müssen sie es sieben Tage essen? Vor was? Bevor sie ausziehen. Und alle Gemeindezeitalter, vom Anfang bis zum Ende müssen allein vom Worte Gottes für das jeweilige Zeitalter leben. So, euer römisches Glaubensbekenntnis, das Glaubensbekenntnis der Methodisten, Baptisten und das der Pfingstler, alles das ist tot.
E-55 Nun, schaut.
...dort, selbst das Brot der Heimsuchung... (Sie wurden dafür verfolgt, Luther, Wesley, die Pfingstler, alle wurden sie verfolgt und genau so wird es euch ergehen.) ...denn du kommst in Eile heraus aus dem Land Ägypten: ...erinnere dich an den Tag deines Auszugs aus Ägypten alle Tage deines Lebens.
Und da soll man kein gesäuertes Brot sehen... bei dir während der ganzen sieben Tage...
In der hübschen Braut von Christus, nach ihrem Tod in den dunklen Zeitaltern durch das römische Weltreich, den sie sterben musste: „Es sei denn ein Weizenkorn fällt in den Boden”. Der Bräutigam musste kommen, das Meisterstück Gottes. Ihr alle habt meine Botschaft darüber gehört.
E-56 Eines Tages stand ich dort unten in Los Angeles an einem Ort genannt Forest Lawn. Wie viele von euch waren schon einmal in Forest Lawn? Da gibt es eine Statue von Moses, ich glaube sie ist von Michelangelo. Es ist eine perfekte Statue. Aber am rechten Knie da gibt es eine Kerbe, etwa einen Zentimeter tief. Und der Fremdenführer... Ich schaute sie an und er lenkte meine Aufmerksamkeit darauf. Er sagte: „Michelangelo verbrachte sein Leben mit dem Versuch so was zu machen... Er war ein Bildhauer und er versuchte eine Skulptur von Moses zu machen. Er hatte eine bestimmte Vorstellung wie Moses aussehen sollte. Er trug das in seinem Herzen, wie Moses aussehen sollte. Und Zeit seines Lebens meißelte er ein wenig hier und polierte dort, nahm etwas Abstand und schaute es an. Jahr für Jahr arbeitete er daran. Schlussendlich war er fertig, er trat zurück, legte seinen Lappen und seinen Hammer beiseite und schaute die Statue an. Es war das perfekte Abbild von Moses, wie er es in seinem Herzen trug. Da geriet er so außer sich, dass er den Hammer nahm gegen die Statue schlug und rief: „Sprich!” Es wird Michelangelos Meisterstück genannt. Diese große Vorstellung in diesem Bildhauer, diese Vision, die er davon hatte wie Moses aussehen sollte, es war ein Typ auf den großen Vater Gott den er da porträtierte.
E-57 Vor Grundlegung der Welt trug Er einen Sohn in seinem Herzen, weil es in ihm war Vater zu sein. Aber es war noch in den Genen seines Wortes. Er erschuf einen Mensch und er musste ihn auf die Basis einer freien Willensentscheidung stellen, doch dieser Mensch fiel. Aber der große Bildhauer, Gott, der den Mann aus dem Staub der Erde gemacht hatte. Er ließ das nicht so auf sich beruhen. Er begann noch einmal einen Mann zu machen. Er machte einen Noah, dieser starb betrunken. Er machte einen Moses, der darin versagte sein Wort zu halten. Er machte Propheten, diese rannten weg wenn schwierige Zeiten kamen. Aber Er machte weiter, formte und knetete, bis Er sich nach einer Weile ein Meisterstück wünschte, das ihn reflektieren sollte. Seine Natur, alles was in ihm war, wie ein Sohn eben sein sollte.
E-58 Eines Tages, unten am Jordan, nachdem das Meisterstück geformt und gemacht worden war, kam Er herab... auf den Flügeln einer Taube und sprach: „Dies ist Er!” Er war von seinem Meisterstück so begeistert, dass Er ihn auf Golgatha schlug, Er sollte für uns sterben, den Rest von uns, die wir nicht perfekt waren. Indem Er sein Blut vergoss, sollten viele Meisterstücke (die Braut) zu seinem Sohn gebracht werden. Das Meisterstück hat jetzt eine Narbe, weil Gott über sein Meisterstück so begeistert war, dass Er ihn für uns alle schlug. Seht ihr? Dort starb Er, um uns die Unvollkommenen vollkommen zu machen. Das Meisterstück.
E-59 Lasst euch das nicht entgehen. Er sagte:
...sieben Tage sollt ihr ungesäuertes Brot essen...
Nun, das Brot hier ist ein Typ. Jesus sagte: „Der Mensch lebt nicht von Brot allein, sondern durch jedes Wort.” Nicht nur ein Wort hier und da, wie die Denominationen euch glauben machen wollen. Das Wort ist perfekt! Es ist Gott selbst in Schriftform und wird auch ein „Same” genannt. Und die richtige Art von unverfälschtem Glauben wird diesen Samen zum Leben bringen.
Das ist ganz genau was ihr am Abend bei der Unterscheidung seht und all den anderen Dingen, denn es ist eine Verheißung die Gott gegeben hat. Er stand bei mir und hat es mir gesagt, Er sagte mir auch dass Nachahmer auftreten werden und ich solle standhaft bleiben. Ich glaube es. Und ich habe dabei kein selbstsüchtiges Motiv, will niemand verletzen sondern nur Gott gegenüber ehrfurchtsvoll sein und das Werk tun, zu dem Er mich gerufen hat. Das ist warum ich diese Dinge sage. Und Gott bestätigt es, Er nimmt das Angebot und das Opfer an, indem Er es bestätigt, dass es die Wahrheit ist. Keine Frage mehr! Nun, beobachte das Wort!
E-60 Nun, hier sehen wir: „sieben Tage”, einer für jedes Gemeindezeitalter. Nun, das Meisterstück musste sterben, um auferweckt zu werden und uns alle zu erlösen. Dann wurde seine Gemeinde zu Pfingsten in die richtige Ordnung gesetzt, aber diese Gemeinde musste durch ein Opfer gehen, die römische Welt brachte sie um, sie wurden in den Grund gelegt.
Wie der Autor dieses Buches, ich weiß gerade nicht wie er heißt, er hat mich zum Gespött gemacht und sagte: „Von allen Teufeln, der größte ist William Branham”. Seht, das ist was der Teufel versucht zu denken. Er sagt: „Visionen und solche Dinge, die kommen vom Teufel. Er ist so etwas wie ein Hypnotiseur oder arbeitet mit übersinnlicher Wahrnehmung.” Die intellektuelle Welt versucht immer es auszuknobeln.
E-61 Genauso versuchten sie bei Jesus es herauszufinden. „Wie tust du diese Dinge? Was bewirkt es?”
Er sagte: „Ich werde euch etwas fragen. Der Dienst von Johannes dem Täufer, war er... War er von Gott oder den Menschen? Seht ihr?
Sie sagten: „Wir können das nicht sagen.”
Er sagte: „So werde ich es euch auch nicht sagen.” Das ist richtig und er ging weiter. Von da an fragte ihn niemand mehr. Seht ihr? Er hat sich ihrer entledigt, er hat ihnen nichts darüber gesagt, es war nicht ihre Sache. Er hatte ein Werk zu tun und er brachte es zu Ende.
Gott möge uns helfen genau so zu handeln. Wir brauchen die Fragen des Teufels nicht zu beantworten, das ist richtig. „Wenn du es bist, dann tue dies oder jenes.” Ihr seid verantwortlich für das Evangelium, ein Prediger ist es jedenfalls und das ist alles. Nicht wie es geschrieben wurde, du bist nur verantwortlich es auszusprechen.
Und als ein Knecht, als ein Prophet bist du Gott verantwortlich. Und wenn die Vision kommt und diese Schrift erleuchtet, zeigt wie sie richtig zu verstehen ist, dann bist du für jedes Wort zuständig, das in der Bibel geschrieben steht. Denn alles wurde geschrieben von solchen Leuten wie ihr seid. „Vor Zeiten, bewegte sich Gott durch die Propheten und schrieb so die heilige Bibel.” Seht ihr? Und kein echter Prophet Gottes könnte auch nur ein Wort davon leugnen, er wird jedes Wort glauben und genauso predigen. Und aus diesem Kanal heraus ist Gott verpflichtet das Wort geschehen zu lassen, genauso wie es verheißen wurde. Und dann wird der Same wachsen.
E-62 Nun, gebt noch einmal acht, schnell, wir finden hier also heraus, dass während der sieben Tage dies Brot gegessen werden sollte. Durch sieben Gemeinde Zeitalter. Es musste sterben und in den Grund gelegt werden.
Dieser Kritiker der über mich sprach, er sagte: „Dieser Gott, den ihr Leute anbetet, der konnte sich in den dunklen Zeitaltern hinsetzen und zuschauen, wie Mütter, Schwangere, einige mit kleinen Babys in ihren Armen, aufrichtige Leute, er konnte zuschauen wie sie in die Arena geworfen und dort von Löwen in Stücke zerrissen wurden. Sie schrien, wurden an Kreuze gehängt und verbrannt. Die Frauen wurden entkleidet, junge Mädchen und dann so, zurückgeworfen und die Löwen wurden los gelassen. Und dieser Gott konnte dort im Himmel auf seinem Thron sitzen, herunter schauen und das genießen…”
Schaut, das ist die intellektuelle Vorstellung, die vom Teufel kommt. Wenn der Mann geistlich gewesen wäre, dann hätte er gewusst, dass das Weizenkorn sterben muss, es musste in einer Römischen Kathedrale beerdigt werden.
E-63 Aber dann kam der erste kleine Keim des Lebens wieder hervor bei der Reformation durch Luther. Es war: „Der Gerechte wird nicht leben durch ein vom Priester gesegnetes Stück Oblate, sondern durch das Wort Gottes. Der Gerechte wird durch Glauben leben!” Es brachte zwei Hälmchen, das Weizenkorn begann zu wachsen.
Dann kam John Wesley und fügte hinzu. (Es gab da noch viele andere, die... Zwingli kam mit den seinen und verleugnete die jungfräuliche Geburt und es starb wieder ab.) Dann kamen die Methodisten, die Ähre mit dem Blütenstaub, der Tag der Mission. Sie predigten Heiligung und es entstand die Ähre.
Dann kamen die Pfingstler mit der Hülse, der Spreu, es kam so nahe, um die Erwählten zu verführen. Es sah aus wie ein echtes Weizenkorn, aber öffne es mal, da ist kein Weizen drin das Leben ging weiter durch diese Spreu.
E-64 Habt ihr das beobachtet? Immer drei Jahre, nachdem eine große Versammlung stattgefunden hat, was passiert? Eine Denomination entsteht. Dies hier geht schon zwanzig Jahre und es ist noch keine Denomination. Liebes sterbendes Lamm, möge das nie geschehen. Wenn ich in dieser Generation gehe, mögen die Menschen welche die Botschaft glauben niemals still stehen um zu einer Denomination zu werden! Gott wird... Direkt dort werdet ihr sterben! Erinnert euch daran! In der Stunde, wenn ihr zu einer Denomination werdet, es ist mir egal, wie aufrichtig ihr seid, einen Mann als Führer erwählt anstelle des Heiligen Geistes, der sein Wort bestätigt, das ist die Stunde in der ihr sterbt! Der echte Same kann das nicht tun. Denn nach dem Samen ist da nichts mehr übrig, es ist wieder das was es am Anfang war. Es war die Braut, die in die Erde fiel um das Weizenkorn erneut hervor zu bringen.
E-65 Beachtet:
...sieben Tage sollt ihr ungesäuertes Brot essen...
Und mit der Braut wird da sein...
Nun, ihr Leute, die ihr alte Methodisten Mütter hattet, die jubelten und so weiter und ihr habt euch gefragt „Wenn sie nicht in Zungen gesprochen hat, dann wird sie nicht dort sein.” Das ist eine Lüge! Sie hatte den selben Heiligen Geist, den ihr heute habt, aber es war noch in der Form der Spreu, die Wiedererstattung der Gaben war noch nicht da. Aber in all den sieben Tagen esst einfach das ungesäuerte Brot, das Wort. Die zurück dort, die zu einer Denomination wurden, sie sind tot. Sie sind Stroh, sie werden gesammelt und verbrannt werden. Aber das Leben geht weiter hindurch. Und was geschah? Das ganze Leben das im Stroh war, in der Spreu, es findet sich letztlich im Weizen wieder. Derselbe Heilige Geist, der Luther und Wesley aufstehen ließ brachte auch die Pfingstler hervor und er geht weiter in die Braut bei der Auferstehung.
E-66 „Sieben Tage sollt ihr ungesäuertes Brot essen”. In der Braut soll kein Sauerteig gefunden werden, kein Wort, dass hinzu gefügt wurde, nichts. Erinnert euch, ein Wort verursachte jeden Tod den es auf Erden gibt, jedes illegitime Kind wurde wegen Eva geboren, der ersten Gemeinde. Sie war die Braut des ersten Adam, zweifelte an Gottes Wort und akzeptierte etwas denominationelles oder etwas intellektuelles oder eine Ausnahme gemäß der schulischen Ausbildung. Denn es war gut durchdacht und: „Gott ist ganz sicher ein guter Gott”. Gott ist ein guter Gott, aber Er ist auch ein gerechter Gott. Wir müssen uns an sein Wort halten! Sie jedoch akzeptierte die Schulmeinung.
Das ist wo einige der Jungen sind die aufs Seminar gehen. Ohne Zweifel haben sie einen Ruf in ihrem Leben. Aber sie rennen auf irgendeine Bibelschule damit ihnen dort eine Lehrmeinung injiziert wird und das ist wo sie sterben... Bleib mit Gott und seinem Wort. Sie werden dich nicht lassen, du kannst dann nicht einmal zu ihrer Gemeinde gehören. Sie werden dich nicht auf ihrer Plattform akzeptieren. So mögen sie das Ihre behalten, sollen die Toten ihre Toten beerdigen. Wir folgen Christus, dem Wort.
E-67 Nun, sieben Tage lang soll da kein Sauerteig in die Braut gemischt werden, die Gemeinde, sieben Tage.
Nun beachtet. Nun, kein...
Und es soll während der sieben Tage kein Sauerteig in deinen Grenzen gefunden werden. (Das Opfer hier ist ein Typ. Die Braut kommt hervor von dem Opfer, welches Christus ist.) ...noch soll etwas von dem Fleisch übrig bleiben, welches du am ersten Tag am Abend opferst...
Erinnert ihr euch als wir die sieben Gemeindezeitalter durchgenommen haben? Der Botschafter der Gemeinde kommt immer wenn das vorige Gemeindezeitalter stirbt, immer. Wenn die Pfingstversammlungen sterben bringt das die Entrückung der Braut hervor. Seht ihr? Das Sterben von Luther brachte Wesley hervor. Seht ihr? Das Sterben von Wesley brachte Pfingsten hervor. Das Sterben von Pfingsten bringt uns jetzt zur Botschaft. Hier ist es, gerade hier. Ein Muster, das sich durch die ganze Schrift zieht. Es gibt keine Schriftstelle in der Bibel, die nicht mit einer anderen direkt in Verbindung steht. Seht ihr? All diese Typen. Ich habe keine Bildung, aber ich habe den Heiligen Geist, der mir alles durch einen anderen Kanal zeigt, Er belehrt mich durch die Natur und das ist gleichzusetzen dem Wort. Es muss das Wort sein, es bringt die Verheißung hervor.
...Fleisch, ...das Opfer am ersten Tag... dass nichts durch die Nacht übrig bleibt bis zum Morgen.
E-68 Nun, selbst Luther, der die Wahrheit hatte und die Gemeinde belehrte „der Gerechte wird durch Glauben leben”. Im Methodistenzeitalter, wolltet ihr dem nicht anhängen und behaupten das sei die Fülle der Lehre. Was sollten sie tun, es mit Feuer verbrennen. Was ist das für ein Typ? Die Denomination die sich nach dem Wort bildet ist Spreu, das Stroh, die Spelzen, sie wird mit Feuer verbrannt. Der denominationelle Teil, durch den es kommt hat keinen Bestand, muss sterben. Verlasse es aber nicht bis das neue Zeitalter anbricht, dann verbrenne es! Er spricht jetzt hier zur Braut, nur zur Braut, die durch jedes Zeitalter herauf kommt.
Schaut, wie schön es ist: „Das Blut des Lammes.” Diese sind der Leib Christi, das Opfer. Das Blut des Lammes an dem Türpfosten. Nun, erinnert euch, das Lamm wurde geschlachtet, es war ein Typ auf Christus.
Wir könnten hiermit viel Zeit verbringen, aber die habe ich nicht... gerade noch ein paar Minuten. Vielleicht muss ich aufhören und heute Abend weiter machen, weil ich zu lange spreche. Ich habe hier zwanzig Seiten Notizen über dieses Thema.
E-69 Beachtet jetzt, das Lamm war Christus in einer symbolischen Form. Habe ich es richtig gesagt? Ein Typ, Christus war das Lamm. Er musste männlich sein, der erste vom alten Mutterschaf, oder Jude, wie immer du es beschreiben möchtest. Es musste ihr Erstgeborener sein. Und Er musste zuerst geprüft werden um zu sehen ob Er ohne Makel war.
Nun, Christus wurde geprüft, der Erstgeborene vom Mutterschaf. Maria war Jungfrau. Und wie wurde Er geprüft? Satan gegen das Wort. Als er auf Eva traf, da fiel sie, er traf auf Moses und der fiel, aber als er gegen Christus zog, er versuchte ihm die Schrift falsch zu zitieren, uh-huh, da fand er heraus, dass das nicht Moses war. Seht ihr? Er wurde geprüft. Was geschah... er versuchte es und sagte: „Wenn du der Sohn Gottes bist, man sagt mir, du vollbringst Wunder und man sagt, der Messias würde so etwas tun. Nun, wenn das so ist, du bist doch hungrig, du hast nichts gegessen, mach doch einfach diese Steine zu Brot und iss.”
Er sagte: „Es steht geschrieben, Der Mensch lebt nicht von Brot allein.” Durch dein Glaubensbekenntnis und so weiter? Oder durch was? Durch jedes Wort! Durch einen Teil des Wortes? „Durch jedes Wort, das aus dem Munde Gottes hervor kommt.” Das ist durch was der Mensch lebt. Seht ihr? Das Lamm wurde geprüft, um zu sehen ob es irgendwo gefallen war.
E-70 Die Pharisäer: „O Rabbi, du junger Prophet, wir denken du bist wundervoll. Du bist gut.”
„Warum nennt ihr mich gut? Nur einer ist gut und das ist Gott. Glaubt ihr das?”
„Oh, ja Gott.”
„Gut, dann bin ich also Gott.” Uh-huh. Ihr sagt, da gibt es nur einen Guten. Warum sagt ihr ich sei gut, wenn ihr nicht glaubt, dass ich Gott bin? Was ist es das euch veranlasst das zu tun? Was hat euch inspiriert das zu sagen wenn ihr wisst, dass es nur einen Guten gibt und das ist Gott?“
„Wir wissen, du hast keinen Respekt vor der Stellung oder Würde eines Menschen noch vor dem was sie aus ihrer Position heraus sagen. Das wissen wir.” Versuche... Er kannte diese Heuchler. Seht ihr?
E-71 Er wurde getestet um zu sehen ob er standhaft blieb. Schaut, auf jede Weise getestet, so wie auch wir getestet werden. Aber bei ihm gab es kein Nachgeben, nirgends. Nein, mein Herr! Das war der Sohn Gottes.
Das Lamm wurde geprüft und für vierzehn Tage abgesondert. Das entsprach zwei Sabbaten oder zwei Zeitalter. Eines für die Juden, sie opferten das Lamm in einem Typ. Ein anderes für die Heiden. Sie hatten das originale Lamm und alle von ihnen wurden zur Vollkommenheit gebracht indem sie glaubten dass dies Lamm kommen würde. Es wurde vierzehn Tage geprüft und war das Wort.
Du kannst das alte Testament untersuchen und sagen: „Es verdammt das Neue.” Du bist falsch! Das alte Testament ist nur die Vorgeschichte des neuen Testamentes.
Nicht lange her, wollte mich ein Mann herausfordern, er sagte: „Was ist los mit ihm? Er lehrt aus dem alten Testament.” Ein christlicher Prediger, stellt euch das mal vor. Er sagte: „Das alte Testament ist tot und vergangen.” Oh nein! Oh, nein! Es ist nur wie ein Schulmeister, es zeigt was an der Wand geschrieben steht. Seht ihr? Richtig.
E-72 Nun, wir sehen vierzehn Tage wurde es geprüft, das war Christus. Beachtet, dann wurde er in der Abendzeit getötet, das Lamm sollte da getötet werden. Christus starb in der Abendzeit, am Nachmittag. Und beachtet weiter, er war auch...
Das Blut sollte an den Türpfosten gestrichen werden, bei dem Tier ist das Leben im Blut. „Ihr sollt davon essen, aber das Blut, welches das Leben ist, gieße es aus.” Seht ihr? Es sollte... Das Blut sollte am Türsturz und den Türpfosten angebracht werden bei den Häusern in denen das Opfer akzeptiert war. Glory! Was ist das Leben? Der Name. Der Name der Person wird platziert... Geht mal zu einer Haustür und schaut, was dort für ein Name geschrieben steht bevor ihr die Türglocke läutet. Seht ihr? Das Blut wurde am Türsturz angebracht als ein Typ dafür, welches Opfer dort drinnen war.
Nun werden wir den Platz der Anbetung finden, durch das hier, wir kommen durch das Blut. Beachtet, das Blut an der Tür sprach den Namen von dem was an der Innenseite vor sich ging. Sie waren da drinnen. Unser Platz der Anbetung, das Lamm, ist das Wort. Wir wissen das.
E-73 Nun, Vers 4, merke: „Lass kein Brot, laß nichts von dem Opfer”, oder nimm einen von einem Zeitalter zum anderen, versuche zurückzugehen und sage: „Nun, jetzt sind wir Lutheraner, wir wollen kommen hier oben.”
Du musst dem Luther Zeitalter absterben um im Wesley Zeitalter geboren zu werden. Du musst dem Wesley Zeitalter sterben um im Pfingst-Zeitalter geboren zu werden. Und du musst dem Pfingst-Zeitalter sterben, lass nichts davon übrig, verbrenne es mit Feuer denn es wird verbrannt werden, wie das Stroh verbrannt wird, der Halm durch welchen der Weizen hervor kommt. Das Stroh, die Denomination, sie wird verbrannt werden. So, bring deine Denomination nicht hinüber in die neue Botschaft. Das hier ist jetzt das Wort. Der Halm wurde zum Stroh zur Denomination, die Denomination trug einmal das Leben, das ist richtig. Aber jetzt kam es hier herein und der Halm starb. Er trug nur das Leben weiter, die Denomination, aber das Wort geht direkt weiter. Ja. Das Wort geht direkt weiter.
E-74 Nun, nehmt den 5. und den 6. Vers. Beachtet: „Nicht...” Lasst uns den 5. und den 6. Vers durchnehmen.
Du darfst nicht Passah schlachten in irgend deiner Tore einem, die dir der HERR, dein Gott gegeben hat;
Erinnert euch: „In keinem dieser Tore.” Der Herr erlaubt euch diese Denominationen zu haben, seht ihr: „diese Tore.”
Sondern an dem Platz, welchen der HERR... dein Gott erwählt hat, dass sein Name dort wohne,...
Das ist das Tor, der einzige Platz. Nicht viele: „diese Tore”, sondern Gott hat ein Tor.
E-75 Du sagst: „jeden Morgen gehe ich durch das Methodisten Tor”. Das ist die Gemeinde. „Jeden Morgen gehe ich durch das Katholische Tor”. Uh huh. Gut, der Herr lässt sein Volk durch dies Tore ein und ausgehen. Gott hat auch seine Leute in der Katholischen Kirche, in der Methodisten Kirche in der Presbyterianer Kirche, in allen von ihnen. Auch bei den Pfingstlern. Sicher, aber in diesem Tor betest du nicht den Herrn an. Seht ihr? Der Herr hat ein eigenes Tor. Glory! Er hat ein Tor.
An dem Platz, welchen der Herr dein Gott... erwählt hat um seinen Namen dort wohnen zu lassen. Dort sollst du das Passah opfern am Abend...
E-76 Wann fand Rebekka den Isaak? Wann hat Eliezer sie gerufen die Braut zu sein? Am Abend!
Es wird Licht sein zur Abendzeit.
Sicher werdet ihr den Weg zur Herrlichkeit finden.
Das Licht ist heute in dem Weg des Wassers.
Begraben in dem kostbaren Namen von Jesus.
Jung und Alt, bereut eure Sünden.
Der Heilige Geist wird mit Sicherheit kommen,
Die Abendlichter sind gekommen,
Es ist eine Tatsache, dass Gott und Christus einer sind.
So hat es begonnen und nun blendet es hinüber in das Braut-Licht. Seht ihr was ich meine?
E-77 Besser ich höre hier auf und mach heute Abend weiter, ich möchte nämlich nicht, dass ihr das verpasst. Nein, nein, es ist Essenszeit. Gut, gut, ich habe zu viele Notizen niedergeschrieben. Oh, my! Wäre es heute Abend besser? Huh? Gut, wenn ihr... Ihr wollt noch etwas mehr hören? Gut, dann lasst uns noch etwas weiter machen, wir werden uns beeilen. Wie wäre das?
E-78 Nun wohin gehen? „Ihr sollt in keines der Tore gehen, die der Herr euer Gott euch gegeben hat, nur in das Tor, wo der Herr seinen Namen wohnen lässt.” Gehe nicht in das Haus dessen Eingangstüre dies ist. Ist das richtig? Gott wird seinen Namen an die Eingangstür schreiben und du sollst nicht... Das ist dann das Tor welches zu dem Platz der Anbetung führt, dem Heiligtum. Geh mit deinem Opfer in kein anderes Tor hinein, sondern nur in das Tor, welches der Herr dein Gott erwählt hat um dort seinen Namen wohnen zu lassen. Seht ihr?
Nun, hat Er das getan? Wo ist das Tor? In Johannes 10. sagt Jesus: „Ich bin das Tor. Ich bin das Tor zum Hause Gottes. Ich bin das Tor zum Schafstall.” Nicht zum Stall für die Ziegen, zum Schafstall. Seht ihr? „Ich bin das Tor zum Schafstall. Wenn ein Mensch durch diese Tür eintritt dann ist er in Sicherheit.”
E-79 Nun, wir könnten dabei lange verweilen. Aber um Zeit zu sparen, Er ist die Tür zum Schafstall. Wir wollen hier etwas sehen. Die Schatten und Typen sind jetzt klar zu sehen. Aber wenn ich diese Seite nehme wird es eine Weile dauern, ihr müsst dann noch eine Weile hier bleiben.
Gut, gebt acht, das wird es euch auf eine vollkommene Weise sehen lassen. Jesus Christus. Das ganze Alte Testament ist ein Typ auf ihn, all die Feste, all die Anbetung einfach alles. Und unter den Schriftstellen habe ich mir hier hin geschrieben: „Erkläre es”. Das ist es, was Zeit benötigt. Erklären wie all die Feste... selbst das Mehlopfer war ein Typ auf Christus. Dies wollen wir mal anschauen.
E-80 Es gab da mal eine Schule, genannt Schule der Prediger oder Schule der Propheten. Sie trainierten und erzogen dort Propheten. Aber da war auch ein echter, von Gott gerufener Prophet, der dort hin ging um sie zu besuchen. Sie wollten dem alten Propheten eine kleine Höflichkeit erweisen, so ging einer von ihnen hinaus und sammelte eine große Menge Erbsen, er dachte jedenfalls es wären welche. Aber es waren giftige Kürbisse. Und er gab allen davon zu essen.
Oh! Wie viele schlappe Prediger haben wir gehabt, von den Seminaren! Seht ihr? Richtig. Sie kochen etwas zusammen. Seht ihr? Schlappe Methodisten, schlappe Baptisten, schlappe Pfingstler. Aber wisst ihr, das sind Wassertriebe, die Sorte die man vom Baum schneidet. Seht, nicht der Hauptstamm. Sie tragen Zitronen, Grapefruit und so weiter, bloß keine Orangen, aber sie bekennen ein Zitrusbaum zu sein.
E-81 Beachtet weiter. Nun, als Elia dorthin kam, nach ihnen schaute und sah, dass es giftige Kürbisse waren, die jeden von ihnen umbringen würden, da sagten sie: „Oh weh, der Tod ist im Topf.”
Er sagte: „Bringt mir einen Handvoll Mehl.” Er warf Mehl hinein und sagte: „Nun ist es gut, esst so viel ihr wollt.” Der Tod wurde zum Leben verwandelt.
Und das Mehlopfer welches gebracht wurde... Christus, Er war das Mehlopfer, es muss mit einer bestimmten Klette gemahlen werden, jeder kleine Brocken vom Mehl wird dadurch gleich gemacht. Das zeigt, dass Er derselbe ist gestern, heute und für immer. Er ist derselbe, bring ihn in deine Denomination und sie wird leben, das Wort! Christus ist das Wort und damit ein Typ von allem, das Tabernacle, das Schaubrot, einfach alles. Das gebrochene, unbedenkliche Brot. Unter der Platte wurde sein Leib gebrochen. Die Juden können nicht erklären warum sie das so machen. Seht ihr? Und all die anderen Dinge typisierten ihn.
E-82 Nun, im Hinblick auf ihn, sehen wir wie alle Denominationen und Glaubensbekenntnisse zurück bleiben, denn er ist rein, das unveränderliche Wort Gottes, das ist das ungesäuerte Brot. Johannes 1. Das ist richtig, Er ist das ungesäuerte Brot. Wenn du also dies oder jenes hinzufügst, dann wird Sauerteig zugefügt zu dem was euch im Original bereits gegeben wurde.
Schaut mal hier. Wie wird die Rasse heute zerstört? Sie fügen Hypbrid-Dinge hinzu. Und wenn du es Gen veränderst, dann bringst du es um. „Oh, es sieht aber hübscher aus.” Sicher! Gen verändertes Korn, Kornflakes und all die anderen Cerealien die aus Korn gemacht werden. Gen verändertes Korn, groß, kräftig, schöne lange Halme und große schwere Ähren, sie sehen doppelt so gut aus wie die anderen. Aber es ist der Tod. Selbst die Wissenschaft hat das herausgefunden. Seht ihr? Kreuzt es nicht, es wird euch umbringen.
E-83 Nun, lasst mich euch hier etwas zeigen. Neulich habe ich einige Blumen in meinem Garten gegossen. Und die Dame des Hauses hatte einige Hybrid-Blumen an der Seite in einem kleinen Topf. In einem kleinen Übertopf neben dem Haus. Mindestens dreimal die Woche, oder sogar viermal müssen wir sie wässern sonst gehen sie ein. Und draußen im Garten stand die original Pflanze, es hatte etwa sechs Monate nicht geregnet, richtig trocken... Wenn es regnet, zehn Minuten später kannst du schon wieder den Staub hoch blasen. Aber dieser kleine Bursche dort draußen, er war schöner und farbenprächtiger als der Hybrid, der das ganze Wasser bekam. Wenn du ihm kein Wasser gibst, wird er sterben. Aber woher bekommt er sein Wasser? Und noch eine andere Sache, du musst ihn jeden Tag oder jeden zweiten besprühen um die Läuse von ihm wegzuhalten. Die Läuse würden ihn auffressen weil er so weich und zart ist. Aber es gibt keine Laus die an das Original geht. Nein, nein! Sie krabbelt vielleicht mal an ihm hoch, aber dann verlässt sie ihn wieder. Er ist das Original! Seht ihr, was das Verändern der Erbanlagen gebracht hat?
E-84 Mit der Gemeinde ist es das Gleiche. Sie versuchen die Denomination mit dem Wort zu vermischen. Sie versuchen das Wort das sagen zu lassen, was die Denomination sagt. Und wenn du das tust, dann musst du sprühen und sie wie ein Baby verhätscheln, du musst ihnen goldene Sternchen geben, damit sie zur Sonntagsschule kommen und all so was. Das ist richtig. Ein echter, wiedergeborener Christ, geboren aus dem Worte Gottes, der ist urwüchsig und rau. Das seid ihr. Die Läuse und die Dinge der Welt behelligen euch nicht. Das ist ein Adler, er fliegt einfach daran vorbei. Er strebt auf zum Himmlischen. Seht ihr? Das ist wahr. Nichts...
E-85 Beachtet. Wir müssen verstehen, dass die Denominationen, die Glaubensbekenntnisse und alles was zum ungesäuerten Brot hinzugefügt wird, sich nicht wirklich vermischen lässt mit dem ungesäuerten Brot. Und die Bibel lässt in der eingesetzten, zeichenhaften Handlung (dem Sakrament) vorausahnen wie die Anbetung stattfindet, nicht einmal das Ungesäuerte kannst du mitnehmen, damit Gott es akzeptiert.
Du sagst: „ich bin Methodist.” Genau dort stirbst du! „Ich bin Pfingstler.” Du stirbst!
Ich bin des Christus. Das ist richtig. Du musst etwas haben um darauf zu stehen. Das ist richtig. Du hast einen Standpunkt.
Churchill hat einmal zwei Finger hoch gehalten und gesagt: „Wir haben den Sieg.” Und England stand darauf, sie glaubten Churchill.
Und glaubt es mir oder nicht, heute Morgen hast auch du etwas um darauf zu stehen. Da gibt es nur eines um dadurch zu leben und zu stehen und das ist Christus, das Wort. Das ist wahr!
E-86 Beachtet, die Denominationen werden in der Bibel durch nichts anderes symbolisiert als nur durch Babylon. Babylon wurde durch Nimrod gegründet, Nimrod war ein Abtrünniger. Er hatte mehrere Frauen von denen man sagte sie seien seine Königinnen, sie waren Prophetinnen. Man denkt, dass Bileam aus dieser Richtung hervorkam, sie hatten einen Stammbaum und so weiter. Sie beteten an, ihr wisst das (viele von euch Gelehrten, die das Buch „Zwei Babylons” von Hislop gelesen haben und die Geschichte der Gemeinde.) wie sie es taten. Sie hatten dort Frauen, die es taten (anbeten), Frauen.... eine Göttin und all sowas. Es war eine Religion, eine erzwungene Religion. Jedermann, jede Stadt in der Nähe von Babylon wurde genötigt nach Babylon zu kommen und unter Nimrod bei dem Turm anzubeten. Seht ihr? Das ist richtig. Sie wurden dazu gezwungen sich damit auseinander zu setzen. Das ist wo die Verwirrung kam.
Und genauso ist es mit der Kirche heute. „Wenn du nicht zur Sonntagsschule gehst, wenn du etwas nicht tust müssen sie dich belohnen etwas zu tun, dies oder jenes zu tun. Ihr seid völlig daneben.
E-87 Dort draußen in Tucson hört man heute Morgen zu, ich habe mich mal gewundert... Ich habe immer darauf bestanden: „Geh zur Gemeinde, egal wohin.” Und ich sehe die Menschen wie sie sich zurückziehen und diesen Weg gehen. Und ich dachte: „Was ist los?”
Ich ging zu einigen von ihnen: „Am ersten Tag wenn du da bist, kommen sie auf dich zu und sagen: „tritt unsere Kirche bei”. Wenn du das nicht tust, bist du nicht willkommen.“ Seht ihr? Seht ihr? Es ist eine erzwungene Sache, du wirst genötigt und das ist Babylon. Aber in Christus kommst du durch Auserwählung, nicht durch Zwang, dein Herz zieht dich hinein.
Gott hat seinen Namen nicht in Babylon wohnen lassen. Jetzt mal ganz scharf, er kann seinen Namen nicht in Babylon, den Kirchen wohnen lassen. Oh, sie, ja sie platzieren seinen Namen dort, aber er tut das nicht.
E-88 Du sagst: „Nun gut Br. Branham!” Wartet noch, sitzt noch für eine Minute still. Ihr habt mich gebeten ein wenig länger zu machen. Gut. Schaut, sie platzieren seinen Namen dort, nicht er.
Nun, Er sagte: „Der Platz, an dem ich dir begegnen und dein Opfer in Empfang nehmen werde, es ist der Platz an dem ich meinen Namen wohnen lasse. In dieses Tor musst du kommen, das Tor wo ich meinen Namen wohnen lasse. Dorthin sollt ihr kommen.”
Nun, sie verfügen: „Dies ist die Gemeinde Christi.” Wenn da etwas falsch ist an dieser Aussage, dann weil da ein Wort fehlt: „anti”. Uh-huh, alles was er gelehrt hat, sie stimmen damit nicht überein. Moderne Pharisäer.
E-89 Aber wir müssen herausfinden wo Er seinen Namen wohnen lässt, denn dort ist das einzige, bereit gestellte Tor. Amen. Glory! Schaut! Wo hat Er seinen Namen platziert? In seinem Sohn.
Du sagst: „Oh Br. Branham jetzt warte mal eine Minute. Das war der Sohn, nicht der Vater.”
Der Sohn trägt immer den Namen des Vaters, in jedem Fall. Ich kam auf diese Erde mit dem Namen Branham, weil der Name meines Vaters Branham war.
Jesus sagte: „Ich kam in meines Vaters Namen und ihr habt mich nicht aufgenommen.” Wollt ihr die Schriftstelle dafür? Johannes 5:43. Seht ihr? „Ich kam in meines Vaters Namen und ihr habt mich nicht aufgenommen.” Somit hat der Vater seinen eigenen Namen in dem Sohn platziert und der ist Jesus. Er ist der Weg, Er ist das Tor. Er ist die Wohnstätte das Haus. Er ist es, wo Gott erwählt hat seinen Namen wohnen zu lassen. Gott hat nie seinen Namen in mir platziert, Er hat ihn nie in die Gemeinde platziert, Er hat ihn nie bei den Methodisten, den Baptisten, den Katholiken platziert. Er ließ ihn wohnen in Christus dem gesalbten Immanuel.
E-90 Und der Name ist das Wort, denn Er ist das Wort. Amen! Was ist Er somit? Das ausgelegte Wort, es ist die Manifestation des Namen Gottes. Kein Wunder: „Fleisch und Blut hat dir dies nicht offenbart, sondern Mein Vater der im Himmel ist, Er hat es dir geoffenbart, wer ich bin. Und auf diesen Felsen werde ich meinen Ort der Anbetung bauen und die Pforten der Hölle können ihn nicht erschüttern.” Amen! Oh, lebendige Gemeinde Gottes, steht fest gegründet auf Jesus Christus allein. Ihr mögt das Lied singen, aber wenn ihr nicht auf Christus dem Wort gegründet seid, dann bewegt ihr euch auf schwankendem, sinkendem Sand. „Aber auf diesem Felsen”. Christus: „Mein Wort”.
E-91 Er brachte Luthers Botschaft aber sie machten eine Denomination daraus. Es fing an zu wachsen, es war die Fußbank. Dann wuchs es hin zu den Füssen, die Methodisten kamen und so weiter. So baute Er seine Gemeinde, auf sein Wort. Aber Er besteht nicht nur aus Füßen und Schenkeln. Er ist ein Leib. Und jetzt sind wir dort wo der Leib gekrönt wird. Habt ihr euch schon mal die Pyramiden angeschaut? Nun, ich predige jetzt keine Pyramiden Religion.
Die erste Bibel die je geschrieben wurde, wurde in den Himmel geschrieben, den Tierkreis... [leere Stelle auf dem Band. - Verf.] Habt ihr bemerkt, es beginnt mit der Jungfrau, die erste Figur des Tierkreises. Die letzte Figur ist Leo der Löwe. Zuerst kam Er durch die Jungfrau, das nächste Mal als der Löwe aus dem Stamme Juda. Direkt davor haben wir das Krebszeitalter, gekreuzte Fische und der ganze Rest. Wenn wir nur Zeit hätten das durchzunehmen, im Tabernacle werden wir sie haben.
E-92 Und die Pyramide, da sind die Fundamente bis hinauf zur Königskammer. Und genau bevor du zum siebten Block kommst ist da eine kleine Einführung in Form einer Planke, dort kommt ein Botschafter heraus um dich zum König zu bringen. (Der Botschafter, Johannes der Täufer, der den König vorstellt.) Aber der Schlussstein wurde verworfen. Und sie wussten es nicht, der Königsstein. Was immer es ist, sie wissen nicht wo Er ist. Denn Er war ein verworfener Stein. Aber das ist der Stein, der alles abschließt oder krönt. So entsteht die Pyramide durch die ganzen sieben Gemeindezeitalter. Anmut/Gnade wird hinzugefügt, dies und jenes wird hinzugefügt. Siebenmal wird hinzugefügt, als letztes der Christus. Fügt zu eurer Nächstenliebe Gnade hinzu, füge noch dies und das hinzu bis du zu Christus kommst, welcher der Schlussstein ist. “Ich bin die Tür.”
E-93 Nun, ein Sohn kommt immer in dem Namen seines Vaters. Jeder Sohn kommt im Namen seines Vaters. Jesus sagte: „Ich kam in meines Vaters Namen.” Was ist dann der Name des Vaters? Was ist der Name des Sohnes? Er sagte: „Eine kleine Weile und die Welt sieht mich nicht mehr, doch ihr werdet mich sehen.” Ja, Er kam in der Form des Heiligen Geistes und dessen Name ist Jesus. Das ist der Grund warum sie anbeten: „O Jesus!” Seht ihr? Seht ihr? Vater, Sohn und Heiliger Geist, es ist der Herr Jesus Christus. Das ist alles. „Ich kam in meines Vaters Namen und ihr habt mich nicht empfangen.”
E-94 Nun, erinnert euch, Er hat hier noch etwas hinzugefügt und gewarnt: „ein anderer wird kommen”, eine Denomination, ein Glaubensbekenntnis. „Sie werden kommen in ihrem Namen und ihr werdet sie aufnehmen. Mich werdet ihr nicht aufnehmen, das bestätigte Wort, welches vor euch unter Beweis gestellt wird.”
Wie Er damals war, so ist Er heute. Verpasst das nicht, ihr Menschen überall im Land! „Ein anderer wird kommen, eine Kirche, der werdet ihr glauben, weil ihr dort alles tun könnt. Aber ich werde das nicht bestätigen.” Er hat nie (zu keiner Zeit, jemals) etwas bestätigt (egal in welcher Kirche) außerhalb der Botschaft die gegeben wurde: Luther, Rechtfertigung; Wesley, Heiligung; Pfingsten, Wiedererstattung der Gaben. Nach... Sobald sie eine Denomination daraus machen, stirbt es. Durchforscht die Schriften.
E-95 Aber Er sagte: „”Ich werde den Ort erwählen wo ich meinen Namen wohnen lasse.“ Und der Name war Jesus. Und Jesus ist das Wort, Johannes 1. Ist das richtig? Das ist der Platz der Anbetung in Christus dem Wort. „Ich komme in meines Vaters Namen.”
Der Prophet sagte: „Sein Name soll Immanuel genannt werden”. Das steht in Matthäus 1:23, wenn ihr es aufschreiben wollt. Jesus, Jehova der Erretter.
Nun, der 5. Vers zeigt, dass Er die Türe ist. Und durch noch viele weitere unsichtbare Beweise kann bewiesen werden, dass diese Türe, dieser Name, dieser Ort, der einzige Ort ist an dem Gott einem Menschen bei der Anbetung begegnet, nämlich in Christus.
Jetzt stellt sich die Frage: „Wie komme ich in ihn hinein?” Nun, das wird euch jetzt vielleicht ein wenig kneifen, aber wisst ihr, es ist wie wenn man Medizin nimmt, wenn es dich nicht krank macht, dann tut es dir auch nichts Gutes. Seht ihr?
E-96 Nun die Lutheraner wollten auf einem Weg hinein kommen, indem man der Lutheraner Kirche beitritt. Die Methodisten wollten durch Jubelgeschrei hinein kommen. Die Pfingstler wollten durch Zungenreden hinein kommen. Aber das ist es immer noch nicht. Seht ihr? Nein, das sind Gaben und so weiter. Aber 1. Korinther 12 sagt: „Durch einen Geist”. Der Geist Gottes, Er ist es, der dem Wort (dem Samen) Leben gibt um den Samen für die Stunde zu bestätigen. Seht ihr?
Hier liegt der Same des Methodisten Zeitalters, es benötigte den Heiligen Geist um diesen Samen zum Leben zu bringen und die Gemeinde durch Heiligung zu reinigen. Luther hat das nicht gepredigt, denn er wusste nichts davon. Die Pfingstler wollten in Zungen sprechen, wegen der Wiedererstattung der Gaben und jeder von ihnen sagt: „Das ist es! Das ist es!” Seht ihr?
E-97 „Sondern durch einen Geist sind wir alle getauft in einen Leib” Dieser Leib ist eine Familie, die Familie Gottes. Und es ist das Haus Gottes, das Haus Gottes ist der Name Jesus Christus. „Der Name des Herrn ist ein mächtiger Turm, der Gerechte rennt dort hinein und ist in Sicherheit.”
Nun, wie kommst du da hinein durch einen Titel? Oder wie sollte dein Scheck eingelöst werden indem du sagst: „Auszuzahlen gemäß der Anweisung von Pastor, Doktor, Prediger?” Seht ihr? Seht ihr? Du kannst Pastor sein, Doktor oder Prediger. Aber der Name des Herrn ist „Jesus Christus”. Seht ihr?
„Ich habe erwählt in der Türe des Hauses meiner Anbetung meinen Namen wohnen zu lassen, denn meine Familie wird dort unter dem Blut versammelt werden. Wie es in Ägypten war, alle draußen starben. Drinnen gibt es jedoch kein gesäuertes Brot! Dort drinnen, in meinem Haus, gibt es keine denominationelle Vermischung. Meine Kinder wurden aus meinen Genen geboren!” Amen! Preis sei Gott! Sie sind von meinen Genen! Ich lege mein Wort in sie hinein. Ich schreibe sie auf die Tafeln meines Herzens. Das ist meine Familie, die Familie ist der Leib von Jesus Christus. Und durch diese Türe kommt ihr herein, nicht durch die der Methodisten, Baptisten oder Pfingstler, sondern durch die Türe wo ich meinen Namen wohnen lasse. Es sind nicht Methodisten. Der Name Gottes ist nicht Methodist. Gottes Name ist nicht Pfingstler. Gottes Name ist nicht Baptist. Gottes Name ist nicht Katholik. Bleib weg von diesen Türen. Seht ihr? Seht ihr? Seht ihr?
E-98 „Sondern an dem Ort, den ich erwählt habe um dort meinen Namen wohnen zu lassen.” Nun, da gibt es keinen anderen Ort in der Bibel, der gegeben wurde, an dem Gott seinen Namen wohnen ließ. Nur in Jesus Christus, denn Er ist der Sohn Gottes und trägt den Namen Gottes, das ist Gottes menschlicher Name. „Da gibt es keinen anderen Namen unter dem Himmel durch welchen ihr errettet werdet.” Mir ist egal ob Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterianer, Katholik oder was immer ihr auch seid. Nur durch den Namen Jesus Christus wird sich jedes Knie beugen und jede Zunge bekennen, dass Er der Herr ist. Das ist wie ihr hinein kommt.
Und wenn ihr auch richtig getauft wurdet im Wasser und dann das Wort leugnet, es zeigt nur, dass ihr illegitim seid, eure Geburt war nicht korrekt. Ihr beansprucht ihm zu glauben und verleugnet ihn in Wirklichkeit.
Wie könnt ich meine Familie leugnen? Wie könnte ich leugnen, dass Charles Branham mein Vater ist? Der Bluttest an der Türe beweist es. Uh-huh.
E-99 Mein Benehmen und die Bestätigung von Gottes Wort in meinem Leben zeigt, ob ich ein Kind Gottes bin oder nicht. Nun, das ist Gottes einziger Ort. Seht ihr es? Der einzige Ort, an dem Gott dein Opfer empfangen wird ist in Christus. (Ganz egal wie aufrichtig du bist.)
Und erinnert euch... Ihr sagt: „Gut, ich glaube ich komme auch dort hinein”. Bedenkt, die Bibel sagt... Ihr sagt: „Wer immer glaubt, dass Jesus Christus der Sohn Gottes ist, ist gerettet oder wird gerettet.”
So wird dort gesagt aber erinnert euch es steht ebenfalls geschrieben: „Niemand kann Jesus den Christus nennen, als nur durch den Heiligen Geist.” Seht ihr? Ihr mögt sagen: „er ist es”, aber er ist es nicht, bis der Heilige Geist selbst, welcher dem Wort Leben verleiht es beweist, in dem er bestätigt, dass ihr ein Sohn Gottes seid. Das ist gemäß der Schrift.
E-100 „Der Ort, den ich erwähle, dass mein Name dort wohnt. In keinem anderen Tor sollst du anbeten als nur in dem Tor in dem mein Name wohnt. Dann will ich euch empfangen, ihr seid dann Teil meiner Familie.”
Nun, die Familie Gottes gehorcht den Anweisungen des Vaters der Familie. Und Er ist der Friedefürst, der mächtige Gott, der ewige Vater und seine Herrschaft und Regierung wird kein Ende haben. Die Herrschaft ruht auf seiner Schulter. Er ist Statthalter, König, Immanuel, der erste, der letzte, Prinz des Friedens, mächtiger Gott, ewiger Vater und jedes einzelne seiner Kinder gehorcht jedem Wort, jeder Anordnung, denn sie sind ein Teil von ihm.
E-101 Wir leben zuhause wie die Branhams leben. Ihr lebt in eurem Zuhause, die Jones leben eben wie die Jones leben.
Und im Hause Gottes leben wir durch das Wort Gottes, ein jedes, was aus dem Munde Gottes hervor kommt. Auf einen Schwindler oder Betrüger werden wir nicht hören. Seht ihr? „Ihr sollt ungesäuertes Brot essen in jedem Gemeinde Zeitalter, so wie ich es euch gebe.” Aber versucht nicht zurück zu gehen und das alte in das neue zu übertragen, denn es wurde zu einem Strohhalm. „Ihr sollt die Knochen und die Dinge die vom Opfer übrig geblieben sind nehmen und sie verbrennen.” Vorbei, Das Gemeinde Zeitalter starb, es ging weiter, jetzt sind wir in einem anderen. Amen!
„Der Ort, den ich erwählt habe um meinen Namen dort wohnen zu lassen.” Oh, my! Erster Korinther 12.
E-102 Beachtet Epheser 4:30.
...betrübt nicht den Heiligen Geist Gottes, mit welchem ihr versiegelt seid bis... (zur nächsten Erweckung?) ...bis zum Tag eurer Erlösung.
...betrübt nicht den Heiligen Geist Gottes, mit welchem ihr versiegelt seid bis zum Tag eurer Erlösung.
Nun, gebt Acht. Lasst uns das auf unsere Bibellektion anwenden. Und dann wollen wir besser gehen. Ich denke ich strapaziere die Leute. Ist es nicht so? Menschen stehen auf und gehen heim, um daheim ihr Essen zu kochen. Und andere wollen auch gehen, sie kamen nicht in der Erwartung her, den ganzen Tag zuzuhören. Seht ihr? Aber schaut, ihr wisst...
E-103 Ben, ich sollte an dir arbeiten! Sei gesegnet! Ich danke dir Bruder Ben. Ich liebe dich Bruder Ben.
Wenn ihr wisst was dieser Junge im Krieg für uns erlitten hat; er wurde in Stücke geschossen, in die Luft gesprengt und all so was. Er hat das alles erlebt, aber Gott hat ihn gesegnet. Er blieb treu. Seine Frau hat ihn verlassen, rannte weg und hat wieder geheiratet, nahm seine Kinder mit. Oh, my, Es fällt mir schwer darüber nachzudenken.
Aber trotz allem, Gott segne dich Ben.
Er liegt nun dort voll mit Geschosssplittern, die auf seine Nerven drücken, wisst ihr, Gott segne diesen Jungen. Ja.
…durch welchen ihr versiegelt seid bis zum Tag eurer Erlösung.
E-104 Gebt Acht! Nun, dies mag euch ein wenig Kneifen, aber gebt Acht. Legt euch deshalb nicht mit mir an. Erinnert euch einfach.
Als Israel damals die Türe anschaute, das Blut war daran gestrichen, der Name (das Blut, das Leben) und dann gingen sie hinein unter dem Blut. Sie haben das Haus dann nicht mehr verlassen bis sie aus Ägypten auszogen.
...betrübt nicht den heiligen Geist Gottes, durch welchen ihr eingeht und geht nicht mehr hinaus bis zum Tag eurer Erlösung. Seht ihr?
Ihr wisst, die Bibel hat immer Recht. Er stellt die Worte da hinein und du musst sie richtig platzieren denn sie zeigen den Weg, wie du es schaffst. Setze das ganze Bild der Erlösung richtig zusammen. Seht ihr? Seht ihr?
...betrübt nicht den heiligen Geist Gottes, durch welchen ihr versiegelt seid bis zum Tag eurer Erlösung. (Bis ihr erlöst seid.)
E-105 Ihr wurdet dort hinein versiegelt, ihr seid unter dem Blut. Du gehst nicht mehr hinaus. Und was seid ihr dann? Gottes Sohn in Gottes Familie, hinein versiegelt durch den Heiligen Geist. Der Teufel kann dich nicht holen auch wenn er es müsste, denn du bist tot, dein alter Ehemann ist tot. Du bist begraben, dein Leben ist durch Christus in Gott verborgen, versiegelt durch den Heiligen Geist. Wie könnte er dich erwischen? Du bist dort! Glory! Nun, ich werde dies jetzt sein lassen, es ist genug, so dass ihr wisst worüber ich rede.
E-106 Ihr seid jetzt eine neue Schöpfung, nicht gemäß einer Denomination sondern dem Wort entsprechend. Das ist so, weil der Grundstein in euch vor Grundlegung der Welt gelegt wurde, vorherbestimmte Söhne und Töchter Gottes.
Und darauf wird Stein auf Stein gebaut, in jedem Zeitalter, um das Wort zu bestätigen das neu sprießt. Genau wie Jesus es in seinem Zeitalter tat, welcher der Schlussstein von allem ist. In ihm war jedes Zeitalter. Moses war in Jesus. David war in Jesus. In Jesus waren alle Propheten. Ist das richtig? Schaut euch Joseph an, verkauft für dreißig Silberlinge, ins Loch geworfen, man nahm an er sei tot, wurde daraus hervor geholt und stieg auf zur rechten Hand des Pharao. Schaut, genau wie bei Jesus... Joseph war in Jesus.
Und als Er kam, Er war die Fülle aller Könige und Propheten (Hallelujah), die Fülle der Gottheit wohnte leibhaftig in ihm. Er kam um eine Braut herauszuführen und zu erlösen, ein Meisterstück. Ein Meisterstück welches zu Satan sagt...
Wenn er kommt und sagt: „Die Tage der Wunder sind vorbei. So etwas worüber ihr da sprecht, das gibt es nicht.”
„Satan, weiche hinter mich.” Seht ihr? Schaut, ein Meisterstück welches steht und wacht.
E-107 Einmal wird der Schlussstein zurückkehren, das Haupt von allem und für sich eine Braut in Empfang nehmen. Die Frau die vom Manne genommen wurde, die ein Teil des Mannes ist. Jedes... die Gene des Mannes sind auch in der Frau, das ist was die Frau ausmacht. Und das ist wie das Wort Gottes in der Gemeinde ist, das ist es was die Gemeinde zur Braut macht. Nicht eine Denomination, die ist vom Teufel, jede von ihnen. Ich sage nicht, dass die Leute darin vom Teufel sind, sie sind arme verführte Menschen. Jesus sagte: „Die Blinden führen die Blinden.” Er konnte sie nicht heraus rufen.
Sie sagten: „Wir wurden nicht in Hurerei geboren! Wer hat dir aufgetragen hier her zu kommen? Von welcher Schule oder welchem Seminar kommst du? Wir haben Moses. Wir sind...”
Er sagte: „Wenn ihr Moses gekannt hättet, dann würdet ihr mich kennen.”
Denn Moses schrieb über ihn in seinen vier Büchern: „Der Herr dein Gott wird einen Propheten wie mich aufstehen lassen, einen Geber des Wortes, und wer auf diesen Propheten nicht hört, wird abgeschnitten werden aus dem Volk.” Das ist alles was zu sagen ist. Und was ist Er? Er ist das Wort. Und was sagt das Wort? Du sollst keinen Sauerteig übrig lassen in... Kein Sauerteig soll unter euch gefunden werden. Fügt kein Glaubensbekenntnis und keine Denomination hinzu, denn dadurch wird es verschmutzt. Euer Opfer ist bereits vollendet.
E-108 Wir wollen uns jetzt beeilen, ganz schnell, damit ihr essen gehen könnt.
Bemerkt! Somit seid ihr die Söhne Gottes im Hause Gottes. Ihr seid Teil von Gottes Haushalt. Römer 8:1: „Dann gibt es da keine Verdammnis mehr für die welche in Christus Jesus sind.” Denn sie sind der Welt gestorben, leben jetzt in ihm, leben in diesem Tag. Sie betätigen das Wort für welches Gott sie bereitet hat. Er hat sie vorherbestimmt. Ihren Namen in diesem Brautbuch platziert. Und wenn das Wasser auf diesen Samen kommt der dort im Herzen ist, dann erhebt sie sich zur Braut des Christus. Oh, my! So vollkommen wie es nur sein kann. In jedem Zeitalter war es genau so.
E-109 Die Lutheraner unter Rechtfertigung, die Füße, es erhob sich etwa so, Wesley unter Heiligung. Die Pfingstler bis zu den Armen, die Werke und Taten und so weiter, sie mussten Calvinisten sein... oder Armenier, Legalisten mussten sie sein. (Jemand der sich streng an den Buchstaben des Gesetzes hält.) Aber jetzt kommen wir zum Haupt, dem Schlussstein. „Gnade! Gnade!” rief der Schlussstein.
Was ruft der Schlussstein? „Gnade! Gnade!” Hinübergewechselt vom Tod und dem Glaubensbekenntnis in ein lebendiges Wort des lebendigen Gottes. Gottes vorbereiteter Plan für dies Zeitalter, seine Söhne im Wortzeitalter, belebt durch den Geist, wie von einem Funken, der leuchtet um es lebendig zu machen. Sie sitzen jetzt in himmlischen Örtern (das ist Gegenwart), bereits lebendig und jeder Verheißung des Wortes untertan. Was bewirkt das dann? Du bist ein Teil von Gottes Genen, ein Teil des Wortes und auch andere sind ein Teil des Wortes Gottes, sie passen zusammen, manifestieren den ganzen Leib von Christus, weil unter ihnen kein Sauerteig ist. (Seht ihr jetzt worüber er hier redet? Bruder Brown?) Es ist kein Sauerteig unter euch, nur das reine Wort, und so sitzt ihr in himmlischen Orten, in der Tür in welcher Er seinen Namen wohnen lässt: Jesus Christus.
E-110 Da ist kein Sauerteig unter euch und das bringt die ganze Fülle der Gottheit leibhaftig unter euch. In Luthers Zeitalter konnte das nicht geschehen, auch nicht im Zeitalter von Wesley, genau so wenig im Pfingstzeitalter. Aber an dem Tag wenn der Sohn des Menschen manifestiert wird, offenbart wird, das bringt die Gemeinde zurück, dahin wo die ganze Gottheit zusammen kommt mit der Gemeinde, wo sie inmitten seines Volkes ist. Dieselben sichtbaren Zeichen werden gezeigt, Er manifestiert sich wie Er es am Anfang tat, als Er auf Erden manifestiert wurde in der Form des Gott-Propheten. Oh! Glory! Verheißen durch Maleachi 4 und den Rest der Schrift. Wo anbetet ihr? Im Hause Gottes und darin sitzt ihr jetzt [Gegenwart].
E-111 Nun, schnell, lasst uns noch schnell etwas anschauen, und wir werden gehen... in zehn Minuten werden wir gehen, so der Herr will.
Lasst uns etwas anschauen das in das Haus Gottes hinein belebt wurde, in dem Zeitalter damals.
Henoch! (In zehn Minuten werden wir gehen, wenn ihr das noch solange ertragen wollt.) Schaut, Henoch war das lebendige Wort Gottes seines Zeitalters, Er war ein Prophet.
Ein Prophet ist der Reflektor Gottes. Wie viele wissen das? Der Reflektor reflektiert nicht sich selbst, der Reflektor ist nicht die Reflektion oder das Bild. Damit ist ein Prophet ein auserwähltes Gefäß Gottes, welches nichts anderes zeigen kann, Er reflektiert in direkter Linie Gott, Er reflektiert das Bild des Christus, das Wort. Seht, und niemand anderes kann das tun. Er ist ein Reflektor, das ist der Grund, warum er das Büchlein essen musste. Er musste das Wort für das aktuelle Zeitalter reflektieren. Habt ihr es erfasst?
E-112 Schaut euch Henoch an, er ist der perfekte Reflektor Gottes in einem Typ. Als Gott mit ihm fertig war, hat er ihn verwandelt und hinauf genommen. Die Mechanik, die er reflektiert hatte wurde durch den Geist Dynamik und es nahm ihn hinauf.
Dasselbe in den Tagen von Elia. Elia war eine solche Reflektion bis hin zu seinen Knochen... Ein Reflektor Gottes, das Wort Gottes wurde in seinem Leib manifestiert. Sie legten einen toten Mann auf ihn und dieser kam wieder zum Leben. Wir sind Fleisch und Gebein von ihm, wenn wir die Braut von Christus sind. Glaubt ihr das? Gut. Er starb für uns und wir starben uns selbst und sind begraben in seinem Namen. Auf dass wir nicht mehr in der Welt sind, sondern in ihm. Nach dem die Himmlische Familie benannt ist, nämlich Jesus Christus. Das ist Epheser 1:21. Denn beide, Himmel... die Familie im Himmel. Was ist der Name der Familie im Himmel? Jesus. Was ist der Name der Familie auf Erden? Das ist das Haus Gottes wo das Blut angebracht wurde. Ist das richtig? Das ist die Tür oder das Tor, das ist der Platz wo Er seinen Namen wohnen lässt, und das Wort wurde Fleisch und wohnte unter uns. Es ist das reflektieren des Wortes, der erhellende Funke des Zeitalters in dem ihr lebt. Das ist was Er war, das ist was Moses war, das ist was Jakob war und was der Rest von ihnen allen war das Leuchten des Wortes Gottes, der Reflektor durch welchen Gott sich selbst reflektiert. Sie wurden zu diesem perfekten Abbild Gottes, Jesus Christus, Gottes Meisterstück, der geschlagen wurde auf dass Er den Rest von ihnen zur Braut nehmen konnte, die ihn reflektiert.
E-113 Moses war in ihm. Josua war in ihm. Und wenn du in ihm bist, dann warst du bereits vor Grundlegung der Welt in ihm, in der Familie Gottes. Du hast mit ihm gelitten, du bist mit ihm gestorben, du bist mit ihm ans Kreuz gegangen, du bist mit ihm auferstanden und jetzt bist immer noch mit ihm, sitzt in himmlischen Orten, reflektierst die Botschaft des Zeitalters in die Welt. Das Licht der Welt. „Ihr seid das Licht der Welt.” Wenn es jedoch durch einen denominationellen Korb verdeckt ist, wie soll es dann jemand sehen? Durch eure Traditionen macht ihr das Licht wirkungslos! Indem ihr versucht... Ihr Denominationen versucht das Licht von der Gemeinde fern zu halten. Ihr selbst geht nicht ein, noch lasst ihr andere eingehen. Amen.
Lasst uns aufhören. My, ich habe hier zu viel. Wir könnten noch weitermachen... Oh, my! Wir haben noch fünf Minuten.
E-114 Seht ihr wo die Tür ist? Wo lässt Gott seinen Namen wohnen? In Jesus. Wie kommst du in seinen Namen? Wie kommst du da rein? Indem du da hinein getauft wirst! Wie? Durch Wasser? Durch den Geist! „Ein Herr, ein Glaube, eine Taufe.” Das ist die Taufe mit dem Heiligen Geist.
Die Wassertaufe bringt dich nur in Gemeinschaft mit den Leuten, du zeigst, dass du Christus angenommen hast. Das ist die Wahrheit. Aber es geht um die Taufe mit dem Geist. Ich kann den Namen Jesus über dir ausrufen und dich taufen lassen, aber das bewirkt es nicht.
Aber wenn einmal wirklich der Heilige Geist... das echte Wort in dich kommt (das Wort, Jesus) Bruder, dann ist die Botschaft dir nicht mehr verborgen. Du weißt es Bruder. Dann ist dir alles erleuchtet. Hallelujah! Preis sei Gott! Amen!
Ich lieb ihn, ich lieb ihn,
Er liebte mich zuerst
und brachte mir Erlösung...
Lieber Gott, ich bete, dass du diese Menschen heilen mögest, Herr und es mit einem jeden von ihnen gut machen mögest. Im Namen Jesus Christus. Amen.
Oh! Liebe! Oh!
Seither sah ich durch Glauben diesen Strom,
genährt aus deinen blutenden Wunden,
(von dem Meisterstück)
Seither war die erlösende Liebe mein Leitmotiv.
E-115 Wie könnt ihr... Gott ist Liebe. „Er der liebt ist von Gott.” göttliche, heilige Liebe, nicht schmutzige Liebe, reine, pure, heilige Liebe von Gott, der das Wort ist. „Deine Gesetze habe ich in meinem Herzen verborgen, auf dass ich nicht gegen dich sündige.” oh, my, David rief das aus. Ist Er nicht wunderbar? Liebt ihr ihn?
Nun, hier ist ein Weg, ein reiner, heiliger Weg, der einzige Ort an dem Gott dir begegnen wird. Nicht weil du sagst: „Nun, Gott, ich bin ein guter Methodist. Ein guter Baptist. Ich bin ein guter Pfingstler.” Nein! Sondern weil du im Wort, in Jesus bist, ein Teil von dem Wort das heute manifestiert wird. Die Botschaft des Tages. Nicht die von Luther, Wesleys oder den Pfingstlern, sondern die deines Jesus, die Reflektion die hierhergekommen ist. Du kannst nicht zu dem Alten zurückgehen, das würde bedeuten, du bringst Sauerteig in dein heiliges Brot. Denn: „Der Mensch wird leben durch ein jedes Wort, das aus dem Munde Gottes hervor kommt, zur jeweiligen Zeit.”
E-116 O komm Herr Jesus, du großer Schlussstein. Schau dort drüben liegt der Staub der Lutheraner, die damals als Märthyrer starben und schau die Methodisten.
Die Pfigstler und so weiter, jetzt kommt die echte Rasse hervor mit der es anfing.
Ihr Assemblies of God seid hin gegangen und habt euch organisiert. Zu der Sache aus der Gott euch heraus gebracht seid ihr zurückgekehrt wie ein Schwein das wieder in seine Suhle geht. Ihr Einheitsleute, United, das alte J. C. Von... Pfingstliche Assemblies von Jesus Christus. Eine für die farbigen Leute, ihr habt euch getrennt um eine Rassentrennung durchzusetzen. Ihr, die ihr das getan habt und euch dann vereinigt habt, ihr nennt es „United” (Vereinigt). Und dann habt ihr euch organisiert und Streit angefangen mit den Assemblies. „Wie ein Hund zu seinem Gespei zurückkehrt.” Wenn das Gespei den Hund beim ersten Mal krank gemacht hat, wird ihm dann nicht wieder übel werden? Ändert eure Diät von eurer Denomination zum Wort und lebt mit Christus. Schande über euch!
Ich habe einen Vater dort drüben,
ich habe einen Vater dort drüben,
ich habe einen Vater dort drüben,
am anderen Ufer.
Eines schönen Tages werde ich gehen und ihn sehen,
eines schönen Tages... gehen und ihn sehen,
eines schönen Tages werde ich gehen und ihn sehen,
dort am anderen Ufer.
Oh wird das nicht ein fröhliches Treffen dort sein,
wird das nicht... (Das Wort trifft das Wort!) treffen dort sein,
(Wenn die Braut hinauf geht, Wort für Wort.) ...fröhliches Treffen dort sein.
Oh, dieser schöne Tag könnte Morgen sein,
dieser schöne Tag könnte Morgen sein,
dieser schöne Tag könnte Morgen sein,
dort am anderen Ufer.
Du sagst: „Bruder Branham meinst du das wirklich?”
E-117 Jawohl! Die Lutheraner aus ihrem Zeitalter, die aus dem Zeitalter von Wesley, die Pfingstler aus ihrer Zeit (die echten, nicht die denominationellen). Die Pfingstler, die welche Sauerteig hinzu fügten (die Denomination) sie starben. Aber dies reine Wort geht weiter. Seht. Genau wie Jesus sagte: „An jenem Tag werdet ihr wissen, dass ich im Vater bin und der Vater in mir ist und ich in euch und ihr in mir.” Es ist alles das Wort!
Oh, wird das nicht ein fröhliches Treffen dort sein...
(wenn seine Söhne sich in seinem Tor versammeln)
...ein fröhliches Treffen,
Wird das nicht ein fröhliches Treffen dort sein,
dort am anderen Ufer.
E-118 Nun, Gemeinde, das ist jetzt Lehre. Aber erinnert euch, wenn ihr hier weg geht, dann fangt an die Spreu zu verlassen. Ihr werdet jetzt wieder zum Weizenkorn, aber bleibt in der Anwesenheit des Sohnes. Fügt nichts hinzu zu dem was ich gesagt habe und nehmt auch nichts davon hinweg. Denn ich spreche die Wahrheit soweit ich weiß, soweit der Vater es mir gegeben hat. Seht ihr? Fügt nichts hinzu, sagt einfach was ich gesagt habe.
Es geht darum, den Menschen zu sagen, dass sie kommen sollen und den Herrn Jesus suchen. Und ihr, bleibt in seiner Gegenwart liegen und liebt ihn. „Oh Herr Jesus, Sohn Gottes, ich liebe dich. Mach mein Herz weich, Herr. Nimm allen Schmutz hinweg und die Liebe zur Welt. Lass mich heilig leben vor dir in dieser Welt.”
Wir wollen die Häupter beugen zum Gebet. Nun, mal sehen, wurde jemand ausgewählt um uns im Gebet zu entlassen? Sonst werde ich das tun. Seid richtig andächtig.
E-119 Lieber Gott, wir danken dir, dass wir unsere geistliche Speise haben durften. Wir danken dir, Herr, dass das Vitamin des Wortes Söhne Gottes wachsen lässt. An keinem anderen Charakter richtet es etwas aus, nur bei den Söhnen und Töchtern Gottes. So danken wir dir dafür. Und wir beten Gott, dass wir davon profitieren werden, auf dass wir dir nicht nur danken. Wir danken dir dafür, aber mögen wir die Stärke nutzen (durch Liebe) Menschen zu überzeugen an unseren Gott zu glauben. Die Eigensinnigen, die Sünder, die Frauen und die Männer, die Jungen und die Mädchen, dieses Zeitalters.
Wir sehen, Herr, die geistige/seelische Verfassung der Menschen in diesem nervösen Zeitalter in dem wir leben, es bringt sie um ihren Verstand. Mögen wir exakt erfüllen was die Schrift sagt und verheißen hat. Abscheuliche Dinge werden über die Welt kommen, heuschreckenartige Wesen werden die Frauen quälen welche ihr Haar kurz schneiden und sie verfolgen, diese Wesen werden selbst langes Haar haben wie Frauen es haben sollten. Und andere grässliche Wahrnehmungen, die sie sehen werden, Herr, in diesem verwässerten, mentalen Zustand in dem sie sind. Sie werden schreien, dass Felsen und Berge sie bedecken sollen. Frauen, die Hunde und Katzen wie Kinder behandeln, aber keine Kinder groß ziehen um dich zu ehren. Und jene, denen du Kinder geschenkt hast, sie haben sie empfangen und gehen dann hin und lassen sie auf der Straße leben und tun was immer sie wollen. Kein Wunder, Herr, dass du gesagt hast als du ans Kreuz gingst: „Dann werden sie nach den Felsen und den Bergen schreien, dass sie sie bedecken mögen.”
E-120 Wir sehen wie alle Dinge sich zu dieser Zeit hin entwickeln. Wir sehen wie die Schrift bestätigt wird, bewiesen. Und während wir das sehen, Herr, du siehst es mit deinen eigenen Augen (wie es manifestiert wird), so wird da eines Tages eine Entrückung sein und wir werden auch diese Manifestation des Wortes sehen. „Denn der Sohn des Menschen wird kommen in den Wolken seiner Herrlichkeit, mit seinen heiligen Engeln und wir werden hinauf genommen werden um ihm zu begegnen in der Luft.” Dann wird... Jetzt hören wir nur davon, dann werden wir es mit unseren eigenen Augen sehen.
Mögen wir in ihm erfunden werden, Herr, dem einzig vorbereiteten Ort. Er ist das Opfer. Wir bringen ihm, das was wir gehört haben, Jesus Christus, in das Haus Gottes durch die Taufe des Heiligen Geistes und durch den Namen Jesus Christus. Und dort wird unser Opfer akzeptiert und wir werden in die Familie Gottes gebracht. Denn obwohl wir noch in der Welt umherirren, sind wir doch vorherbestimmte Söhne und Töchter Gottes seit vor Grundlegung der Welt. Vater wir danken dir dafür. Oh, wie könnte jemand sich zu so etwas zurück wenden, wenn er die Wahrheit gefunden hat, dass Gott ihn aus der Welt heraus erwählt hat? Da waren Millionen verloren, an dem Tag an dem ich gerettet wurde.
E-121 O sterbendes Lamm, wie kann ich dir jemals danken? Wie kann mein Herz jemals andächtig genug sein, vor dir? Lieber Gott hilf mir, treu zu leben. Hilf meinem Volk treu zu sein. Ich bete für sie, Herr, einen jeden einzelnen, dass du mögest... Gott, irgendwie. Ich kann nicht... ich wüsste nicht wie... ich weiß nicht wie ich richtig bitten soll, Herr. Vielleicht bitte ich nicht in der richtigen Weise. Vergib bitte meine Unwissenheit. Vater, schau einfach mein Herz an. Ich bitte, dass keiner von ihnen verloren gehen möge. Vater ich beanspruche sie, einen jeden, für dich. Im Namen Jesus Christus. Amen.
Ich liebe ihn, ich...
Und wenn ihr ihn liebt, dann werdet ihr euch auch einander lieben. Schüttelt einander die Hand.
E-1 Morning, happy to be here this morning. And we're glad to, enjoying this great fellowship around these old songs of faith. We love that. Don't you? The "Amen" chorus. That's what He is, the Amen. See? He's got the last word to say.
E-2 I was setting over there talking to my old friend Brother Brown, while the songs was going on. And he said, "Brother Branham, I never seen till yesterday, what you've been talking about." He said, "If people could just get into what you're speaking about," said, "every obstacle would move out of the way." That's exactly right. That's right. It's exactly right. If you could just grasp It, could catch It... See?
E-3 Talking to my little friend Ernie Fandler. I guess some of you out on the hookups will remember Ernie, how he was converted, how he was led to the Lord. He doesn't talk good English, or I'd like to have him come say a word. And he gets his we's and W's all mixed up. He was asking me if I remember the time at the Shawano where he lives. There was a man died right in the meeting, dropped over in his seat dead: Lutheran. And we had everybody keep quiet. Spoke the Word of the Lord over him, and he come back to life. He come right up...?... They've never got over that, wants us come back again.
E-4 And I understood that in France this morning, there's better than two thousand Frenchmen on a several day fast that we'll come bring the message to France in French. The whole Protestant nation, Protestant part of the nation of France... And so we are...
E-5 It's just begin blooming now, just begin... The shuck's pulling away so the wheat can lay out there now. See? So just keep reverent; keep praying. See? Remember, they that wait upon the Lord, renew their strength.
E-6 Now, there's... I was getting pretty old, and I thought, "Will I... Will there be another revival, I'll see another time?" And just remember, from the west will come a white horse rider. We'll ride this trail again. That's right. Soon as we get ready. It's a promise.
E-7 Now, I want to say to Brother Leo... I was talking about Brother Wood last night, his brother being here. Brother Leo, if you and the little group that's hooked in up there this morning; Sister Mercier, your father's here. I seen him last night. He's around here in the building somewhere, and he looks fine and dandy.
E-8 The morning he was healed up at the Tabernacle, there was two major cancer cases, real dying, and both of them was healed. And their father, an elderly man in a heart attack, was brought out to the glory of God. And he's in the meeting here somewhere. I can't see him amongst the crowd now, but he was here last night.
E-9 Greetings to all of you out across the land; here in this wonderful place of the Life Tabernacle here at Shreveport, with a whole jammed-out crowd for a Sunday school. You know, if I lived at Shreveport, not saying nothing against anybody, but this would be the place I'd come to church at, right here at the Life Tabernacle. This is not a denomination. The Life Tabernacle is, today is a interdenominational tabernacle. They come out of the denomination because they accepted me and this message I preach. Brother Jack Moore, my brother and friend, he was taken from the denominations because he associated with me. And so I think he deserves some credit. That's right. God bless him. And hold up his hands in prayer, and believe with him.
E-10 And now, Sister Moore, I don't see her anywhere, she... Yes, back here. She looks like a little girl setting over there this morning all this dressed up, new, and just looked like a Easter outfit. And it--it looked like... Brother Jack didn't even know her hisself. Now, now sister...
E-11 We sure miss Anna Jean, and Don, and all of them. Glad to meet Brother Nolan, he was one of the associates here.
E-12 And Brother Ernie, I asked him yesterday if he'd sing that "Amen." I've got it on a record, and I've wore the thing out just listening over it, "Amen." I think he's got a voice for that; beats any of them. And little Judy, I noticed her: the two, they look just like brother and sister. Don't they? They're husband and wife. Look at the each of them, see why they just look exactly, and really a lovely little couple. That's, you know, that's... Brother Palmer that's just climbed the golden stairs, that's his daughter and son-in-law. And that's... She is certainly a contribution to his well training of a child. And he's got others too, married ministers also, and these are the evangelists and on their field, and others. So it's just great.
E-13 I haven't seen Sister Palmer. Really, I don't know whether I'd know her if I seen her or not. She's, perhaps, somewhere (of course) in the meeting. Back in the back; God bless you, Sister Palmer.
E-14 My heart shakes every time I think of it. Brother Palmer just climbed the steps a few minutes until I got the message that he was gone. And I just couldn't believe it. Billy called me, and somebody'd got ahold... They knowed we were such lovely friends, and to know that he was gone, it was really shaking. But we all got to go; regardless of who we are, we must go one by one. But there's only one thing, "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the full duty of man," Ecclesiastes 12.
E-15 Now, I--I haven't got too much time for this Sunday school lesson, and I'm hoarse.
E-16 Say, Brother Pearry Green done a noble thing. He heard me say, last night, "I missed my little piece of hair to keep me..." He called out there and tried to get somebody to fly it in for me. I said, "You're too late; I'm already hoarse." I tried for years to find some accomplishment, but when I got that, it cured it. But I forgot it this time, so I'm a little bit hoarse. So you bear with me, if you will, in speaking.
E-17 Now, how many likes Sunday school? Oh, my, that's right. It's a good thing to send your children to. No, let me correct that, a good thing to bring your children to. That's right, to bring your children; you come also. How many knows how our Sunday school was first originated? Where was it originated? England. What was it called first? Ragged school. That's right, called Ragged school. As I forget the man's name now that established it. What was his name? [Someone says, "Robert Raikes"--Ed.] That's right, exactly right. And he got the little fellows off the street, was ragged, and wouldn't have no place to go, and very bad, and he brought them in, and started giving them lessons on the Bible. And it's growed to one of the greatest orders of the church nearly today, Sunday school. It's good to go. Be sure to come, bring your children. I think the tabernacle here has teachers, equipped rooms, ages, and so forth. And you new converts that's just coming to Christ, follow right on along the message; and here at the Life Tabernacle, and they'll do you good.
E-18 Now, tonight we're going to have an old fashion prayer line. We're going to just pray for the sick the way we used to, Brother Jack and Brother Brown.
E-19 And I remember seeing Brother Brown try to give out those prayer cards, and how him being a minister himself... And in those days in a organization that we... They'd put pressure on him, you know, "I--I'm your brother in this thing, you know; you got to get me up there." Oh, he sure had a hard time, but stayed just as true as true could be. Brother Brown's one fine man. And so we love him.
E-20 And as I see all of us, the three of us getting, creeping up towards the age, the end. It would be a very sad thing if we didn't have placed within us that great thing, what we know is true. We're just fixing to turn back one of these days, back to our young manhood again, to never--our bodies transformed, made into His likeness to stand. "For when this earthly tabernacle of our habitation be dissolved, there's one already waiting."
E-21 And the thankful part of it, dear friend, that the dear Lord Jesus... You who trust me to tell you the Truth; the dear Lord Jesus, one morning about eight o'clock, let me see that land. Now, it wasn't--it wasn't a vision; but I don't want to say that. Ever what it was, it was just as real as I'm speaking to you here. Now, I seen the faces of those people, and I couldn't recognize them; they'd turned back young again. And they was just real as... I'd hold their hands and things. Just as real...
E-22 And it helped me, because I used to have an idea when a person died, just their soul went off. But then when He quoted that to me, that "If this earthly tabernacle of our habitation be... we already have one." See? And we've got to have everything in three's to make a perfection. See? And there's one body here, then that body there which is the--the celestial body, and then the glorified body in the resurrection. See, that makes it complete. See? So it's a... It's not a myth; it's not an idea; it's not a spirit. It is a man and a woman like you are, just exactly.
E-23 And then years ago I seen the regions of the lost and was there. I tell you, friend, as an old man, let me persuade you this, across the nation this morning, don't never want to view that place. There's no way at all that I could... If I was an artist with a brush I couldn't paint the picture. As a minister, I couldn't describe to you. Talk about hell being a burning place, it's a million times worse than that, the horrors that goes with it.
E-24 And heaven... or this place, wherever it was, I don't know what to call it. He referred to it there as "souls that are under the altar." But when it was, I have never; there's no way to explain how great that is. There is... Now, you just have to take my word; I'm just a man. See? But these visions that's always come to pass just as I've told you, and you know they every one has been true; that is true also. Whatever you do, if you miss everything else (health, strength, your eyesight, whatever it is), don't miss That. There's nothing can compare with it. It's... There's no--there's no word in the English language that I know that could express it. If you'd say "perfect," it's beyond that; "superb," it--it's beyond that; "sublime,"... There's no--there's no words that I know that could express it, because it was so... And then, to think, that isn't the end of it yet. I thought, "Me be afraid to come to this?"
E-25 I said, "Do you eat?"
E-26 Said, "Not here. We don't eat here, but when we go back to earth we'll receive a body we eat in."
E-27 Well, I could feel them. They was just like that. See? And they... I said, "Well, you have..." Oh, yes, they have a body. It's just not a myth; it's a body. We know one another. They all knowed me, were hugging me, millions of them.
E-28 And I said, "Well, I want to see Him Who brought me here."
E-29 It said, "You can't see Him now; you have to wait."
E-30 I said, "Why did you put me on--up here?"
E-31 Said, "You were a leader in life."
E-32 And I said, "Do You mean all them's Branhams?"
E-33 He said, "No, that's your converts to Christ." See?
E-34 I looked around, and then all the hard nights and the trials passed away, when I could see their faces. A young woman run up there, one of the most beautiful women, and she just threw her arms around me, and said, "Precious Brother." And when she passed by... Now, she was a woman. So... But in there, there'll never be sin. See, our glands are changed there. They won't raise children no more there. See? See, all the same.
E-35 What makes the difference, the sensation. That's the reason I don't believe in dancing on the floor. No man... I, before God and my Bible, I've lived clean, as that way through my life when I was a little boy, all through my young manhood. Any girl I ever went out with, I can walk right back to the Judgment with her. See? But there's no man; I don't care who you are, can let a woman (in the make of a woman) hug herself up close to you; if you're a true healthy man, there's a sensation. But it wasn't there; there's no glands; they're all the same gland. See? Just pure, unadulterated sisterly and brotherly love, more than it would be for your--even for your--hug your own little daughter. See? Your own daughter, yet she's made... She's female and you're a male. See, it could create something, but there it can't. Sin is done; it's all over: real, just real, holy Love.
E-36 And I looked at that woman. There was looked like millions of them there, and they all long hair, and white garments down. And--and this One that was talking to me, said, "Don't you recognize her."
E-37 I said, "No."
E-38 Said, "She was in her nineties when you led her to Christ."
E-39 Amazing grace, how sweet the sound! See? There's no way of ever explaining what it is. Just take my word if you believe me. Be sure to make... Burn every bridge of the world behind you.
E-40 I believe the church is begin to hear the message, and beginning to understand. But, friends, listen, we've got to lay in the Presence of the Son; we've got to be ripened. Our--our faith isn't ripe. Intellectually we're hearing the message that God has give us, and seeing the signs that He showed us, and proving it by the Bible as that; but, oh, how the church needs to lay in His Presence till it tenders up, you know, and gets sweet in the Spirit so that it can bathe down. Sometimes in speaking the message, you get harsh, have to break it in like that, because you've got to clinch a nail to make it hold. But when the church once gets it, the Elected is called out and separated then in the Presence of God, I know it'll be something like the people was there when it takes its rapture.
E-41 I was going to speak this morning on the rapture, but I just don't have enough voice to do it, and so you just bear with me a little while, while I want to speak on the subject of: "God's Only Provided Place of Worship."
E-42 Now, that's a great big text. So let us pray now. And out across the lands this morning, wherever you are, bow your heads just a few moments. Be real sincere now; we're approaching the Word of God, which is God in a letter form.
E-43 Great Author of this Book, "It is a Seed," we are taught, "that a sower sowed," so said the Author. Now, we do realize that a seed will grow if it's in the right kind of ground. So, Father, will You this morning take all the briars and thistles, and unbelief, and skeptic thoughts out of our hearts, that the Word of God might grow freely, watered by the Spirit in our hearts, that we might become the people of God. Grant it, Father. That's our hearts. Not only to we who have recognized this, but may there be others throughout the country, each one's heart burning with love and tenderness, will go to try to win the lost brother, the lost sister. Grant it today, God. We're looking wholly to You, for You are our Guide and our Lord. So we pray that You'll direct us in Your Word today and give us of Thy blessings. Through Thy grace and in Thy Name we ask it. Amen.
E-44 Now, let's take for our text... I want to read from the Book of Deuteronomy, the Old Testament, just for a setting of Scripture. I have a few notes I wrote out quickly after I'd come back from breakfast with Brother Vayle.
E-45 I never did get to thank the man over at that hotel--or that restaurant the other night that paid for our--for our supper. Wife and I and my little girl was over there, and when I went to pay my bill, somebody had paid it. Ever who it was, I thank you. Said, "The man that set on the end of the bench." 'Course there was a whole group in there that we knowed. Now, I... Some kind of a Kickapoo, something like that, the place out here, restaurant we were at. Thank you, ever who it was that did that. Each one of you, God bless you.
E-46 Now, in 16th chapter of Deuteronomy it's the passover observance. So we wish to read about the first few verses, first four or five, six verses here.
Observe the month of Abib, and keep the passover... (That means April.)... the LORD thy God: for in the month of this Abib the LORD thy God brought thee forth out of Egypt by night.
Thou shall therefore sacrifice the passover unto the LORD thy God, of the flock and the herd, in the place which the LORD shall choose to place his name...
Thou shall eat the unleavened bread within it; seven days shall thou eat unleavened bread--bread wherewith,... thou comest forth out of the land of Egypt in haste:... thou mayest remember the--the day when thou comest forth out of the land of Egypt all the days of thy life.
And there shall not be... unleavened bread seen with thee in all thy coast seven days; neither shall there be any thing of the flesh, which thou has sacrificed the first day at the evening, remain all night until the morning.
Thou may not sacrifice the passover within any of the gates, which the LORD thy God giveth thee:
But at the place which the LORD thy God has chosen to place his name in, there thou shall sacrifice the passover at evening, at the going down of the sun, at the season that thou comest forth out of Egypt.
Now, may the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word.
E-47 Now, is the microphone got a blur in it? Last night I heard they were... Can you hear all right, all over? You can't hear. [Brother Branham adjusts the microphone--Ed.] Is that better? Is this better, speaking with the microphones down like this? I'm just a little hoarse, so I'm standing close this morning for that purpose, and I hope that Brother Pearry can--can get it out there. Can you hear it all right now? I think they've fixed it up. All right.
E-48 Now, the place... The thing I want to speak about this morning is that God has only one place that the worshipper can meet God, only one place. Through the ages many has sought for this secret place of God, through all the ages. Even Job wanted to know where He lived at, "If I could only go to His house and knock at His door." Job wanted to find God's dwelling place, 'cause there God and His family is worshipped together.
E-49 Like yesterday, in the message yesterday morning, we find out that there is a possibility of a person to worship God in vain with sincere worship. God has all these things fixed out for us, but the thing of it is, we have to search to find where they are. Paul told Timothy to search, and to--to be in season and out of season, ready to give a--a--a word or--of the hope that was within him.
E-50 Now, all these things are in there. And we find... Sometime I'd like to come to Shreveport where we just have about two or three weeks just to take thirty minutes a night and just on a teaching (See?), just stay right in the Word, these secret passages (See?) where we could find out just how to get in. And you just watch; you follow God's direction; there's only one key to each door. That's right. And no other key, no matter how much it looks like it, God has no skeleton key (See?): just got one key. And now, you've got to have that key, or the door won't unlock. No matter how sincere you are, you still can't unlock that door.
E-51 Now, how many was at yesterday's breakfast, or the other morning? All right, I think most, at least ninety percent of you, or more. To background this, what I'm going to say, David was anointed king (anointed of God), the greatest king Israel ever had, outside of the Lord Jesus, which is God, the Anointed One. David is his son. Or Jesus was David's son according to the lineage, the flesh. And He's to set on David's throne as one inherit, like the--the prince always inherits the--the king's throne.
E-52 Notice, now, that David being anointed, yet with the anointing he did, he got out of the will of the Lord with that anointing; and all the people, not taking the run of the Scripture or the key to this revelation, all of them anointed too, they all together, shouting and praising God for a thing that looked exactly right: to bring the Word of God back to the house of God. But David was king, not prophet. See? He... There was a prophet in the land to do it by, and God dishonored the whole move, because they never used the right key. The door didn't unlock. And now, we must remember that, and keep that in mind.
There is... Everything of God, one certain way it's to be done, and that settles it. Now, there, God had a one certain church that He meets the people in, and He will receive you in that church and no other church.
E-53 I've said this because I've been so many times misunderstood; and people has told me...
I say, "Are you a Christian?"
"I'm Baptist."
"Are you a Christian?"
"I'm a Methodist."
"Are you a Christian?"
"I'm a Pentecostal."
E-54 Now, see, that doesn't mean one thing to God. You're just progging with the wrong key. But there is a right key; there is one where God... God never promised to meet you as a Methodist, or as a Baptist, or a Pentecostal, or no other denomination. He don't even consider the denominations; they're against Him.
E-55 On that long message, I'll get It at the Tabernacle pretty soon. And then Brother Jack will hear it, and then you can see what you want to do about it, 'cause It'll be taped.
E-56 Now, people act like that God is obligated just to meet them on the basis of their theology. Now, people act like that. They won't associate even with one another. The Trinity or the Pentecost won't associate with the Oneness; neither will the Oneness associate with the Trinity. The Methodist won't with the Baptist, because one is a legalist and the other's a Calvinist; so they have no fellowship at all. And they wind the people's minds around so bad that they even against one another.
E-57 I went to pray, sometime ago, in a hospital room. There was a lady laying there very sick, going under an operation; they expected her to die. Another lady laying there, I was called to pray for her. I said to her, "Would you mind just a moment if I pray?"
E-58 And she said, "Pull that curtain."
E-59 And I said, "I'm sorry." I said, "I was just going to ask prayer."
E-60 She said, "Pull that curtain."
E-61 I said, "Yes, ma'am." Her and her son setting there, a regular little Ricky look. And I said, "Well, aren't you a Christian?"
E-62 She said, "We are Methodists."
E-63 Said, "Well, I never asked you that; I asked you if you was a Christian." See?
E-64 And so she said, "Pull that curtain."
E-65 See, because somebody that wasn't a Methodist was going to offer prayer for a dying woman, which she was too. But because it wasn't associated in her own organization, she didn't even want to hear it or have nothing to do with it. If that ain't a Pharisee, I never seen one.
E-66 Wait till you hear "The Trail of the Serpent." Huh. All right. Now, think now that their denomination is the only one that registers with God: "God won't hear you 'less you're a Methodist, or a Baptist, or a--a Trinity, or a Oneness," or something like that. That's wrong.
E-67 And that's my purpose; but if there is such a--a desire in people's minds and hearts to be right... I don't believe the woman done it because--or anybody else. A Methodist wouldn't raise up and take up for the Methodist church because he--he knew it was wrong. The man thinks it's right. I don't believe a Trinity would condemn a Oneness, or a Oneness a Trinity and Pentecost, because he wants to be different; he thinks he's right. And you must respect his ideas. You know, the blanket stretches both ways. But remember in all that, if there's something in a man's heart or a woman's heart that they believe that that is right, then there's got to be somewhere that is right. As I've often said, "When the deep calleth to the deep, there's got to be a deep to respond to that call."
E-68 You know, we've been told that--that a seal once walked upon the bank of the--of the sea with legs. But now he doesn't have legs; they turned into flaps because he could--had need of the flaps when he took it from the land, a fur-bearing animal to the sea; nature formed him some flaps instead of legs, 'cause he could swim more than he did of his walking.
E-69 I can't think of this great man now that went to the south pole. What was his name? Byrd. They say that he had coats made for some cattle on this exposition; that he'd taken the cattle for milk. And he made fur coats to keep them cattle from freezing to death. But when he got there, they didn't need any fur coat; nature had growed them one. See? Why? Before there was a fin on a fish's back, there had to be a water for him to swim in or he'd never had a fin. There... Before there was a tree to grow in the earth, there had to be an earth first for it to grow in, or there'd been no tree.
E-70 So you see, as long as there's something in the human heart a-calling for something, there's got to be something out there to respond, to satisfy that call.
E-71 A woman... An autopsy was held here sometime ago on a woman that died. And the reason, they--they claim, that killed her, she eat onions just constantly all the time. If she wasn't eating onions, her head would be itching, and everything; they couldn't make it out. So holding the autopsy, they found a growth in the woman of some kind of cells; they had a--a name for it. And they could take that growth and put it in a bowl of onions, and it dissolved the onions overnight. See? What was it? It was something in the woman a-calling for onions, and if there had been no onions there'd a-been no growth.
E-72 In other words, there has to be a Creator first, before there could be a creation. See?
E-73 Now, if in the human heart there is a longing, like Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic, all these others, trying to find that one true way, and they're told by their priests and pastors, and so forth, that "This is the true way." They say, the priest says, "There's no salvation outside the Catholic church."
E-74 Well, each church takes his--their own ideas. Some of them won't admit it, but they do it by their action. Your action speaks louder than your words. It's just a... In otherwise, they're just more of a hypocrite than the Catholic is. The Catholic confesses it right out. "I believe that this is the only thing," but they won't do that. But they hide it, but their actions prove what they're thinking. See?
E-75 Now, there's got to be then one place, because there is a desire in the human heart to find it. And I think that the Word of God has the answer for everything that we have need of. So God has the answer, and let's search for it now in the Scriptures. And then if God will show us by the Scriptures the only place, the only grounds, the only denomination, if it's so, the only way that God will meet a man, then we should hold to that, 'cause we found the Truth of the Bible, what It says.
E-76 Now, the word "Deuteronomy," the word itself means "two laws," the word "Deuteronomy." And God has two laws. The two laws: one of them is disobedient to the Word and die; and the other one is obedience to the Word and live. That's the two laws, and "Deuteronomy" means those "two laws." They have both been absolutely displayed to us in the Scripture. One of them is death; the other one is Life: Life and death. God deals only in Life, Satan only in death. And these was displayed to the world publicly, openly before every eye, and there's no excuse for it. One of them was displayed on Mount Sinai when the law was given, which condemned the whole human race to death. The other one was give on Mount Calvary, that brought the whole human race to Life, when the penalty was paid in Jesus Christ. The two laws of Deuteronomy was fulfilled in these two great things.
E-77 I want you to notice again; there was also two covenants give. One covenant was given to Adam, which was on conditions like law: "If you will not touch this, then you will live; but if you touch this, you will die." That was a law. Then there was another law given to Abraham, which was by grace, unconditionally: "I have saved you and your seed," after him. Amen. That is a type of Calvary, not the type of--of--of Adam covenant; it's a Abrahamic covenant.
E-78 But now we hear Him say there is only one place where He will meet man to worship. We read it right here in my text. We'll refer to it, back in a few minutes.
E-79 Then if there's only one place that God meets man, we'd better be very careful. Now, let's lay aside our traditions this morning, and--in this Sunday-school lesson, and be very sure that we find that one place. Because God has said here, He will not receive you in any other place. Any other church, He won't receive you in. Only in His church, the only place He'll receive you.
E-80 Now, "What'd you say, Brother Branham? If I'm sincere?" No.
E-81 Remember, Jesus talked to some sincere people, the worshippers of His day, and He said, "In vain do you worship Me." True, genuine worship from the bottom of their hearts: "In vain do you worship Me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men," or their denominational creed. Sincere, reverently, just as religious as they can be, and that wasn't new just with the Pharisees. Cain and Abel, the first two worshippers that was born natural birth here on earth, absolutely came in the same attitude.
E-82 Cain was just as religious as Abel was. They both built altars. They both loved God. They both made sacrifices. They both worshipped. They both paid tithe. They both done everything just alike. But Abel, by faith, which is the revelation, the Word of God revealed, made plain, showed out, and vindicated... Glory! Cain made an offering, but God didn't vindicate it. God required worship, and Cain made the offering; but God didn't vindicate it. But by the true channel...
E-83 You say, "Well, my church is It. My..."
E-84 Wait just a minute. God interprets His Own Word by Its terms that Its spoke in. See? Cain said, "I am religious. I am a lover of my Maker. I offer to Thee this fine altar. I offer to You this sacrifice. I built all these things up, Lord, because I love You." Abel said the same thing. Now, it's the one that's vindicated, the one that's proven. And God come down and received Abel's sacrifice, because by revelation he had struck the true channel of God that was accepted.
E-85 Now, watch that Cain spirit come right down through the Scripture, right on to this very last day. Fundamental? Just as fundamental as the other one was.
E-86 Look at the prophet Balaam and the prophet Moses. Both of them with seven altars, Jehovah's altars, blood on each one; and not only that, but rams on each one. In numerology, exactly the right number, seven, "perfect," seven rams, just exactly like: both altars. As fundamental as one was, the other one was also. But who did God vindicate? (See, see?) The one that was in His Word. Fundamental doesn't mean too much; it's the revelation of God.
E-87 Now, think. These men, why was they called and was put in this condition, these Pharisees, by Jesus. Said, "In vain you worship Me..." Worship Him: genuine worship, true worship from their hearts... "You... In vain you worship Me." Why? "Teaching for doctrine their tradition of men; therefore you make the commandments of God of no effect to the people."
E-88 If I taught you a Methodist message, it would take no effect on you; this is Bride time. If Moses taught the message of Noah, it would take no effect. If Jesus taught Moses' message, it would take no effect. Because the predestinated seed are laying there that will only be watered by that type of water that's give for that seed. It won't grow any other condition. It must be the condition that grows it.
E-89 Now, you can take a chicken egg and put it in a incubator, where it should be under a hen, but it'll hatch anyhow. Put it under a pup, it would hatch. It's the warmness, the conditions that makes it hatch. So it has to be under conditions. You could take a good live egg and put it under a dead hen; it won't hatch. See? It's the condition.
E-90 Well, that's the way it is in this age that we're living in; you've got to find what is God's way of doing it for this age. That's what Martin Luther found; that's what John Wesley found; that's what the Pentecostals found in their age: God's age and time to do it.
E-91 Now, the Pentecostals. That brother, one... I believe his--one of his eyes was out, a colored brother who really started the Pentecostal message in California, the old Azusa Street. He was laughed at, and because he was a Negro he was made fun of; but he brought a message for that age. Just a little bodily fellow that could hardly sign his own name, but the Lord had revealed to him that this was the age for the restoration of those gifts, and they come. No matter what said, its come. But everybody got in the atmosphere of it, and seen it was that age, and seen God vindicating that those people could speak with tongues, and so forth; it happened. But then when he went and pinned it down that "this is the only evidence," that killed it. See? Goes right on. See? That did it. Then they started separating this, that, and making denominations; and one's coming on a cloud, and the other one's come in a bush. And oh, my, there it goes. That's what denominations does. See?
E-92 God is not a author of denomination, because denomination is Babylon, and He's not the author of confusion. We see her all... You don't have to be even intellectual to see that. It's Babylon, yes, tradition. Think of it, sincere people.
E-93 Now, still, because they believe that, there still needs to be one sincere place where God meets. Now, notice verse 2: "Worship in the place that I have chosen." The sacrifice, of course, where they worshipped, where they sacrificed. "The place that I chose; not what you chose, what man chose, but what I have chosen; you worship in this place." There shows there's then only one place; others is vain. It must be not of your choice, but it must be His choice.
E-94 "Well, I don't have to go to the church." Or, "You are so narrow-minded. Why, you even fuss at women about preaching, and--or women about bobbing their hair, and men about these other things. Why, you're so narrow-minded."
E-95 All right, you don't have to take God's way about it; you go on out where they do that at. See? And you'll find out it's in the Scripture, so, "In vain do they worship Me." See? Jesus spoke of the same thing. See?
E-96 That every little jot, everything, you must be faithful in. It's always the little--the little vine, the little--the little foxes spoils the vine. Sometimes you leave... It's not the big things you do; it's the little things you leave undone. Remember, a chain is only its strongest at its weakest link. "Blessed are they that do all the commandments of God, that they might have a right to enter in." Do all God said, if it said for women to have long hair, you say...
E-97 A man told me not long ago, said, "I don't preach a clothes-line religion."
E-98 I said, "Then you're not preaching the Gospel." That's right.
E-99 God laid it out there; He said what to do. And you either do it... That's your natural, reasonable thing. What little thing... what... the little insignificant. Jesus said, "Blessed are they that would take all the little things, do the little thing." And a woman to let her hair grow, that's just a--why, it's just something she can do, and she won't even do that. She won't even do that.
E-100 "Oh, teach us the great things."
E-101 How can you teach the great things, when you won't do the simple, common things? Because, you see, your motive and your objective is wrong.
E-102 It's your love to God, "Lord, I don't care what You want me to do; I'm willing to do it." Then you're getting somewhere, but if you don't do it that way, the way He said do it...
E-103 It's His choosing, "The place that I have chosen." That's where you worship with your sacrifice."
E-104 You put... Cain brought his sacrifice; Abel brought his; it depends on what place you take it into. If you take it into the place where He's chosen, it'll be all right, He'll accept it; if it's not, He won't accept it. Don't care it's the same sacrifice, whatever it is, it's still un--rejected, unless it's brought to that one certain place.
E-105 Now, we want to find out where we want to bring this sacrifice. We could find out... We all want to go to heaven, don't we? And we all know we've done wrong. We all believe that Jesus is the Sacrifice. Now, we want to know where to take Him, it'll be--it'll be accepted. See? That's right. The Bible tells us where to take Him at, and then it'll be accepted; outside of there, it won't be accepted.
E-106 Let us notice here also the place that He chose for the sacrifice to be laid, the place that He chose to put the sacrifice. You can't put it on any of these gates; but the place that He chose to put it, He also put His Name in that place. That's what He said here. He chose to put His Name in it. Now, let us search the Scriptures for this place, for that is the place where He put His Name.
E-107 Now, let's read from the text. And I had a little note laying here that I--this morning, come to me. Let's take the 2nd verse of this chapter. Now, I don't want to hold too long, on account of the people on these hookups out here. Now, the 2nd verse of this 16 chapter:
Thou shall therefore sacrifice the passover unto the LORD thy God, of thy flocks and thy herd, in the place which the LORD shall choose to put his name there.
E-108 Now, you can't take this... Your sincerity and all that you want to confess, you just can't take it to the Methodist altar, to a Baptist altar, to a Pentecostal altar. But there is a altar somewhere that He chose that He--to put His Name in it, and He would meet you at that place. Now, if you get everything running just right, it's going to run; everything's set in order. If there's a short in that wire, that light won't come on, because it's been grounded. And when you'll take one of God's Words or one of His places, and in your own heart have selfish objectives, it'll ground the power of God right there. If you do it because you want to be smart, you want to be different from somebody else, or something, right there it's grounded; it'll blow the fuse. You're wrong. You've got to come with sincerity, with all your heart. Your motives and your objectives, placed right on God. Then search for His place, find where He said, and bring it there. See?
E-109 Look at Martha and Mary. When Jesus had come back, after He had taught them this Gospel (the Light of His day, Him being Messiah), He was hated, rejected. Oh, the Pharisees and churches despised Him. But Lazarus had died, the brother which was a bosom friend to Him. He let him lay there; and they sent for Him; He didn't even come.
E-110 But watch Martha, her attitude. She said, "Lord, if Thou would've been here..." Give Him His right title: Lord, capital L-o-r-d; Yahweh, Jehovah. Glory! "If Thou would've been here, my brother would not have died." Life and death can't associate in the same channel, or the same house. See? "Thou would... He would've not have died."
E-111 Jesus said to her, "I am the Resurrection and Life," saith God. See? When He said first, "Thy brother shall live again."
E-112 She said, "Yes, Lord, I truly believe that. As a Jewish, I believe that there'll be a general resurrection of the dead; and I believe my brother was just as loyal and sincere and worship. And I believe that You are that Messiah, that's said in the Bible, because God vindicating His Word in You shows that You're the Messenger of this hour. You are that Messiah. I believe that You are that Christ that was to come, because Your works testify that God has sent You here to be that Messiah." Oh, my. Watch the cogs begin to come in place now. See?
E-113 Now, she had a right to say, "Why didn't You come raise my brother? Why didn't You heal him? You healed others. Your very best friend, and now look what happened." No, no, that kind of objective don't get nowhere.
E-114 "I believe that You're exactly what You're identified in the Scripture to be. I believe this is the day that the Messiah should come; we've been looking for it. I don't care what the rest of them say. I believe with all my heart by what I have seen and heard by the Word, that the Word is vindicated in You, that You are that Messiah." See, way down in her she--she had something to ask for, but she had to come to the right channel.
E-115 What if she'd run up there and said, "And then You tell me You're that Messiah, and not even the courtesy, gentlemen enough to even answer our request; when we fed You and housed You, and everything, and took up for You, and left our churches, as You commanded us to get out of them denominations. (See?) And here we've left it, and now we're counted offcasts and renegades. And everything that we've done for You, and then not even the common courtesy to answer my call." Now, actually, she had that right.
E-116 Like you say about your short hair, "I'm an American citizen, I can wear shorts, do anything I want to; it's not illegal." That's your rights, but a sheep always forfeits its rights. Uh-huh, uh-huh. If you're a lamb, you ain't got nothing but wool, he forfeits that. That's his God-given rights, but he forfeits it.
E-117 "I have a right to join any denomination." That's exactly right, but you forfeit that. See?
E-118 She forfeited all that she had rights to, to recognize the Word of God manifested right there before her.
E-119 He said, "I am the Resurrection and Life. He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this?" See, there's one more little clause she hadn't come in line with. See?
E-120 "Yea, Lord, I believe that Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." O brother, everything was ready to spark off right then. See?
E-121 "Where have you laid him?" See? You know what took place.
E-122 See, you've got to get in that right place before He will receive your sacrifice (See?), got to come into it.
E-123 Now, watch:
... in the place which the LORD shall choose to place his name there.
Thou shall eat no leavened bread in it;...
E-124 What does that typify in the sacrifice? Don't mix it with any creed: got to be the Word. "No leavened bread..." Leaven is the... You know what a leaven is in anything. "A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump," the whole lump is the Body. You can't put one speck of denomination or creed into Christ. No, sir, it won't work.
E-125 You remember the last Thursday night's message? Your old husband must be dead. That's right. Your new Husband is the Word. []
... seven days shall thou eat unleavened bread therein,...
"Seven days," what does that typify? The complete Seven Church Ages, seven days. Why'd they have to eat it seven days? Before what? Before going out. And the whole church age, from the beginning to the end, has to live only on the Word of God of that age. So your Roman creed, Methodist, Baptist, and Pentecostal creed's all dead.
E-126 Now, watch:
... therein, even the bread of affliction;... (persecuted for It; Luther, Wesley, Pentecostals: all persecuted, and so will you.)... for thou comest forth out of the land of Egypt in haste:... thou mayest remain the day when... remember the day when thou comest forth out of the land of Egypt all the days of thy life.
And there shall be no leavened bread seen in... with thee in all thy coast seven days;...
E-127 In the beautiful Bride of Christ, after Her death through the dark ages by the Roman empire, that She had to die, "Unless a corn of wheat falls into the ground..." The Bridegroom had to come, the perfect Masterpiece of God. You all heard my message on that.
E-128 When I stood yonder Los Angeles at Forest Lawn, one day, and my heart jumped. How many's ever been in Forest Lawn? There is a--the statue of Moses by--by--angelo, I believe it is Michelangelo. And it's a perfect statue, all but on the right knee; there is a nick about a half inch deep. And the guide... I was looking, and he pointed it out to me. He said, "Michelangelo had spent a lifetime of trying to--to make... He was a sculptor, and he was trying to make the image of Moses. Back in his mind he had in mind what Moses should look like. He had that in his heart what Moses should look like. And then he spent his lifetime; chisel a little here, and rub it, stand back and look at it. Year after year after year he worked on it. Finally when it was completed, and he stepped back, and laid down his rag and his hammer, he looked at the statue. It was so perfect the image of Moses that he had in his heart, till he got so beside himself, he grabbed the hammer and struck it, hollered, 'Speak!'" It's called Michelangelo's Masterpiece.
E-129 That great something in that sculptor, that vision that he had of what Moses ought to be with, was only portraying in type of the great Father God. He had in His heart before the foundation of the world, a Son, because He is a Father. But it was still in the genes of His Word. And He created a man, and He had to put him on free moral agency, but that man fell. But the great Sculptor, God, Who made man from the dust of the earth, He didn't settle for that; He started making man again. And He made a Noah, he died drunk. He made a Moses that failed to keep His Word. He made prophets that run in the time of trouble. And He kept building and molding, until after while He wanted a--a Masterpiece to reflect Him, His nature, what was in His heart what a son should be.
E-130 One day, down on Jordan, after that Masterpiece had been formed and made, here He come sending down in a--on the wings of a Dove, and said, "This is Him." He was so enthused with this Masterpiece until He struck Him on Calvary, that He'd die for the rest of us was imperfect; that through the shedding of His Blood, He might bring many masterpieces (being a Bride) to His Son. Masterpiece is scarred because the enthusiasm of God to see such a Masterpiece; He struck Him for us all. See? There He died to perfect we who are imperfect. The Masterpiece...
E-131 Notice in here, He said:
... seven days shall you eat this unleavened bread...
E-132 Now, bread is typed. Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word." Not just--just a Word here and there as denominations would have you believe it. But the Word of God is perfect. It's God Himself in letter form, called a Seed. And the right kind of unadulterated faith in that Word will bring that Seed to its Life.
E-133 That's exactly what you see at night in the discernments, and all these other things, because it's a promise that God made. And He stood by me and told me that, and told me these fakers would rise up, but hold steady. I believe It. And no selfish motive to hurt anybody, but to be reverent to God and to do the work that He called me to do, that's why I say these things. And God confirms it back, and receives the offer and the sacrifice by vindicating it to be the Truth: no question to it. Now, watch that Word.
E-134 Now, we notice here, "Seven days"; that's for every church age. Now, as that Masterpiece had to die in order to be resurrected to redeem us all... Then He had a church set in order at Pentecost, but that church had to go through a sacrifice; and the Roman world killed it, put them in the ground.
E-135 As this author of this book, I can't think of it now, made so much fun of me, and said, "Of all of the devils, it's William Branham." See, that's what the Devil tries to say. He said, "Visions and things," said, "that's of the Devil." He said, "Oh, he's some kind of a hypnotist, or working in super sensory perception." The intellectual world always trying to figure It out...
E-136 That's where they tried to figure out Jesus. "How do You do these things? What done it?"
E-137 He said, "I'll ask you a question. Was the ministry of John the Baptist... Was it of God or was it of man?" See?
E-138 Said, "We can't say."
E-139 Said, "Neither do I tell you." That's right, and went on...?... From henceforth no man asked Him anything. See? He just cut them off; He didn't tell them nothing about It: none of their business. He had a work to do and He finished it.
E-140 God help us to do the same thing. We don't have to answer the Devil's questions. That's right. "If thou be, do so-and-so." You're responsible for that Gospel, a preacher is, and that's all, not how it's written, it's just responsible for saying it.
E-141 And as a servant, if you're a prophet, you're responsible to God. And if the visions that comes to lightens this Scripture and shows what It is, you're responsible for every Word that's in that Bible, 'cause It was all wrote by the same kind of people you are. "God of old moved, by the prophets, and wrote the Hol--the Holy Bible." See? No genuine prophet of God could deny one Word of It, but believe every Word and preach the same. And then God's obligated out of that channel to make that Word come to pass just exactly the way It's promised; the Seed will grow.
E-142 Now, notice again quickly, we find here that all seven days that this bread was to be eat, through Seven Church Ages. Now, when it had to die and go into the ground...
E-143 And this critic that talked about me, said, "Of a God that you people worship, that could set in the dark ages and watch them mothers, pregnant, some of them little babies in their arms, sincere people be throwed into the arena and the lions tear them to pieces, and them screaming; hang them upon crosses and burn them; strip the women naked, young virgins, and throw theirselves back like this, and turn lions in on them." Said, "A God that could set in heaven, supposed to be on His throne, and looked down and say He enjoys it."
E-144 They been... See, that's the intellectual conception which is of the Devil. If the man had been spiritual, he would've knowed that that corn of wheat has to die; it had to be buried in a Roman cathedral.
E-145 But then the first little sprout of Life come forth in the reformation by Martin Luther, that, "The just shall not live by a blessed kosher that a priest does, but by the Word of God. 'The just shall live by faith.'" It brought two sprigs; the corn of wheat begin to grow.
E-146 Then along come John Wesley and added to that. There was many of the others that... Zwingli and them come forth and denied the virgin birth, and it just died down. But along come the Methodists, the tassel, the pollen, the missionary day. And they preached sanctification: added the tassel.
E-147 Then along come the Pentecostals in the shuck, so much, to deceive the elected. Looked like a real grain of wheat; open it up, there's no wheat at all. But the Life's passing through the shuck.
E-148 Now, have you noticed, every three years after a--a great meeting, what takes place? A denomination. This is twenty years and no denomination. Dear dying Lamb, may it never do that. If I go in this generation, may the people who believe this message never stand still for a denomination. God will... You'll die right in your track. Remember that. The very hour that you mention denomination among you, I don't care how sincere you are, take man for your leader instead of the Holy Spirit to confirm this Word, that's the hour you die. The genuine Seed cannot, because there's nothing left after the seed; it's the same thing was back at the beginning. It's the Bride that fell into the ground to bring forth the corn of wheat again.
E-149 Notice:
E-150 ... seven days shall you eat unleavened bread...
E-151 And there shall be with the Bride... Now, you people that had that old shouting Methodist mother, and so forth, that you wonder if she didn't speak in tongues, she ain't going to be there. That's a lie. She was... That same Holy Spirit that you have today, but it was in tassel form, not restoration of gifts. But all seven days, just eat the unleavened bread, the Word. Them back there that denominated, they're dead. They're stalk; they'll just be gathered and burned. But the Life's going right on through. And what happened? All the Life that was in the stalk, in the tassel, in the shuck, all winds up in the wheat. And that same Holy Ghost that brought Luther, brought Wesley, brought the Pentecostals, winds up in the Bride at the resurrection.
E-152 "Seven days, eat unleavened bread." No leaven shall be found amongst the Bride, no--no word added, no nothing. Remember, one word caused every death that's in the earth; every illegitimate child was borned because Eve, the first church, the bride of the first Adam, doubted God's Word and accepted a denominational, or a intellectual, or a school exceptions of it; because It was reasoned out, that "Surely, God is a good God." God is a good God, but He's also a just God. He must keep His Word. School, she accepted it.
E-153 There's where some of you seminary boys, no doubt a call in your life, but you run off to some Bible school to have this doctrine injected in you, and there's where you die. Stay with God and His Word. They won't let you; or, you can't even belong to their congregation, won't accept you on the platform. So let them have it; let the dead bury the dead; let's follow Christ the Word.
E-154 Now, seven days there shall be no leaven mixed in the Bride, the church, seven days. Now, notice. And now... no...
And there shall be no leavened bread seen in thee in all thy coast seven days;... (The sacrifice here is a type: the Bride coming forth from the Sacrifice which is Christ.)... neither shall there be any thing of the flesh, which thou sacrificed the first day at evening,...
E-155 And remember--remember how we just went through the church ages? The messenger to the church always comes just at the dying of the other church age, always. The dying of the Pentecost brings forth the rapturing of the Bride. See? The dying of Luther brought forth Wesley. See? The dying of Wesley brought forth Pentecost. The dying of Pentecost brings forth the Message now. Here, it's right here, patterned all through the Scripture. There's not a Scripture in the Bible what hooks right one with the other. See? All these types... I have no education, but I have the Holy Spirit that shows me through another channel to teach it from, from nature; and that's by the Word. Has to be the Word, things that's promised.
E-156 ... flesh,... the sacrifice the first day... even, remain all night until the morning.
E-157 Now, even Luther, who had the Truth and taught the church the just shall live by faith, you don't want to hang onto that being the full doctrine in the Methodist age. What shall you do? Burn it with fire. What was the type of? The denomination that comes out of that Word is the shuck; the stalk, the husks, must be burnt with fire. That denominational part that it come through must not remain; it's got to die. Don't leave it till the breaking of another--another age; burn it up. He's talking now to the Bride here, just the Bride, coming up through every age.
E-158 Notice how beautiful, the lamb's blood. These are Christ's Body, the Sacrifice. The lamb's blood on the door... Now, remember, the lamb was slain, which was a type of Christ.
E-159 Oh, we could take plenty of time, but I haven't got just a few more minutes to stay here. I may just have to stop and start up again tonight (See?), because we're taking too long. It's... I got twenty pages of this in here of notes (See?) on this one subject.
E-160 Notice, now, on this the--the lamb was Christ in figurative form. Or did I say that right? Type. Christ was the Lamb. He was to be a male, the first from the old mother ewe; or ewe, whichever one you choose to call it. It must be her first. And he must be tested first to see if there is a blemish on him.
E-161 Now, Christ was tested, the lamb first from the mother ewe, Mary the virgin. And was tested by what? Satan against the Word. When he hit Eve, she fell; hit Moses, he fell; but when he flew up against Christ, and tried to quote the Scripture to Him wrong, he found out that that wasn't Moses. See? He was tested. What did he turn around, he said, "If thou be the Son of God. Now, they tell me you perform miracles, and they tell me that the Messiah's to do that. Now, if it is, you're hungry, you haven't eat; turn these bread into--or these stones into bread, and eat."
E-162 He said, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone,'" your creed, so forth. But by what? Every Word! A part of the Word? Every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, that's what man lives by. See? The Lamb was tested, see if there's anywhere He had fallen.
E-163 The Pharisees, "O Rabbi, you young prophet, we think you're wonderful. You are good."
E-164 "Why call thou Me good? There's only one good, and that's God. You believe that?"
E-165 "Oh, yes. God."
E-166 "Well, I am He, then." He said, "There's only One good. Why do you call Me good, when you don't believe I'm God? (Uh-huh.) So why do you call Me good? What makes you do that? What inspired you to say that, when you know there's only one good and that's God?"
E-167 "We know thou respects not the dignity of man nor the word of the physician. We know it." Trying... He knowed that hypocrite. See?
E-168 He was tested to see where He was standing (See?), tested in every manner, tested like we are tested. But there was no giving in to him at all. No, sir. That was the Son of God.
E-169 And the lamb was tested, and was kept up for fourteen days. That was two Sabbaths, or two ages. Once for the Jews, which they offered the lamb in type; once for the Gentile, who has a real Lamb, and all of them was made perfect by believing this Lamb would come. But He was tempted fourteen--or examined fourteen days, He was the Word.
E-170 And you can examine the Old Testament, say, "It condemns the New." You're wrong. The Old Testament only bears record of the New.
E-171 A man was going to challenge me not long ago, said, "What's the matter with him?" Said, "Well, he even teaches out of the Old Testament." A Christian preacher, think of that. Said, "The Old Testament's dead and gone." Oh, no. Oh, no. It's only a schoolmaster; it shows what's wrote on the wall. See? That's right.
E-172 Now, see, fourteen days it was tested; that was Christ. Now, notice, then He was killed in the evening time, should be killed, the lamb was. Christ died in the evening time, the afternoon. And then notice, then he was also...
E-173 The blood was to be put on the doorpost (See?), which the blood is the life of the animal. "Thou shalt eat the flesh thereof; but the blood thereof which is the life, pour it out." See? It was to be... The blood was to be put on the lintel of the doorpost of the house wherein the sacrifice was accepted. Glory. What is the Life? The Name. The... He placed the name of the person... Go up to the door, and you look, to see what name's on the door 'fore you ring the bell. See? The blood was put on the lintel of the door as a type of what the sacrifice was on the inside.
E-174 Now, we're going to find the place of worship, right through there, coming through that Blood. Notice, the blood on the door was speaking the name of what was going--was on the inside. They were in there. Our place of worship, the Lamb, is the Word. We know that.
E-175 Now, verse 4, notice, "Leave no bread, leave none of the sacrifice," or, take one from one age to another.
E-176 Try to go back and say, "Well, now, we're Lutherans, we want to come up here," you've got to die to the Lutheran age to be borned in the Wesley age. You have to die in the Wesley age to be born in the Pentecostal age. And you have to die in the Pentecostal age (See?); leave nothing of it left; burn it with fire; because it's going to be burnt like the stalk that the wheat comes up out of. The stalk, the denomination, it's got to be burned. So don't bring your denomination over in the new message. This is the Word now. That's what denominated, the stalk; it carried it; that's right; but It come over into here, then the stalk died. It was a carrier, the denomination, but the Word goes right on. Yeah, the Word goes right on.
E-177 Now, take the 5th and the 6th verse. Notice, "Not..." Now, let's take the 5th and the 6th verse:
Thou mayest not sacrifice the passover within any of the gates, which the LORD thy God giveth thee:
E-178 Now, remember, "Not in any of these gates." The Lord permits you to have these denominations (See?), "these gates."
But at the place which the LORD... God shall choose to place his name in,...
E-179 That's the Gate (See?), the only place, not in any of these gates, but God has a Gate.
E-180 You say, "Every morning I enter the Methodist gate." That's the church. "Every morning I go into the Catholic gate." Uh-huh. Well, the Lord let His people go in and out them gates. God's got people in the Catholic church, Methodist church, Presbyterian church, all them, Pentecostals. Sure, but don't... You don't worship the Lord in that gate. See? But the Lord has a certain gate. Glory. He has a gate.
But at the place which the LORD thy God... choose to place his name in, there... shall thou sacrifice the passover at evening,...
E-181 When did Rebekah find Isaac? When did Eliezer call her to be the bride? Evening time.
It shall be Light about the evening time,
The way to Glory you will surely find;
In that water way is the Light today,
Buried in the precious Name of Jesus;
Young and old, repent of all your sins,
The Holy Ghost will surely enter in;
The evening Lights have come,
It is a fact that God and Christ are one.
E-182 That was the beginning of it. Now she stayed right on into the Bride Light. See what I mean?
E-183 I better close here, start again tonight, 'cause I don't want you to leave this. You see? No, no, it's--it's--it's dinner time. Well, well, I got too many notes wrote here. Ooh, my. How about tonight, would that be better? Huh? Well, if you're... You want to just try a little further? Now, let's just a... All right, let's go a little further then; we'll hurry right quick. How's that?
E-184 Now, go in at the what? "You shall not go into any gate that the Lord God has given you, but at the gate that the Lord will put His Name in." Not go into the house of the--of the gate which is the door... That right? God's going to put His Name at the door, and you shall not... That's the gate that enters into the place of worship, the sanctuary. You don't go in there with your sacrifice to any of these gates, but in the gate that the Lord God chooses to put His Name in. See?
E-185 Now, has He did that? Where is that gate? In St. John 10, Jesus said, "I am the Gate, the Door. I am the Door to the House of God. I am a Door to the sheepfold," not the goatfold, the sheepfold. See? "I am the Door to the sheepfold. A man may enter into this Door, be safe."
E-186 And now, we could linger a long time on that. But to save time, He is the Door to that sheepfold. Now, we want to notice here. The shadows and types are really in view right here, but I'd... If I take that page I'd--it's going to hold you awhile.
E-187 All right, notice, this brings in perfect view Jesus Christ. For all the Old Testament is type of Him, all the feasts, all the worships, and everything. Now, I've got wrote down here, under these line of Scriptures, "Explain it." There's where it'd take a long time. Explain how all the feasts... Even the meal offering was a type of Christ. Let's just take that one.
E-188 One time there was a--a school called the school of the ministers, or school of prophets; they trained up an educated prophets. And there was a genuine God-called prophet one time went up to visit them. Well, they were going to show the old prophet a little courtesy, so one of them went out and picked a big bunch of what he thought to be peas; but they were poison gourds, and he was going to feed them all on that.
E-189 Oh, how many seminary lapfuls have we had. See? That's right. They're cooking up something. See? They got Methodist lapfuls, Baptist lapfuls, Pentecostal lapfuls. But, you see, they are the second growth, the kind that can be pruned off the tree (See?), not in the main Vine: Bearing lemons, grapefruits, and so forth, not oranges, but professing to be citrus.
E-190 Notice again. Now, in this--in this, when Elijah come around and looked at them, and seen that it was poison gourds that would kill every one of them, they said, "Alas, we got death in the pot."
E-191 He said, "Bring me a handful of meal." And he throwed meal into it; he said, "Now, it's all right; eat what you want." It changed death to life.
E-192 And the meal offering that was given to... Christ, He was the Meal offering, and the meal offering must be ground with a certain burr that made every little chunk of meal the same, shows that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He's the same thing to put in your denomination and it'll live, the Word. Christ is the Word. All the types of everything: the tabernacle, the--the--the shewbread, everything, the broken kosher under the plate was His broken body, that the Jews can't explain yet why they do it (See?), and all these other things typed Him.
E-193 Now, then, Him in view, we see now all denominations and creeds left behind; for He is the pure, unchangeable Word of God, which is the unleavened bread: St. John 1. That's right. He's the unleavened Bread. So you add this, or add that, it's a leavened added to that what's already been originally give for you.
E-194 Looky here. What's killing the race today? They take and hybreed things. And when you hybreed it, you kill it. "Oh, it looks more pretty." Sure. Hybrid corn: corn flakes, all the other cereals that comes out of corn... Hybrid corn: great, big, nice long stalks, and great big ears, look like twice as good as the other. But it's death. Science even has found that out. See? Don't cross it; it'll kill you.
E-195 Now, here, let me show you. The other day I was watering some flowers in my yard. And the lady had some hybrid flowers that was in a little pot here, a little planter at the side of the house. We have to water them things at least three times a week, or four, or they'll die. And there stood the original plant out in the yard. And it hasn't rained there for six months, just as dry... If it rains, in ten minutes you can blow dust. But that little fellow laying out there just prettier and brighter than the hybrid was with all the water. You keep that water off of him, he'll die. But where did he get his water?
And another thing, you have to go all along spraying them every day or two to keep the lice off of him. They don't, the lice will eat him up, he's so tender and soft. But there ain't a louse that'll get on that original. No, no. He'll crawl up to him and crawl away. He's original. See what the hybreeding has done?
E-196 That's the same thing in the church. They're trying to mix the denomination with the Word, to make the--try to make the Word say what the denomination says. And when you do that, you have to spray them, and baby them, and--and give them gold stars to come to Sunday school, and everything else. That's right. When a genuine, borned again Christian's borned with the Word of God, he's rugged, can't kill him. The lice and things of the world don't bother him. He's a eagle; he flies plumb apast it (See?), soars in the heavenly. See? It is true. Nothing...
E-197 Notice. Now, we must understand, that here the denomination, creeds and anything that's added of the leavened bread cannot mix with the unleavened bread. And the Bible foreshadows here in the sacrament of going into the worship, that no unleaven can be taken with you, and God will receive it.
E-198 You say, "I'm Methodist." Right there you die.
"I'm Pentecostal's." You die.
E-199 I am of Christ. That's right. You've got to stand on something. That's right. You're--you're standing on something.
E-200 Churchill once said, held up two fingers and said, "We are--got the victory." And England stood by that; they believed Churchill.
E-201 And believe it or not, this morning, you are standing by something. There's only one thing that you can live and stand by, and that's Christ, the Word. True.
E-202 Notice, nothing in the Bible types the denominations but Babylon. And Babylon was founded by Nimrod, and Nimrod was a renegade. And he had a bunch of women in there, was supposed to be his queens, that was prophetess. They even think that old Balaam come from that section; they had roots and so forth they worshipped, you know (And many of you scholars that reading Hislop's "Two Babylons," and so forth, and the history of the church), and how they--they did. And they had women that done this, and women, of goddess, and everything, and it was a forced religion. Everybody, every city around Babylon was compelled to come to Babylon to worship under Nimrod at the tower. See? That's right. They were forced to do it, to Babel. There's where the confusion come.
E-203 And that's exactly what the church is today, "If you don't attend Sunday school, if you don't do this, and have to hire you to do this and do this and do that; you're out of the picture."
E-204 Out there in Tucson is listening in this morning; I once wondered... I've always constraining people, "Go to church, no matter where you go." And I seen the people kind of pulling back, and going this way. And I thought, "What's the matter?"
E-205 I went to some of them. "The first day you're there, they'll approach you: 'Join our church.' If you don't do it, you're not welcome." See, see? It's a forced thing; it's forced upon you (See?), and that's Babylon. But in Christ, you come in by election, not by force; your heart pulls you in.
E-206 God said, "I'll not put His name then in Babylon." Closely now. He cannot put His Name in Babylon, the churches. Oh, they... They put His Name in there, but He never.
E-207 No, you say, "Well, now, Brother Branham..." Wait, wait, just set still; just... You asked me stay a little longer. That's it. See, see? No... Now, notice, they put His Name in there, but He didn't.
E-208 Now, He said, "The place that I'm going to meet you and receive your sacrifice is where I choose to put My Name. You come in at this gate, this door where I choose to put My Name. There's where you come."
E-209 Well, they put, "This is the Church of Christ." If there's anything that's wrong in that declaration, it left out one word: "anti." Uh-huh. All that He taught, they disagree with It: modern Pharisees.
E-210 But we must find where He did put His Name, for in It is His only provided Gate. Amen. Glory. Watch. Where did He put His Name? In His Son.
E-211 "Oh," you say, "now wait a minute, Brother Branham. That was the Son, not the Father."
E-212 The son always takes the name of his father in every case. I come to this earth in the name of a Branham, because my father's name was Branham.
E-213 Jesus said, "I came in My Father's Name, and you received Me not." You wanting a Scripture on that? St. John 5:43. See? "I--I came in My Father's Name, and you received Me not." Then the Father put His own Name, which is Jesus, in the Son. And He's the way; He's the door; He's the House; He's where God chose to put His Name. God never put His Name in me; He never put It in the church; He never put It in the Methodist, Baptist, Catholic; but He put It in Christ the anointed Emmanuel.
E-214 And the Name is in the Word because He is the Word. Amen. What is He then? The Word interpreted is the manifestation of the Name of God. No wonder... "Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father which is in heaven has revealed this to you Who I am. And upon this rock I'll build My place of worship, and the gates of hell can't shake it down." Amen. O living Church of God, standing firm foundation on Jesus Christ alone. You can sing the song, but if you're not on Christ the Word, you're on teetering, faltering sand. "But upon this rock," Christ, "My Word..."
E-215 He built the Lutheran message and they denominated it. It was growing, the footstool. Then He growed up into the leg part, the Methodist, and so forth. There's where He built His church, upon His Word. Now, He's not all foot or all thigh; He's a body; and now is the capping part. Did you notice in the pyramids, which I don't preach a pyramid religion, now.
E-216 But the first Bible was ever wrote, was wrote in the sky, the zo... [] Did you notice it? It starts off with the virgin, the first figure in the zodiac. The last figure is Leo the lion. He come first by the virgin; He comes next as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Just before that, a cancer age, a cross fish, all the rest the ages. If we had time to go through it; which we have at the Tabernacle...
E-217 And the pyra--pyramid being in those foundations, up into the king's chamber. And just before you hit the seventh wall, there's a little introduction plank there, where a messenger comes out to bring you to the king. (The messenger John the Baptist that introduced to the King...) But the Headstone was rejected. And they don't know, the Stone of Scone, or whatever it is, they don't know where it's at, because it's a rejected stone. But that's the stone that caps the whole thing, that makes it the pyramid through the complete seven church ages. Add grace, add this, add this, there's seven adds, the last one is Christ. Add this to your charity, add grace to your grace, add something else, and something else, till it gets up to Christ is the Headstone, "I am the Door."
E-218 Now, a son always comes in his father's name. Any son comes in his father's name. And Jesus said, "I came in My Father's Name." Then what is the Name of the Father? What is the Name of the Son? And He said, "A little while and the world seeth Me no more, yet ye shall see Me." He's come in the form of the Holy Ghost, the same Jesus. That was the reason they was worshipping, "O Jesus." See, see? Father, Son, and Holy Ghost: It's the Lord Jesus Christ. That's all. "I come in My Father's Name, and you received Me not."
E-219 Now, remember, He also added here and warns us, "Another will come," a denomination, a creed. "They'll come in their name and you will receive them. You won't receive Me, the Word vindicated and proved before you."
E-220 As He was right then, so is He today. Don't you miss that, people across this nation. "Another will come, a church, and you'll believe that, because you can just do any way. I won't vindicate it." He's never at any time, ever vindicated anything in any church outside of the Message that was give them: Luther's justification; Wesley's sanctification; Pentecostal restoration of the gifts. Ask it. And as soon as they make a denomination out of it, there it died. Search the Scriptures.
E-221 But He said, "I'll choose the place to put My Name." And the Name was Jesus. And Jesus is the Word: St. John 1. Is that right? That's the place of worship: in Christ the Word. "I come in My Father's Name."
E-222 The prophet said, "His Name shall be called Emmanuel." That's Matthew 1:23, if you want to wrote that down. Jesus, Jehovah, the Saviour...
E-223 Now, the 5th verse shows that He is the door. By now, many other invisible proofs, this gate, and Name, and place can be proved to be there's only one Place that God meets man to worship, and that's when he's in Christ.
E-224 Now, now the question is, "How do we get in Him?" Now, this may pinch just a little bit; but, you know, like taking medicine, if it don't make you sick, it don't do you no good. See, see?
E-225 Now, the Lutherans wanted to get in one way, by joining the Lutheran church. The Methodists wanted to get in by shouting. The Pentecostals wanted to get in by speaking in tongues. That still ain't it. See? No, that's gifts, so forth. But I Corinthians 12 says, "By one Spirit..." Spirit of God, which is the Life-giver to the Word, the Seed, to vindicate that Seed for that season. See?
E-226 Here's the Methodist age seed laying there; it taken the Holy Spirit to make that seed come to life and pure--purify the church by sanctification; Luther didn't preach that, 'cause he didn't know it. The Pentecostals wanted to speak in tongues for the restoration of the gifts. Each one declares, "That's it. That's it." See?
E-227 But by one Spirit we're all baptized into one Body, and that Body is a family, the family of God. And that's the house of God, and the house of God is the Name of Jesus Christ. "The Name of the Lord is a mighty tower; the righteous run into It and are safe."
E-228 Now, how you going to come in by a title? How's your check going to be received by saying, "Pay to the order of--of Reverend, Doctor, Minister"? See, see? You might be a reverend, doctor, minister. But the Name of the Lord is Jesus Christ. See?
E-229 "I have chose to put My Name at the Door of the house of My worship, for My family will be gathered in there under the Blood like it was in Egypt; anything outside died. And in there there's no leavened bread. There's no denominational mixture in It anywhere. "In My house, My children, borned of My genes..." Amen. Glory to God! "My genes are in them. My... I put My Word in them. I'll write them upon the tables of their heart. That's My family, the family of the Body of Jesus Christ: the family. And this door you'll come in, not Methodist, Baptist, or Pentecostal, but in the Door where I put My Name." It ain't Methodist. God's Name ain't Methodist. God's Name ain't Pentecostal. God's Name ain't Baptist. God's Name ain't Catholic. Stay out of the doors then. See, see? See?
E-230 "But in a place where I choose to put My Name..." Now, there's not another place in the Bible given where that God ever put His Name, only in Jesus Christ; for He is the Son of God taking the Name of God, and God's human Name. "And there's not another name given under heaven whereby you must be saved." I don't care, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, catechisms, or whatever you want to do; only through the Name of Jesus Christ where every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess to it, Him being Lord. There's how you come in.
E-231 And if you was just baptized in water like--like, and then deny the Word, then you're illegitimate; your birth wasn't correct. You claim that you believed Him then, and you deny Him.
E-232 How could I deny my family? When... How could I deny Charles Branham being my father? A blood test on the door shows it. See? Uh-huh.
E-233 My action, and the vindication of God's Word in my life shows whether I'm a child of God or not. Now, there's God's only place. See it? The only place that God will receive your sacrifice (I don't care how sincere you are.) is in Christ.
E-234 And remember... You say, "Well, I believed; I come in too." Remember, the Bible says... You say, "Well, the Bible said, 'Whosoever believeth that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, is saved, shall be saved.'"
E-235 It says that, but remember it also is written, also is written, "No man can call Jesus the Christ, only by the Holy Ghost." See? You might say he is, but he isn't until the Holy Spirit Itself, which gives Life to the Word, proves it by vindication that you are the son of God then. That's the Scripture.
E-236 "The place that I chose to put My Name. You shall not worship in any other gate, but in the gate I put My Name in; then I will receive you; you're in My family."
E-237 Now, the family of God obeys the order of the Father of the family. "And He is the Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father; and of His dominion and reign there shall be no end; the government shall be upon His shoulders." And Him being Governor, King, Emmanuel, First, Last, Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, everlasting Father, every one of His children obey every Word to the order, because they're a part of Him.
E-238 We live in our home like Branhams live. You live in your home, the Joneses, like the Joneses live.
E-239 And in the house of God we live by the Word of God and every One that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, and any other fraud we won't listen to him. See? "You shall eat unleavened bread, every church age, just as I give It to you." But don't try to go back and inject that over into This, because it's come into a stalk. "You shall take the bones and things that's left over of the sacrifice and burn them." Gone, the church age died, went on; we're in another one now. Amen.
E-240 "The place I choose to put My Name in." Oh, my. I Corinthians 12.
E-241 Notice Ephesians 4:30.
... grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed until the... (next revival?)... until the day of your redemption.
... grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed until the day of your redemption.
E-242 Now, notice. Let's apply that to our Scripture lesson. Then we better go; I think I'm wearing the people out too. Yes, sir People getting up and going home, see, 'cause they got--they got dinner cooking. And somebody they're wanting to meet; they didn't expect come down here and listen all day long. See? But look, you know the...
E-243 Ben, oh, I--I ought to go...?... Bless you. Thank you, Brother Ben. I love you, Brother Ben.
E-244 If you know what that boy's suffered for us in that war; he's shot all to pieces, and blowed up, and everything else. He's had a life of everything, but God's blessed him. He stayed true. His wife left him, run away and married again, and took his children. Oh, my, I just can't think about it.
E-245 And--but, anyhow, God bless you, Ben.
E-246 He's laying right now full of shrapnel, pressing against his nerves and everything else. Just... You have to know the background of Ben. You see? God, bless that boy. Yes.
E-247 ... whereby you're sealed until the day of your redemption.
E-248 Notice. Now, this might pinch just a little bit, but notice (Don't fall out with me.); just remember.
E-249 When Israel once looked on that door, with that blood on the door, the name (the blood, the life), and entered in under that blood, they never went out again until they went out of Egypt. "Grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby you go in and don't go out anymore until the day that you are redeemed out." See?
Well, the Bible's always right. He puts words in there you got to place It out where It goes, to make it--make the whole picture of redemption. See, see?
... grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed until your redemption. (till you're redeemed)
E-250 You're sealed in there; you're beneath the Blood. You don't go out no more. And then what are you? God's son in God's family, sealed in by the Holy Spirit. The Devil couldn't get you if he had to; for you are dead; your old husband part is dead, and you are buried, and your life is hid in God through Christ, and sealed by the Holy Ghost. How's he going to get you? How you going to get out? You're there. Glory. Now, I'll leave that alone; just enough so you'll know what I'm talking about.
E-251 Then a new creation, not to a denomination, but to the Word. You're a creation of the Word. Because the foundation stone was laid in you before the foundation of the world, predestinated to be sons and daughters of God.
E-252 And upon this come stone upon stone in each age to vindicate that Word that's coming up, just exactly as Jesus did in His age, which is the Capstone of it all. In Him laid every age. In Jesus was Moses. In Jesus was David. In Jesus was the prophets. Is that right? Look at Joseph, sold for almost thirty pieces of silver, throwed in, supposed to be dead, taken out, went and come to the right hand of Pharaoh. Look, exactly, Jesus was--Mo--a--Joseph was in Jesus.
E-253 And when He come, He was the fulness of the kings, prophets (Hallelujah); the Godhead bodily rested in Him. He come to redeem out of there a Bride, a Masterpiece, a Masterpiece that says to Satan that...
E-254 When he says, "Days of miracles is past. There's no such a thing as these things you're talking about."
E-255 "Get thee behind me, Satan." See? See, a Masterpiece standing in a garden...
E-256 Sometime the Capstone will return, the Head of all of it, and receive the Bride unto Himself; which the woman is took from the man, a part of the man. Every... Genes of the man is in the woman, what makes the woman. And that's the way the Word of God is in the church, what makes the church the Bride. Not a denomination, that's of the Devil, every one of them. I ain't calling the people in there that; there are poor deceived people, like Jesus said, "Blind leading the blind." And He could not call them out.
E-257 And they said, "Well, you are borned of fornication. Who tells you to come to you. What school, what seminary recognized you? There we have Moses. We are..."
E-258 He said, "If you'd have knowed Moses, you'd knowed Me."
E-259 'Cause Moses wrote Him in his four books, "The Lord your God shall raise up a Giver of the Word, a Prophet likened unto me, and who will not hear that prophet will be cut off from amongst the people." That's all there is to it. And what is He? The Word. And what is It? Don't leave none of the leaven left in the... Just don't put no leaven amongst It. Don't add any creed, any denomination, for it's polluted right there, your sacrifice is finished.
E-260 Let's hurry now, right quick, so you can go eat. Notice.
E-261 Now, then, you are a son of God in the house of God; you are a part of God's economy. Romans 8:1, "Then there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." For they are dead to the world, alive in Him, and living in this present day, making the Word that God has used them for, foreordained them, placing their names in this Bride Book. And when the Waters comes upon that seed that's in the heart, raises it up to the Bride of Christ. Oh, my. Just perfect as it can be. In every age it's been that way.
E-262 The Lutherans, under justification, the feet, raised it like that; Wesley, under sanctification. The Pentecostals under the arms, the works and deeds and so forth, had to be Calvinists... or had to be Arminian, had to be legalists. But now we come to the head, the capstone. "Grace. Grace." the capstone cried.
E-263 The headstone crying what? "Grace. Grace." Passed from death and creed into a living Word of the living God. God's only provided plan for His age, His sons in the Word age quickened by the Spirit like a spark that's lit off of something to make it alive; and seated now in heavenly places in present tense, already alive and subject to every promise in the Word. Then what does that do? You being a part of God's gene, a part of the Word, other men a part of God's Word, seated together, manifest the entire Body of Christ, because there's no leaven among you. (See what He's talking about, Brother Brown?) No leaven among you, just the Word only, seated in heavenly places in the door where He put His Name: Christ Jesus.
E-264 No leaven among you, that brings the entire Fulness of the Godhead bodily among you. Couldn't do it in Luther's age, couldn't do it in Wesley's age, couldn't do it in the Pentecostal age; but in the day when the Son of man will be manifested, revealed, brought back the church together with the entire Deity of God amongst His people, showing the same visible signs, manifesting Himself like He did at the beginning when He was manifested on earth in a form of a Prophet God (Oh, Glory.) promised by Malachi 4, promised by the rest of the Scriptures. Where you worship at? The house of God, seated, in present tense.
E-265 Now, quickly, let us look just real fast now, and then go in about... In ten minutes we'll be gone, the Lord willing.
E-266 Now, let us look at some that has been quickened into this house of God, of their age... Enoch... (In ten minutes we'll go, if you can just suffer that much longer.) Look, Enoch was the living Word of God of his age; he was a prophet.
E-267 A prophet is God's reflector. How many knows that? The--the reflector doesn't reflect itself; the--the reflector isn't the reflection. There has to be something strike the reflector--reflector to make it reflect.
E-268 So a prophet is a chosen vessel of God that cannot reflect nothing at all, but he's in direct line with that reflection, God, to reflect the image of Christ the Word (See?); nothing else can do it. You are a reflector; that's the reason the prophet had to eat the book. That's the reason he had to eat the scroll. He had to reflect that Word for that age. You got it?
E-269 Notice Enoch, God's perfect reflector in type. When God was through--through with him, He just translated him (See?), took him up. The mechanics that he had reflected become dynamics with the Spirit, and took him up.
E-270 Same in the days of Elijah. Elijah, even to his bones, where that reflection... Reflector of God in his body being made manifest the Word of God. They laid a dead man on it; he sparked to life again. We are flesh and bone of Him, as long as we are the Bride of Christ. You believe that? All right. He died for us, and we die to ourselves and are buried in His Name, that we would no more be of the world, but in Him, of which both the family in heaven is named after Jesus Christ. That's Ephesians 1:21. For both heaven--the family in heaven... What's the family in heaven named? Jesus. What's the family on earth named? Well, that's the house of God where the Blood's at. Is that right? That's the Door, that's the Gate, that's the place He put His Name, and the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us. It's the Word reflecting and sparking off the age that you're living in. That's what He was; that's what Moses was; that's what Jacob was; that's what the rest of them was: sparking off that Word of God, the reflector that God was reflecting Himself. And come to that perfect Image of God, Jesus Christ, God's Masterpiece; was struck that He might take the rest of them for a Bride that's been a reflector of Him.
E-271 Moses was in Him. Joshua was in Him. And if you are in Him, you was in Him before the foundation of the world, the family of God; you suffered with Him; you died with Him; you went to the cross with Him; you raised with Him; and now you're still with Him, setting in heavenly places, reflecting the Message of the age to the world, the Light of the world. "Ye are the Light of the world," but if it's hid by a denominational bushel basket, how are they going to see It? By your traditions, you make the Light of no effect. By trying, you denominationals, trying to keep the Light away from your church; you won't go in; neither will you let them. Amen.
E-272 Let's just stop. My, I got too much here. We--we just won't... Oh, my. Five minutes we got.
E-273 You see Who the door is? Where did God put His Name? In Jesus. How do you get in His Name? How do you get in there? By being baptized in there. How by? Water? By Spirit: one Lord, one faith, one baptism, that's Holy Ghost baptism.
E-274 The water baptism just put you in fellowship with the people, that you recognized that you have accepted Christ. That's the True. But it's Spirit baptism. I can call the Name of Jesus over you and baptize you; that doesn't make it so.
E-275 But when once that Holy Spirit really genuine Word comes into you (the Word, Jesus), then, brother, the message is no secret to you then; you know It, brother; It's all lit up before you. Hallelujah. Praise be to God. Amen.
I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me,
And purchased my salva...
E-276 Dear God, I pray that You'll heal these people, Lord, and make each one of them well, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Oh. Love... Oh.
Ever since, by faith I saw that stream
Thy flowing wounds supplied, (from that Masterpiece)
Redeeming love has been my theme,
E-277 How can you... God is Love. "He that loveth is of God," Divine, holy love, not dirty love; clean, pure, holy love, love of God the Word. "Thy laws have I hid in my heart, that I sin not against Thee," oh, my, that David crying out. Isn't He wonderful? Don't you love Him?
E-278 Now, there is a Way, a pure, holy Way, a only meeting place that God will meet you. Not because you say, "God, now, I'm a good Methodist. I'm a good Baptist. I'm a good Pentecostal." No. Because that you are in Jesus the Word, the part of the Word that's being manifested today, this day's Message, not Luther, Wesley, Pentecostal; but your Jesus, the reflection, that has come up into this. You can't go back to that; that's adding leaven to your holy Bread, that, "Man shall live by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God in Its season."
E-279 O come, Lord Jesus, the great Headstone. Look laying yonder in the dust of them Lutherans that died back yonder under martyrdom; look at them Methodists, those Pentecostals and so forth, coming up now, that real strain they come out.
E-280 You Assemblies of God went and organized, when the very thing God brought you out of, you turned right back like a hog to its wallow.
E-281 You Oneness, United, the old J. C. of--Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ. One for the colored, and separated yourselves because of segregation, you that did that, and then united yourself they call it "United," and then organized, and fussed at the Assemblies? "As a dog turns to its vomit." If the vomit made the dog sick in the first place, won't it make him sick again? Change your diet from your denomination to the Word, and live with Christ. Shame on you.
E-282 I've got a Father over yonder,
I've got a Father over yonder,
I've got a Father over yonder,
On the other shore.
Some bright day I'll go and see Him,
Some bright day... go and see Him,
Some bright day I'll go and see Him,
On the other shore.
Oh, won't that be a happy meeting,
Won't that... (Word goes to Word.) meeting,
(When the Bride goes up, Word by Word)... happy meeting,
On the other shore.
Oh, that bright day may be tomorrow,
That bright day may be tomorrow,
That bright day may be tomorrow,
On the other shore.
E-283 You say, "You mean that, Brother Branham?" Yes, sir. When the Lutheran of that age, the Wesley's of their age, the Pentecostals of their age (the true ones, not the denominationals); the Pentecostals, the one that added leaven, the denomination died. But this true Word moving on. See? Just like Jesus said, "At that day, you'll know that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me, and I in you and you in Me." It's all the Word.
E-284 Oh, won't that be a happy meet... (when His sons gather to His gate)... happy meeting,
Won't that be a happy meeting,
On the other shore.
E-285 Now, church, we're teaching now. But, remember, when you leave here, start moving out of the shuck now; you're going into the grain; but lay in the Presence of the Son. Don't add what I've said, don't take away what I've said. Because, I speak the Truth as far as I know It, as the Father has given to me. See? Don't add to It; just say what I said.
E-286 The thing of it is, just tell the people to come seek the Lord Jesus. And then you yourself lay right in His Presence; just make love to Him, "O Lord Jesus, Son of God, I love You. Tender my heart, Lord. Take away all the filth and the love of the world, and let me live holy in this present world before You."
E-287 Shall we bow our heads for prayer. Now, let's see, have you got anybody chosen to dismiss in prayer? Or, I will then. Be real reverent.
E-288 Dear God, we thank You that we have had our spiritual diet. We thank You, Lord, that the vitamin of the Word grows sons of God. It does not affect on any other type of character, only on sons and daughters of God. So we thank You for It. And we pray, God, that we will profit therewith, that we will not only thank Thee. We thank You for It, but may we use the strength to try to by love persuade people to believe in our God: the wayward, the sinners, the women, the men, the boys, the girls, in this age.
E-289 Seeing, Lord, that the mental conditions, the nervous age that the people's living in, is driving them out of their minds to exactly fulfill what the Scripture said and promised: the great hideous things would come upon the earth like locusts to haunt the women that cut their hair, they'll have long hair like a woman. And different hideous sights that they'll be able to see, Lord, in that mental, deluded conditions they're in, and then screaming for the rocks and the mountains. Women who would mother dogs and cats, and not raise children to honor You... Those that You did give children to and they did conceive them, turn them loose on the streets to do as they want to. No wonder You said, Lord, when You were going to the cross, "Then they'll begin to cry for the rocks and the mountains to fall on them."
E-290 We see every other thing moving right up to this time. We see the Scripture being vindicated, proved. And just as we see That, Lord, You with our own eyes being made manifest, someday there will be a rapture and we'll see the manifestation of that Word, "For the Son of man shall come in the clouds of glory with His holy Angels with Him, and we'll be caught up to meet Him in the air." It will then be... We hear of it now; then we'll see it with our own eyes.
E-291 May we be found in Him, the only provided Place. And He is the Sacrifice. We bring Him, what we've heard about, Jesus Christ, into the house of God by the baptism of the Holy Ghost, through the Name of Jesus Christ. And there our sacrifice is accepted, and we're brought into the family; because, yet straying out in the world, we were ordained sons and daughters of God before the foundation of the world. Thank You for that, Father. Oh, how could anyone ever turn back on something like that when they found the Truth, that God has selected them out of the world?
E-292 There were millions lost, the day that I was saved. O dying Lamb, how can I ever thank You? How can my heart ever be reverent enough before You? Help me, dear God, to live true. Help my people to live true. I pray for them, Lord, every one, that You will... God, somehow, I don't... I--I wouldn't know how... I don't know how, just how to ask, Lord; and I--maybe I'm not even asking that in the right manner. But You forgive my ignorance, Lord, and just look at my heart. I pray that not one of them will be lost, not one of them, Father. I claim them, every one, for You. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I love Him, I...
E-293 And if you love Him, you love one another. Shake one another's hand.
E-2 I was setting over there talking to my old friend Brother Brown, while the songs was going on. And he said, "Brother Branham, I never seen till yesterday, what you've been talking about." He said, "If people could just get into what you're speaking about," said, "every obstacle would move out of the way." That's exactly right. That's right. It's exactly right. If you could just grasp It, could catch It... See?
E-3 Talking to my little friend Ernie Fandler. I guess some of you out on the hookups will remember Ernie, how he was converted, how he was led to the Lord. He doesn't talk good English, or I'd like to have him come say a word. And he gets his we's and W's all mixed up. He was asking me if I remember the time at the Shawano where he lives. There was a man died right in the meeting, dropped over in his seat dead: Lutheran. And we had everybody keep quiet. Spoke the Word of the Lord over him, and he come back to life. He come right up...?... They've never got over that, wants us come back again.
E-4 And I understood that in France this morning, there's better than two thousand Frenchmen on a several day fast that we'll come bring the message to France in French. The whole Protestant nation, Protestant part of the nation of France... And so we are...
E-5 It's just begin blooming now, just begin... The shuck's pulling away so the wheat can lay out there now. See? So just keep reverent; keep praying. See? Remember, they that wait upon the Lord, renew their strength.
E-6 Now, there's... I was getting pretty old, and I thought, "Will I... Will there be another revival, I'll see another time?" And just remember, from the west will come a white horse rider. We'll ride this trail again. That's right. Soon as we get ready. It's a promise.
E-7 Now, I want to say to Brother Leo... I was talking about Brother Wood last night, his brother being here. Brother Leo, if you and the little group that's hooked in up there this morning; Sister Mercier, your father's here. I seen him last night. He's around here in the building somewhere, and he looks fine and dandy.
E-8 The morning he was healed up at the Tabernacle, there was two major cancer cases, real dying, and both of them was healed. And their father, an elderly man in a heart attack, was brought out to the glory of God. And he's in the meeting here somewhere. I can't see him amongst the crowd now, but he was here last night.
E-9 Greetings to all of you out across the land; here in this wonderful place of the Life Tabernacle here at Shreveport, with a whole jammed-out crowd for a Sunday school. You know, if I lived at Shreveport, not saying nothing against anybody, but this would be the place I'd come to church at, right here at the Life Tabernacle. This is not a denomination. The Life Tabernacle is, today is a interdenominational tabernacle. They come out of the denomination because they accepted me and this message I preach. Brother Jack Moore, my brother and friend, he was taken from the denominations because he associated with me. And so I think he deserves some credit. That's right. God bless him. And hold up his hands in prayer, and believe with him.
E-10 And now, Sister Moore, I don't see her anywhere, she... Yes, back here. She looks like a little girl setting over there this morning all this dressed up, new, and just looked like a Easter outfit. And it--it looked like... Brother Jack didn't even know her hisself. Now, now sister...
E-11 We sure miss Anna Jean, and Don, and all of them. Glad to meet Brother Nolan, he was one of the associates here.
E-12 And Brother Ernie, I asked him yesterday if he'd sing that "Amen." I've got it on a record, and I've wore the thing out just listening over it, "Amen." I think he's got a voice for that; beats any of them. And little Judy, I noticed her: the two, they look just like brother and sister. Don't they? They're husband and wife. Look at the each of them, see why they just look exactly, and really a lovely little couple. That's, you know, that's... Brother Palmer that's just climbed the golden stairs, that's his daughter and son-in-law. And that's... She is certainly a contribution to his well training of a child. And he's got others too, married ministers also, and these are the evangelists and on their field, and others. So it's just great.
E-13 I haven't seen Sister Palmer. Really, I don't know whether I'd know her if I seen her or not. She's, perhaps, somewhere (of course) in the meeting. Back in the back; God bless you, Sister Palmer.
E-14 My heart shakes every time I think of it. Brother Palmer just climbed the steps a few minutes until I got the message that he was gone. And I just couldn't believe it. Billy called me, and somebody'd got ahold... They knowed we were such lovely friends, and to know that he was gone, it was really shaking. But we all got to go; regardless of who we are, we must go one by one. But there's only one thing, "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the full duty of man," Ecclesiastes 12.
E-15 Now, I--I haven't got too much time for this Sunday school lesson, and I'm hoarse.
E-16 Say, Brother Pearry Green done a noble thing. He heard me say, last night, "I missed my little piece of hair to keep me..." He called out there and tried to get somebody to fly it in for me. I said, "You're too late; I'm already hoarse." I tried for years to find some accomplishment, but when I got that, it cured it. But I forgot it this time, so I'm a little bit hoarse. So you bear with me, if you will, in speaking.
E-17 Now, how many likes Sunday school? Oh, my, that's right. It's a good thing to send your children to. No, let me correct that, a good thing to bring your children to. That's right, to bring your children; you come also. How many knows how our Sunday school was first originated? Where was it originated? England. What was it called first? Ragged school. That's right, called Ragged school. As I forget the man's name now that established it. What was his name? [Someone says, "Robert Raikes"--Ed.] That's right, exactly right. And he got the little fellows off the street, was ragged, and wouldn't have no place to go, and very bad, and he brought them in, and started giving them lessons on the Bible. And it's growed to one of the greatest orders of the church nearly today, Sunday school. It's good to go. Be sure to come, bring your children. I think the tabernacle here has teachers, equipped rooms, ages, and so forth. And you new converts that's just coming to Christ, follow right on along the message; and here at the Life Tabernacle, and they'll do you good.
E-18 Now, tonight we're going to have an old fashion prayer line. We're going to just pray for the sick the way we used to, Brother Jack and Brother Brown.
E-19 And I remember seeing Brother Brown try to give out those prayer cards, and how him being a minister himself... And in those days in a organization that we... They'd put pressure on him, you know, "I--I'm your brother in this thing, you know; you got to get me up there." Oh, he sure had a hard time, but stayed just as true as true could be. Brother Brown's one fine man. And so we love him.
E-20 And as I see all of us, the three of us getting, creeping up towards the age, the end. It would be a very sad thing if we didn't have placed within us that great thing, what we know is true. We're just fixing to turn back one of these days, back to our young manhood again, to never--our bodies transformed, made into His likeness to stand. "For when this earthly tabernacle of our habitation be dissolved, there's one already waiting."
E-21 And the thankful part of it, dear friend, that the dear Lord Jesus... You who trust me to tell you the Truth; the dear Lord Jesus, one morning about eight o'clock, let me see that land. Now, it wasn't--it wasn't a vision; but I don't want to say that. Ever what it was, it was just as real as I'm speaking to you here. Now, I seen the faces of those people, and I couldn't recognize them; they'd turned back young again. And they was just real as... I'd hold their hands and things. Just as real...
E-22 And it helped me, because I used to have an idea when a person died, just their soul went off. But then when He quoted that to me, that "If this earthly tabernacle of our habitation be... we already have one." See? And we've got to have everything in three's to make a perfection. See? And there's one body here, then that body there which is the--the celestial body, and then the glorified body in the resurrection. See, that makes it complete. See? So it's a... It's not a myth; it's not an idea; it's not a spirit. It is a man and a woman like you are, just exactly.
E-23 And then years ago I seen the regions of the lost and was there. I tell you, friend, as an old man, let me persuade you this, across the nation this morning, don't never want to view that place. There's no way at all that I could... If I was an artist with a brush I couldn't paint the picture. As a minister, I couldn't describe to you. Talk about hell being a burning place, it's a million times worse than that, the horrors that goes with it.
E-24 And heaven... or this place, wherever it was, I don't know what to call it. He referred to it there as "souls that are under the altar." But when it was, I have never; there's no way to explain how great that is. There is... Now, you just have to take my word; I'm just a man. See? But these visions that's always come to pass just as I've told you, and you know they every one has been true; that is true also. Whatever you do, if you miss everything else (health, strength, your eyesight, whatever it is), don't miss That. There's nothing can compare with it. It's... There's no--there's no word in the English language that I know that could express it. If you'd say "perfect," it's beyond that; "superb," it--it's beyond that; "sublime,"... There's no--there's no words that I know that could express it, because it was so... And then, to think, that isn't the end of it yet. I thought, "Me be afraid to come to this?"
E-25 I said, "Do you eat?"
E-26 Said, "Not here. We don't eat here, but when we go back to earth we'll receive a body we eat in."
E-27 Well, I could feel them. They was just like that. See? And they... I said, "Well, you have..." Oh, yes, they have a body. It's just not a myth; it's a body. We know one another. They all knowed me, were hugging me, millions of them.
E-28 And I said, "Well, I want to see Him Who brought me here."
E-29 It said, "You can't see Him now; you have to wait."
E-30 I said, "Why did you put me on--up here?"
E-31 Said, "You were a leader in life."
E-32 And I said, "Do You mean all them's Branhams?"
E-33 He said, "No, that's your converts to Christ." See?
E-34 I looked around, and then all the hard nights and the trials passed away, when I could see their faces. A young woman run up there, one of the most beautiful women, and she just threw her arms around me, and said, "Precious Brother." And when she passed by... Now, she was a woman. So... But in there, there'll never be sin. See, our glands are changed there. They won't raise children no more there. See? See, all the same.
E-35 What makes the difference, the sensation. That's the reason I don't believe in dancing on the floor. No man... I, before God and my Bible, I've lived clean, as that way through my life when I was a little boy, all through my young manhood. Any girl I ever went out with, I can walk right back to the Judgment with her. See? But there's no man; I don't care who you are, can let a woman (in the make of a woman) hug herself up close to you; if you're a true healthy man, there's a sensation. But it wasn't there; there's no glands; they're all the same gland. See? Just pure, unadulterated sisterly and brotherly love, more than it would be for your--even for your--hug your own little daughter. See? Your own daughter, yet she's made... She's female and you're a male. See, it could create something, but there it can't. Sin is done; it's all over: real, just real, holy Love.
E-36 And I looked at that woman. There was looked like millions of them there, and they all long hair, and white garments down. And--and this One that was talking to me, said, "Don't you recognize her."
E-37 I said, "No."
E-38 Said, "She was in her nineties when you led her to Christ."
E-39 Amazing grace, how sweet the sound! See? There's no way of ever explaining what it is. Just take my word if you believe me. Be sure to make... Burn every bridge of the world behind you.
E-40 I believe the church is begin to hear the message, and beginning to understand. But, friends, listen, we've got to lay in the Presence of the Son; we've got to be ripened. Our--our faith isn't ripe. Intellectually we're hearing the message that God has give us, and seeing the signs that He showed us, and proving it by the Bible as that; but, oh, how the church needs to lay in His Presence till it tenders up, you know, and gets sweet in the Spirit so that it can bathe down. Sometimes in speaking the message, you get harsh, have to break it in like that, because you've got to clinch a nail to make it hold. But when the church once gets it, the Elected is called out and separated then in the Presence of God, I know it'll be something like the people was there when it takes its rapture.
E-41 I was going to speak this morning on the rapture, but I just don't have enough voice to do it, and so you just bear with me a little while, while I want to speak on the subject of: "God's Only Provided Place of Worship."
E-42 Now, that's a great big text. So let us pray now. And out across the lands this morning, wherever you are, bow your heads just a few moments. Be real sincere now; we're approaching the Word of God, which is God in a letter form.
E-43 Great Author of this Book, "It is a Seed," we are taught, "that a sower sowed," so said the Author. Now, we do realize that a seed will grow if it's in the right kind of ground. So, Father, will You this morning take all the briars and thistles, and unbelief, and skeptic thoughts out of our hearts, that the Word of God might grow freely, watered by the Spirit in our hearts, that we might become the people of God. Grant it, Father. That's our hearts. Not only to we who have recognized this, but may there be others throughout the country, each one's heart burning with love and tenderness, will go to try to win the lost brother, the lost sister. Grant it today, God. We're looking wholly to You, for You are our Guide and our Lord. So we pray that You'll direct us in Your Word today and give us of Thy blessings. Through Thy grace and in Thy Name we ask it. Amen.
E-44 Now, let's take for our text... I want to read from the Book of Deuteronomy, the Old Testament, just for a setting of Scripture. I have a few notes I wrote out quickly after I'd come back from breakfast with Brother Vayle.
E-45 I never did get to thank the man over at that hotel--or that restaurant the other night that paid for our--for our supper. Wife and I and my little girl was over there, and when I went to pay my bill, somebody had paid it. Ever who it was, I thank you. Said, "The man that set on the end of the bench." 'Course there was a whole group in there that we knowed. Now, I... Some kind of a Kickapoo, something like that, the place out here, restaurant we were at. Thank you, ever who it was that did that. Each one of you, God bless you.
E-46 Now, in 16th chapter of Deuteronomy it's the passover observance. So we wish to read about the first few verses, first four or five, six verses here.
Observe the month of Abib, and keep the passover... (That means April.)... the LORD thy God: for in the month of this Abib the LORD thy God brought thee forth out of Egypt by night.
Thou shall therefore sacrifice the passover unto the LORD thy God, of the flock and the herd, in the place which the LORD shall choose to place his name...
Thou shall eat the unleavened bread within it; seven days shall thou eat unleavened bread--bread wherewith,... thou comest forth out of the land of Egypt in haste:... thou mayest remember the--the day when thou comest forth out of the land of Egypt all the days of thy life.
And there shall not be... unleavened bread seen with thee in all thy coast seven days; neither shall there be any thing of the flesh, which thou has sacrificed the first day at the evening, remain all night until the morning.
Thou may not sacrifice the passover within any of the gates, which the LORD thy God giveth thee:
But at the place which the LORD thy God has chosen to place his name in, there thou shall sacrifice the passover at evening, at the going down of the sun, at the season that thou comest forth out of Egypt.
Now, may the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word.
E-47 Now, is the microphone got a blur in it? Last night I heard they were... Can you hear all right, all over? You can't hear. [Brother Branham adjusts the microphone--Ed.] Is that better? Is this better, speaking with the microphones down like this? I'm just a little hoarse, so I'm standing close this morning for that purpose, and I hope that Brother Pearry can--can get it out there. Can you hear it all right now? I think they've fixed it up. All right.
E-48 Now, the place... The thing I want to speak about this morning is that God has only one place that the worshipper can meet God, only one place. Through the ages many has sought for this secret place of God, through all the ages. Even Job wanted to know where He lived at, "If I could only go to His house and knock at His door." Job wanted to find God's dwelling place, 'cause there God and His family is worshipped together.
E-49 Like yesterday, in the message yesterday morning, we find out that there is a possibility of a person to worship God in vain with sincere worship. God has all these things fixed out for us, but the thing of it is, we have to search to find where they are. Paul told Timothy to search, and to--to be in season and out of season, ready to give a--a--a word or--of the hope that was within him.
E-50 Now, all these things are in there. And we find... Sometime I'd like to come to Shreveport where we just have about two or three weeks just to take thirty minutes a night and just on a teaching (See?), just stay right in the Word, these secret passages (See?) where we could find out just how to get in. And you just watch; you follow God's direction; there's only one key to each door. That's right. And no other key, no matter how much it looks like it, God has no skeleton key (See?): just got one key. And now, you've got to have that key, or the door won't unlock. No matter how sincere you are, you still can't unlock that door.
E-51 Now, how many was at yesterday's breakfast, or the other morning? All right, I think most, at least ninety percent of you, or more. To background this, what I'm going to say, David was anointed king (anointed of God), the greatest king Israel ever had, outside of the Lord Jesus, which is God, the Anointed One. David is his son. Or Jesus was David's son according to the lineage, the flesh. And He's to set on David's throne as one inherit, like the--the prince always inherits the--the king's throne.
E-52 Notice, now, that David being anointed, yet with the anointing he did, he got out of the will of the Lord with that anointing; and all the people, not taking the run of the Scripture or the key to this revelation, all of them anointed too, they all together, shouting and praising God for a thing that looked exactly right: to bring the Word of God back to the house of God. But David was king, not prophet. See? He... There was a prophet in the land to do it by, and God dishonored the whole move, because they never used the right key. The door didn't unlock. And now, we must remember that, and keep that in mind.
There is... Everything of God, one certain way it's to be done, and that settles it. Now, there, God had a one certain church that He meets the people in, and He will receive you in that church and no other church.
E-53 I've said this because I've been so many times misunderstood; and people has told me...
I say, "Are you a Christian?"
"I'm Baptist."
"Are you a Christian?"
"I'm a Methodist."
"Are you a Christian?"
"I'm a Pentecostal."
E-54 Now, see, that doesn't mean one thing to God. You're just progging with the wrong key. But there is a right key; there is one where God... God never promised to meet you as a Methodist, or as a Baptist, or a Pentecostal, or no other denomination. He don't even consider the denominations; they're against Him.
E-55 On that long message, I'll get It at the Tabernacle pretty soon. And then Brother Jack will hear it, and then you can see what you want to do about it, 'cause It'll be taped.
E-56 Now, people act like that God is obligated just to meet them on the basis of their theology. Now, people act like that. They won't associate even with one another. The Trinity or the Pentecost won't associate with the Oneness; neither will the Oneness associate with the Trinity. The Methodist won't with the Baptist, because one is a legalist and the other's a Calvinist; so they have no fellowship at all. And they wind the people's minds around so bad that they even against one another.
E-57 I went to pray, sometime ago, in a hospital room. There was a lady laying there very sick, going under an operation; they expected her to die. Another lady laying there, I was called to pray for her. I said to her, "Would you mind just a moment if I pray?"
E-58 And she said, "Pull that curtain."
E-59 And I said, "I'm sorry." I said, "I was just going to ask prayer."
E-60 She said, "Pull that curtain."
E-61 I said, "Yes, ma'am." Her and her son setting there, a regular little Ricky look. And I said, "Well, aren't you a Christian?"
E-62 She said, "We are Methodists."
E-63 Said, "Well, I never asked you that; I asked you if you was a Christian." See?
E-64 And so she said, "Pull that curtain."
E-65 See, because somebody that wasn't a Methodist was going to offer prayer for a dying woman, which she was too. But because it wasn't associated in her own organization, she didn't even want to hear it or have nothing to do with it. If that ain't a Pharisee, I never seen one.
E-66 Wait till you hear "The Trail of the Serpent." Huh. All right. Now, think now that their denomination is the only one that registers with God: "God won't hear you 'less you're a Methodist, or a Baptist, or a--a Trinity, or a Oneness," or something like that. That's wrong.
E-67 And that's my purpose; but if there is such a--a desire in people's minds and hearts to be right... I don't believe the woman done it because--or anybody else. A Methodist wouldn't raise up and take up for the Methodist church because he--he knew it was wrong. The man thinks it's right. I don't believe a Trinity would condemn a Oneness, or a Oneness a Trinity and Pentecost, because he wants to be different; he thinks he's right. And you must respect his ideas. You know, the blanket stretches both ways. But remember in all that, if there's something in a man's heart or a woman's heart that they believe that that is right, then there's got to be somewhere that is right. As I've often said, "When the deep calleth to the deep, there's got to be a deep to respond to that call."
E-68 You know, we've been told that--that a seal once walked upon the bank of the--of the sea with legs. But now he doesn't have legs; they turned into flaps because he could--had need of the flaps when he took it from the land, a fur-bearing animal to the sea; nature formed him some flaps instead of legs, 'cause he could swim more than he did of his walking.
E-69 I can't think of this great man now that went to the south pole. What was his name? Byrd. They say that he had coats made for some cattle on this exposition; that he'd taken the cattle for milk. And he made fur coats to keep them cattle from freezing to death. But when he got there, they didn't need any fur coat; nature had growed them one. See? Why? Before there was a fin on a fish's back, there had to be a water for him to swim in or he'd never had a fin. There... Before there was a tree to grow in the earth, there had to be an earth first for it to grow in, or there'd been no tree.
E-70 So you see, as long as there's something in the human heart a-calling for something, there's got to be something out there to respond, to satisfy that call.
E-71 A woman... An autopsy was held here sometime ago on a woman that died. And the reason, they--they claim, that killed her, she eat onions just constantly all the time. If she wasn't eating onions, her head would be itching, and everything; they couldn't make it out. So holding the autopsy, they found a growth in the woman of some kind of cells; they had a--a name for it. And they could take that growth and put it in a bowl of onions, and it dissolved the onions overnight. See? What was it? It was something in the woman a-calling for onions, and if there had been no onions there'd a-been no growth.
E-72 In other words, there has to be a Creator first, before there could be a creation. See?
E-73 Now, if in the human heart there is a longing, like Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic, all these others, trying to find that one true way, and they're told by their priests and pastors, and so forth, that "This is the true way." They say, the priest says, "There's no salvation outside the Catholic church."
E-74 Well, each church takes his--their own ideas. Some of them won't admit it, but they do it by their action. Your action speaks louder than your words. It's just a... In otherwise, they're just more of a hypocrite than the Catholic is. The Catholic confesses it right out. "I believe that this is the only thing," but they won't do that. But they hide it, but their actions prove what they're thinking. See?
E-75 Now, there's got to be then one place, because there is a desire in the human heart to find it. And I think that the Word of God has the answer for everything that we have need of. So God has the answer, and let's search for it now in the Scriptures. And then if God will show us by the Scriptures the only place, the only grounds, the only denomination, if it's so, the only way that God will meet a man, then we should hold to that, 'cause we found the Truth of the Bible, what It says.
E-76 Now, the word "Deuteronomy," the word itself means "two laws," the word "Deuteronomy." And God has two laws. The two laws: one of them is disobedient to the Word and die; and the other one is obedience to the Word and live. That's the two laws, and "Deuteronomy" means those "two laws." They have both been absolutely displayed to us in the Scripture. One of them is death; the other one is Life: Life and death. God deals only in Life, Satan only in death. And these was displayed to the world publicly, openly before every eye, and there's no excuse for it. One of them was displayed on Mount Sinai when the law was given, which condemned the whole human race to death. The other one was give on Mount Calvary, that brought the whole human race to Life, when the penalty was paid in Jesus Christ. The two laws of Deuteronomy was fulfilled in these two great things.
E-77 I want you to notice again; there was also two covenants give. One covenant was given to Adam, which was on conditions like law: "If you will not touch this, then you will live; but if you touch this, you will die." That was a law. Then there was another law given to Abraham, which was by grace, unconditionally: "I have saved you and your seed," after him. Amen. That is a type of Calvary, not the type of--of--of Adam covenant; it's a Abrahamic covenant.
E-78 But now we hear Him say there is only one place where He will meet man to worship. We read it right here in my text. We'll refer to it, back in a few minutes.
E-79 Then if there's only one place that God meets man, we'd better be very careful. Now, let's lay aside our traditions this morning, and--in this Sunday-school lesson, and be very sure that we find that one place. Because God has said here, He will not receive you in any other place. Any other church, He won't receive you in. Only in His church, the only place He'll receive you.
E-80 Now, "What'd you say, Brother Branham? If I'm sincere?" No.
E-81 Remember, Jesus talked to some sincere people, the worshippers of His day, and He said, "In vain do you worship Me." True, genuine worship from the bottom of their hearts: "In vain do you worship Me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men," or their denominational creed. Sincere, reverently, just as religious as they can be, and that wasn't new just with the Pharisees. Cain and Abel, the first two worshippers that was born natural birth here on earth, absolutely came in the same attitude.
E-82 Cain was just as religious as Abel was. They both built altars. They both loved God. They both made sacrifices. They both worshipped. They both paid tithe. They both done everything just alike. But Abel, by faith, which is the revelation, the Word of God revealed, made plain, showed out, and vindicated... Glory! Cain made an offering, but God didn't vindicate it. God required worship, and Cain made the offering; but God didn't vindicate it. But by the true channel...
E-83 You say, "Well, my church is It. My..."
E-84 Wait just a minute. God interprets His Own Word by Its terms that Its spoke in. See? Cain said, "I am religious. I am a lover of my Maker. I offer to Thee this fine altar. I offer to You this sacrifice. I built all these things up, Lord, because I love You." Abel said the same thing. Now, it's the one that's vindicated, the one that's proven. And God come down and received Abel's sacrifice, because by revelation he had struck the true channel of God that was accepted.
E-85 Now, watch that Cain spirit come right down through the Scripture, right on to this very last day. Fundamental? Just as fundamental as the other one was.
E-86 Look at the prophet Balaam and the prophet Moses. Both of them with seven altars, Jehovah's altars, blood on each one; and not only that, but rams on each one. In numerology, exactly the right number, seven, "perfect," seven rams, just exactly like: both altars. As fundamental as one was, the other one was also. But who did God vindicate? (See, see?) The one that was in His Word. Fundamental doesn't mean too much; it's the revelation of God.
E-87 Now, think. These men, why was they called and was put in this condition, these Pharisees, by Jesus. Said, "In vain you worship Me..." Worship Him: genuine worship, true worship from their hearts... "You... In vain you worship Me." Why? "Teaching for doctrine their tradition of men; therefore you make the commandments of God of no effect to the people."
E-88 If I taught you a Methodist message, it would take no effect on you; this is Bride time. If Moses taught the message of Noah, it would take no effect. If Jesus taught Moses' message, it would take no effect. Because the predestinated seed are laying there that will only be watered by that type of water that's give for that seed. It won't grow any other condition. It must be the condition that grows it.
E-89 Now, you can take a chicken egg and put it in a incubator, where it should be under a hen, but it'll hatch anyhow. Put it under a pup, it would hatch. It's the warmness, the conditions that makes it hatch. So it has to be under conditions. You could take a good live egg and put it under a dead hen; it won't hatch. See? It's the condition.
E-90 Well, that's the way it is in this age that we're living in; you've got to find what is God's way of doing it for this age. That's what Martin Luther found; that's what John Wesley found; that's what the Pentecostals found in their age: God's age and time to do it.
E-91 Now, the Pentecostals. That brother, one... I believe his--one of his eyes was out, a colored brother who really started the Pentecostal message in California, the old Azusa Street. He was laughed at, and because he was a Negro he was made fun of; but he brought a message for that age. Just a little bodily fellow that could hardly sign his own name, but the Lord had revealed to him that this was the age for the restoration of those gifts, and they come. No matter what said, its come. But everybody got in the atmosphere of it, and seen it was that age, and seen God vindicating that those people could speak with tongues, and so forth; it happened. But then when he went and pinned it down that "this is the only evidence," that killed it. See? Goes right on. See? That did it. Then they started separating this, that, and making denominations; and one's coming on a cloud, and the other one's come in a bush. And oh, my, there it goes. That's what denominations does. See?
E-92 God is not a author of denomination, because denomination is Babylon, and He's not the author of confusion. We see her all... You don't have to be even intellectual to see that. It's Babylon, yes, tradition. Think of it, sincere people.
E-93 Now, still, because they believe that, there still needs to be one sincere place where God meets. Now, notice verse 2: "Worship in the place that I have chosen." The sacrifice, of course, where they worshipped, where they sacrificed. "The place that I chose; not what you chose, what man chose, but what I have chosen; you worship in this place." There shows there's then only one place; others is vain. It must be not of your choice, but it must be His choice.
E-94 "Well, I don't have to go to the church." Or, "You are so narrow-minded. Why, you even fuss at women about preaching, and--or women about bobbing their hair, and men about these other things. Why, you're so narrow-minded."
E-95 All right, you don't have to take God's way about it; you go on out where they do that at. See? And you'll find out it's in the Scripture, so, "In vain do they worship Me." See? Jesus spoke of the same thing. See?
E-96 That every little jot, everything, you must be faithful in. It's always the little--the little vine, the little--the little foxes spoils the vine. Sometimes you leave... It's not the big things you do; it's the little things you leave undone. Remember, a chain is only its strongest at its weakest link. "Blessed are they that do all the commandments of God, that they might have a right to enter in." Do all God said, if it said for women to have long hair, you say...
E-97 A man told me not long ago, said, "I don't preach a clothes-line religion."
E-98 I said, "Then you're not preaching the Gospel." That's right.
E-99 God laid it out there; He said what to do. And you either do it... That's your natural, reasonable thing. What little thing... what... the little insignificant. Jesus said, "Blessed are they that would take all the little things, do the little thing." And a woman to let her hair grow, that's just a--why, it's just something she can do, and she won't even do that. She won't even do that.
E-100 "Oh, teach us the great things."
E-101 How can you teach the great things, when you won't do the simple, common things? Because, you see, your motive and your objective is wrong.
E-102 It's your love to God, "Lord, I don't care what You want me to do; I'm willing to do it." Then you're getting somewhere, but if you don't do it that way, the way He said do it...
E-103 It's His choosing, "The place that I have chosen." That's where you worship with your sacrifice."
E-104 You put... Cain brought his sacrifice; Abel brought his; it depends on what place you take it into. If you take it into the place where He's chosen, it'll be all right, He'll accept it; if it's not, He won't accept it. Don't care it's the same sacrifice, whatever it is, it's still un--rejected, unless it's brought to that one certain place.
E-105 Now, we want to find out where we want to bring this sacrifice. We could find out... We all want to go to heaven, don't we? And we all know we've done wrong. We all believe that Jesus is the Sacrifice. Now, we want to know where to take Him, it'll be--it'll be accepted. See? That's right. The Bible tells us where to take Him at, and then it'll be accepted; outside of there, it won't be accepted.
E-106 Let us notice here also the place that He chose for the sacrifice to be laid, the place that He chose to put the sacrifice. You can't put it on any of these gates; but the place that He chose to put it, He also put His Name in that place. That's what He said here. He chose to put His Name in it. Now, let us search the Scriptures for this place, for that is the place where He put His Name.
E-107 Now, let's read from the text. And I had a little note laying here that I--this morning, come to me. Let's take the 2nd verse of this chapter. Now, I don't want to hold too long, on account of the people on these hookups out here. Now, the 2nd verse of this 16 chapter:
Thou shall therefore sacrifice the passover unto the LORD thy God, of thy flocks and thy herd, in the place which the LORD shall choose to put his name there.
E-108 Now, you can't take this... Your sincerity and all that you want to confess, you just can't take it to the Methodist altar, to a Baptist altar, to a Pentecostal altar. But there is a altar somewhere that He chose that He--to put His Name in it, and He would meet you at that place. Now, if you get everything running just right, it's going to run; everything's set in order. If there's a short in that wire, that light won't come on, because it's been grounded. And when you'll take one of God's Words or one of His places, and in your own heart have selfish objectives, it'll ground the power of God right there. If you do it because you want to be smart, you want to be different from somebody else, or something, right there it's grounded; it'll blow the fuse. You're wrong. You've got to come with sincerity, with all your heart. Your motives and your objectives, placed right on God. Then search for His place, find where He said, and bring it there. See?
E-109 Look at Martha and Mary. When Jesus had come back, after He had taught them this Gospel (the Light of His day, Him being Messiah), He was hated, rejected. Oh, the Pharisees and churches despised Him. But Lazarus had died, the brother which was a bosom friend to Him. He let him lay there; and they sent for Him; He didn't even come.
E-110 But watch Martha, her attitude. She said, "Lord, if Thou would've been here..." Give Him His right title: Lord, capital L-o-r-d; Yahweh, Jehovah. Glory! "If Thou would've been here, my brother would not have died." Life and death can't associate in the same channel, or the same house. See? "Thou would... He would've not have died."
E-111 Jesus said to her, "I am the Resurrection and Life," saith God. See? When He said first, "Thy brother shall live again."
E-112 She said, "Yes, Lord, I truly believe that. As a Jewish, I believe that there'll be a general resurrection of the dead; and I believe my brother was just as loyal and sincere and worship. And I believe that You are that Messiah, that's said in the Bible, because God vindicating His Word in You shows that You're the Messenger of this hour. You are that Messiah. I believe that You are that Christ that was to come, because Your works testify that God has sent You here to be that Messiah." Oh, my. Watch the cogs begin to come in place now. See?
E-113 Now, she had a right to say, "Why didn't You come raise my brother? Why didn't You heal him? You healed others. Your very best friend, and now look what happened." No, no, that kind of objective don't get nowhere.
E-114 "I believe that You're exactly what You're identified in the Scripture to be. I believe this is the day that the Messiah should come; we've been looking for it. I don't care what the rest of them say. I believe with all my heart by what I have seen and heard by the Word, that the Word is vindicated in You, that You are that Messiah." See, way down in her she--she had something to ask for, but she had to come to the right channel.
E-115 What if she'd run up there and said, "And then You tell me You're that Messiah, and not even the courtesy, gentlemen enough to even answer our request; when we fed You and housed You, and everything, and took up for You, and left our churches, as You commanded us to get out of them denominations. (See?) And here we've left it, and now we're counted offcasts and renegades. And everything that we've done for You, and then not even the common courtesy to answer my call." Now, actually, she had that right.
E-116 Like you say about your short hair, "I'm an American citizen, I can wear shorts, do anything I want to; it's not illegal." That's your rights, but a sheep always forfeits its rights. Uh-huh, uh-huh. If you're a lamb, you ain't got nothing but wool, he forfeits that. That's his God-given rights, but he forfeits it.
E-117 "I have a right to join any denomination." That's exactly right, but you forfeit that. See?
E-118 She forfeited all that she had rights to, to recognize the Word of God manifested right there before her.
E-119 He said, "I am the Resurrection and Life. He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this?" See, there's one more little clause she hadn't come in line with. See?
E-120 "Yea, Lord, I believe that Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." O brother, everything was ready to spark off right then. See?
E-121 "Where have you laid him?" See? You know what took place.
E-122 See, you've got to get in that right place before He will receive your sacrifice (See?), got to come into it.
E-123 Now, watch:
... in the place which the LORD shall choose to place his name there.
Thou shall eat no leavened bread in it;...
E-124 What does that typify in the sacrifice? Don't mix it with any creed: got to be the Word. "No leavened bread..." Leaven is the... You know what a leaven is in anything. "A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump," the whole lump is the Body. You can't put one speck of denomination or creed into Christ. No, sir, it won't work.
E-125 You remember the last Thursday night's message? Your old husband must be dead. That's right. Your new Husband is the Word. []
... seven days shall thou eat unleavened bread therein,...
"Seven days," what does that typify? The complete Seven Church Ages, seven days. Why'd they have to eat it seven days? Before what? Before going out. And the whole church age, from the beginning to the end, has to live only on the Word of God of that age. So your Roman creed, Methodist, Baptist, and Pentecostal creed's all dead.
E-126 Now, watch:
... therein, even the bread of affliction;... (persecuted for It; Luther, Wesley, Pentecostals: all persecuted, and so will you.)... for thou comest forth out of the land of Egypt in haste:... thou mayest remain the day when... remember the day when thou comest forth out of the land of Egypt all the days of thy life.
And there shall be no leavened bread seen in... with thee in all thy coast seven days;...
E-127 In the beautiful Bride of Christ, after Her death through the dark ages by the Roman empire, that She had to die, "Unless a corn of wheat falls into the ground..." The Bridegroom had to come, the perfect Masterpiece of God. You all heard my message on that.
E-128 When I stood yonder Los Angeles at Forest Lawn, one day, and my heart jumped. How many's ever been in Forest Lawn? There is a--the statue of Moses by--by--angelo, I believe it is Michelangelo. And it's a perfect statue, all but on the right knee; there is a nick about a half inch deep. And the guide... I was looking, and he pointed it out to me. He said, "Michelangelo had spent a lifetime of trying to--to make... He was a sculptor, and he was trying to make the image of Moses. Back in his mind he had in mind what Moses should look like. He had that in his heart what Moses should look like. And then he spent his lifetime; chisel a little here, and rub it, stand back and look at it. Year after year after year he worked on it. Finally when it was completed, and he stepped back, and laid down his rag and his hammer, he looked at the statue. It was so perfect the image of Moses that he had in his heart, till he got so beside himself, he grabbed the hammer and struck it, hollered, 'Speak!'" It's called Michelangelo's Masterpiece.
E-129 That great something in that sculptor, that vision that he had of what Moses ought to be with, was only portraying in type of the great Father God. He had in His heart before the foundation of the world, a Son, because He is a Father. But it was still in the genes of His Word. And He created a man, and He had to put him on free moral agency, but that man fell. But the great Sculptor, God, Who made man from the dust of the earth, He didn't settle for that; He started making man again. And He made a Noah, he died drunk. He made a Moses that failed to keep His Word. He made prophets that run in the time of trouble. And He kept building and molding, until after while He wanted a--a Masterpiece to reflect Him, His nature, what was in His heart what a son should be.
E-130 One day, down on Jordan, after that Masterpiece had been formed and made, here He come sending down in a--on the wings of a Dove, and said, "This is Him." He was so enthused with this Masterpiece until He struck Him on Calvary, that He'd die for the rest of us was imperfect; that through the shedding of His Blood, He might bring many masterpieces (being a Bride) to His Son. Masterpiece is scarred because the enthusiasm of God to see such a Masterpiece; He struck Him for us all. See? There He died to perfect we who are imperfect. The Masterpiece...
E-131 Notice in here, He said:
... seven days shall you eat this unleavened bread...
E-132 Now, bread is typed. Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word." Not just--just a Word here and there as denominations would have you believe it. But the Word of God is perfect. It's God Himself in letter form, called a Seed. And the right kind of unadulterated faith in that Word will bring that Seed to its Life.
E-133 That's exactly what you see at night in the discernments, and all these other things, because it's a promise that God made. And He stood by me and told me that, and told me these fakers would rise up, but hold steady. I believe It. And no selfish motive to hurt anybody, but to be reverent to God and to do the work that He called me to do, that's why I say these things. And God confirms it back, and receives the offer and the sacrifice by vindicating it to be the Truth: no question to it. Now, watch that Word.
E-134 Now, we notice here, "Seven days"; that's for every church age. Now, as that Masterpiece had to die in order to be resurrected to redeem us all... Then He had a church set in order at Pentecost, but that church had to go through a sacrifice; and the Roman world killed it, put them in the ground.
E-135 As this author of this book, I can't think of it now, made so much fun of me, and said, "Of all of the devils, it's William Branham." See, that's what the Devil tries to say. He said, "Visions and things," said, "that's of the Devil." He said, "Oh, he's some kind of a hypnotist, or working in super sensory perception." The intellectual world always trying to figure It out...
E-136 That's where they tried to figure out Jesus. "How do You do these things? What done it?"
E-137 He said, "I'll ask you a question. Was the ministry of John the Baptist... Was it of God or was it of man?" See?
E-138 Said, "We can't say."
E-139 Said, "Neither do I tell you." That's right, and went on...?... From henceforth no man asked Him anything. See? He just cut them off; He didn't tell them nothing about It: none of their business. He had a work to do and He finished it.
E-140 God help us to do the same thing. We don't have to answer the Devil's questions. That's right. "If thou be, do so-and-so." You're responsible for that Gospel, a preacher is, and that's all, not how it's written, it's just responsible for saying it.
E-141 And as a servant, if you're a prophet, you're responsible to God. And if the visions that comes to lightens this Scripture and shows what It is, you're responsible for every Word that's in that Bible, 'cause It was all wrote by the same kind of people you are. "God of old moved, by the prophets, and wrote the Hol--the Holy Bible." See? No genuine prophet of God could deny one Word of It, but believe every Word and preach the same. And then God's obligated out of that channel to make that Word come to pass just exactly the way It's promised; the Seed will grow.
E-142 Now, notice again quickly, we find here that all seven days that this bread was to be eat, through Seven Church Ages. Now, when it had to die and go into the ground...
E-143 And this critic that talked about me, said, "Of a God that you people worship, that could set in the dark ages and watch them mothers, pregnant, some of them little babies in their arms, sincere people be throwed into the arena and the lions tear them to pieces, and them screaming; hang them upon crosses and burn them; strip the women naked, young virgins, and throw theirselves back like this, and turn lions in on them." Said, "A God that could set in heaven, supposed to be on His throne, and looked down and say He enjoys it."
E-144 They been... See, that's the intellectual conception which is of the Devil. If the man had been spiritual, he would've knowed that that corn of wheat has to die; it had to be buried in a Roman cathedral.
E-145 But then the first little sprout of Life come forth in the reformation by Martin Luther, that, "The just shall not live by a blessed kosher that a priest does, but by the Word of God. 'The just shall live by faith.'" It brought two sprigs; the corn of wheat begin to grow.
E-146 Then along come John Wesley and added to that. There was many of the others that... Zwingli and them come forth and denied the virgin birth, and it just died down. But along come the Methodists, the tassel, the pollen, the missionary day. And they preached sanctification: added the tassel.
E-147 Then along come the Pentecostals in the shuck, so much, to deceive the elected. Looked like a real grain of wheat; open it up, there's no wheat at all. But the Life's passing through the shuck.
E-148 Now, have you noticed, every three years after a--a great meeting, what takes place? A denomination. This is twenty years and no denomination. Dear dying Lamb, may it never do that. If I go in this generation, may the people who believe this message never stand still for a denomination. God will... You'll die right in your track. Remember that. The very hour that you mention denomination among you, I don't care how sincere you are, take man for your leader instead of the Holy Spirit to confirm this Word, that's the hour you die. The genuine Seed cannot, because there's nothing left after the seed; it's the same thing was back at the beginning. It's the Bride that fell into the ground to bring forth the corn of wheat again.
E-149 Notice:
E-150 ... seven days shall you eat unleavened bread...
E-151 And there shall be with the Bride... Now, you people that had that old shouting Methodist mother, and so forth, that you wonder if she didn't speak in tongues, she ain't going to be there. That's a lie. She was... That same Holy Spirit that you have today, but it was in tassel form, not restoration of gifts. But all seven days, just eat the unleavened bread, the Word. Them back there that denominated, they're dead. They're stalk; they'll just be gathered and burned. But the Life's going right on through. And what happened? All the Life that was in the stalk, in the tassel, in the shuck, all winds up in the wheat. And that same Holy Ghost that brought Luther, brought Wesley, brought the Pentecostals, winds up in the Bride at the resurrection.
E-152 "Seven days, eat unleavened bread." No leaven shall be found amongst the Bride, no--no word added, no nothing. Remember, one word caused every death that's in the earth; every illegitimate child was borned because Eve, the first church, the bride of the first Adam, doubted God's Word and accepted a denominational, or a intellectual, or a school exceptions of it; because It was reasoned out, that "Surely, God is a good God." God is a good God, but He's also a just God. He must keep His Word. School, she accepted it.
E-153 There's where some of you seminary boys, no doubt a call in your life, but you run off to some Bible school to have this doctrine injected in you, and there's where you die. Stay with God and His Word. They won't let you; or, you can't even belong to their congregation, won't accept you on the platform. So let them have it; let the dead bury the dead; let's follow Christ the Word.
E-154 Now, seven days there shall be no leaven mixed in the Bride, the church, seven days. Now, notice. And now... no...
And there shall be no leavened bread seen in thee in all thy coast seven days;... (The sacrifice here is a type: the Bride coming forth from the Sacrifice which is Christ.)... neither shall there be any thing of the flesh, which thou sacrificed the first day at evening,...
E-155 And remember--remember how we just went through the church ages? The messenger to the church always comes just at the dying of the other church age, always. The dying of the Pentecost brings forth the rapturing of the Bride. See? The dying of Luther brought forth Wesley. See? The dying of Wesley brought forth Pentecost. The dying of Pentecost brings forth the Message now. Here, it's right here, patterned all through the Scripture. There's not a Scripture in the Bible what hooks right one with the other. See? All these types... I have no education, but I have the Holy Spirit that shows me through another channel to teach it from, from nature; and that's by the Word. Has to be the Word, things that's promised.
E-156 ... flesh,... the sacrifice the first day... even, remain all night until the morning.
E-157 Now, even Luther, who had the Truth and taught the church the just shall live by faith, you don't want to hang onto that being the full doctrine in the Methodist age. What shall you do? Burn it with fire. What was the type of? The denomination that comes out of that Word is the shuck; the stalk, the husks, must be burnt with fire. That denominational part that it come through must not remain; it's got to die. Don't leave it till the breaking of another--another age; burn it up. He's talking now to the Bride here, just the Bride, coming up through every age.
E-158 Notice how beautiful, the lamb's blood. These are Christ's Body, the Sacrifice. The lamb's blood on the door... Now, remember, the lamb was slain, which was a type of Christ.
E-159 Oh, we could take plenty of time, but I haven't got just a few more minutes to stay here. I may just have to stop and start up again tonight (See?), because we're taking too long. It's... I got twenty pages of this in here of notes (See?) on this one subject.
E-160 Notice, now, on this the--the lamb was Christ in figurative form. Or did I say that right? Type. Christ was the Lamb. He was to be a male, the first from the old mother ewe; or ewe, whichever one you choose to call it. It must be her first. And he must be tested first to see if there is a blemish on him.
E-161 Now, Christ was tested, the lamb first from the mother ewe, Mary the virgin. And was tested by what? Satan against the Word. When he hit Eve, she fell; hit Moses, he fell; but when he flew up against Christ, and tried to quote the Scripture to Him wrong, he found out that that wasn't Moses. See? He was tested. What did he turn around, he said, "If thou be the Son of God. Now, they tell me you perform miracles, and they tell me that the Messiah's to do that. Now, if it is, you're hungry, you haven't eat; turn these bread into--or these stones into bread, and eat."
E-162 He said, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone,'" your creed, so forth. But by what? Every Word! A part of the Word? Every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, that's what man lives by. See? The Lamb was tested, see if there's anywhere He had fallen.
E-163 The Pharisees, "O Rabbi, you young prophet, we think you're wonderful. You are good."
E-164 "Why call thou Me good? There's only one good, and that's God. You believe that?"
E-165 "Oh, yes. God."
E-166 "Well, I am He, then." He said, "There's only One good. Why do you call Me good, when you don't believe I'm God? (Uh-huh.) So why do you call Me good? What makes you do that? What inspired you to say that, when you know there's only one good and that's God?"
E-167 "We know thou respects not the dignity of man nor the word of the physician. We know it." Trying... He knowed that hypocrite. See?
E-168 He was tested to see where He was standing (See?), tested in every manner, tested like we are tested. But there was no giving in to him at all. No, sir. That was the Son of God.
E-169 And the lamb was tested, and was kept up for fourteen days. That was two Sabbaths, or two ages. Once for the Jews, which they offered the lamb in type; once for the Gentile, who has a real Lamb, and all of them was made perfect by believing this Lamb would come. But He was tempted fourteen--or examined fourteen days, He was the Word.
E-170 And you can examine the Old Testament, say, "It condemns the New." You're wrong. The Old Testament only bears record of the New.
E-171 A man was going to challenge me not long ago, said, "What's the matter with him?" Said, "Well, he even teaches out of the Old Testament." A Christian preacher, think of that. Said, "The Old Testament's dead and gone." Oh, no. Oh, no. It's only a schoolmaster; it shows what's wrote on the wall. See? That's right.
E-172 Now, see, fourteen days it was tested; that was Christ. Now, notice, then He was killed in the evening time, should be killed, the lamb was. Christ died in the evening time, the afternoon. And then notice, then he was also...
E-173 The blood was to be put on the doorpost (See?), which the blood is the life of the animal. "Thou shalt eat the flesh thereof; but the blood thereof which is the life, pour it out." See? It was to be... The blood was to be put on the lintel of the doorpost of the house wherein the sacrifice was accepted. Glory. What is the Life? The Name. The... He placed the name of the person... Go up to the door, and you look, to see what name's on the door 'fore you ring the bell. See? The blood was put on the lintel of the door as a type of what the sacrifice was on the inside.
E-174 Now, we're going to find the place of worship, right through there, coming through that Blood. Notice, the blood on the door was speaking the name of what was going--was on the inside. They were in there. Our place of worship, the Lamb, is the Word. We know that.
E-175 Now, verse 4, notice, "Leave no bread, leave none of the sacrifice," or, take one from one age to another.
E-176 Try to go back and say, "Well, now, we're Lutherans, we want to come up here," you've got to die to the Lutheran age to be borned in the Wesley age. You have to die in the Wesley age to be born in the Pentecostal age. And you have to die in the Pentecostal age (See?); leave nothing of it left; burn it with fire; because it's going to be burnt like the stalk that the wheat comes up out of. The stalk, the denomination, it's got to be burned. So don't bring your denomination over in the new message. This is the Word now. That's what denominated, the stalk; it carried it; that's right; but It come over into here, then the stalk died. It was a carrier, the denomination, but the Word goes right on. Yeah, the Word goes right on.
E-177 Now, take the 5th and the 6th verse. Notice, "Not..." Now, let's take the 5th and the 6th verse:
Thou mayest not sacrifice the passover within any of the gates, which the LORD thy God giveth thee:
E-178 Now, remember, "Not in any of these gates." The Lord permits you to have these denominations (See?), "these gates."
But at the place which the LORD... God shall choose to place his name in,...
E-179 That's the Gate (See?), the only place, not in any of these gates, but God has a Gate.
E-180 You say, "Every morning I enter the Methodist gate." That's the church. "Every morning I go into the Catholic gate." Uh-huh. Well, the Lord let His people go in and out them gates. God's got people in the Catholic church, Methodist church, Presbyterian church, all them, Pentecostals. Sure, but don't... You don't worship the Lord in that gate. See? But the Lord has a certain gate. Glory. He has a gate.
But at the place which the LORD thy God... choose to place his name in, there... shall thou sacrifice the passover at evening,...
E-181 When did Rebekah find Isaac? When did Eliezer call her to be the bride? Evening time.
It shall be Light about the evening time,
The way to Glory you will surely find;
In that water way is the Light today,
Buried in the precious Name of Jesus;
Young and old, repent of all your sins,
The Holy Ghost will surely enter in;
The evening Lights have come,
It is a fact that God and Christ are one.
E-182 That was the beginning of it. Now she stayed right on into the Bride Light. See what I mean?
E-183 I better close here, start again tonight, 'cause I don't want you to leave this. You see? No, no, it's--it's--it's dinner time. Well, well, I got too many notes wrote here. Ooh, my. How about tonight, would that be better? Huh? Well, if you're... You want to just try a little further? Now, let's just a... All right, let's go a little further then; we'll hurry right quick. How's that?
E-184 Now, go in at the what? "You shall not go into any gate that the Lord God has given you, but at the gate that the Lord will put His Name in." Not go into the house of the--of the gate which is the door... That right? God's going to put His Name at the door, and you shall not... That's the gate that enters into the place of worship, the sanctuary. You don't go in there with your sacrifice to any of these gates, but in the gate that the Lord God chooses to put His Name in. See?
E-185 Now, has He did that? Where is that gate? In St. John 10, Jesus said, "I am the Gate, the Door. I am the Door to the House of God. I am a Door to the sheepfold," not the goatfold, the sheepfold. See? "I am the Door to the sheepfold. A man may enter into this Door, be safe."
E-186 And now, we could linger a long time on that. But to save time, He is the Door to that sheepfold. Now, we want to notice here. The shadows and types are really in view right here, but I'd... If I take that page I'd--it's going to hold you awhile.
E-187 All right, notice, this brings in perfect view Jesus Christ. For all the Old Testament is type of Him, all the feasts, all the worships, and everything. Now, I've got wrote down here, under these line of Scriptures, "Explain it." There's where it'd take a long time. Explain how all the feasts... Even the meal offering was a type of Christ. Let's just take that one.
E-188 One time there was a--a school called the school of the ministers, or school of prophets; they trained up an educated prophets. And there was a genuine God-called prophet one time went up to visit them. Well, they were going to show the old prophet a little courtesy, so one of them went out and picked a big bunch of what he thought to be peas; but they were poison gourds, and he was going to feed them all on that.
E-189 Oh, how many seminary lapfuls have we had. See? That's right. They're cooking up something. See? They got Methodist lapfuls, Baptist lapfuls, Pentecostal lapfuls. But, you see, they are the second growth, the kind that can be pruned off the tree (See?), not in the main Vine: Bearing lemons, grapefruits, and so forth, not oranges, but professing to be citrus.
E-190 Notice again. Now, in this--in this, when Elijah come around and looked at them, and seen that it was poison gourds that would kill every one of them, they said, "Alas, we got death in the pot."
E-191 He said, "Bring me a handful of meal." And he throwed meal into it; he said, "Now, it's all right; eat what you want." It changed death to life.
E-192 And the meal offering that was given to... Christ, He was the Meal offering, and the meal offering must be ground with a certain burr that made every little chunk of meal the same, shows that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He's the same thing to put in your denomination and it'll live, the Word. Christ is the Word. All the types of everything: the tabernacle, the--the--the shewbread, everything, the broken kosher under the plate was His broken body, that the Jews can't explain yet why they do it (See?), and all these other things typed Him.
E-193 Now, then, Him in view, we see now all denominations and creeds left behind; for He is the pure, unchangeable Word of God, which is the unleavened bread: St. John 1. That's right. He's the unleavened Bread. So you add this, or add that, it's a leavened added to that what's already been originally give for you.
E-194 Looky here. What's killing the race today? They take and hybreed things. And when you hybreed it, you kill it. "Oh, it looks more pretty." Sure. Hybrid corn: corn flakes, all the other cereals that comes out of corn... Hybrid corn: great, big, nice long stalks, and great big ears, look like twice as good as the other. But it's death. Science even has found that out. See? Don't cross it; it'll kill you.
E-195 Now, here, let me show you. The other day I was watering some flowers in my yard. And the lady had some hybrid flowers that was in a little pot here, a little planter at the side of the house. We have to water them things at least three times a week, or four, or they'll die. And there stood the original plant out in the yard. And it hasn't rained there for six months, just as dry... If it rains, in ten minutes you can blow dust. But that little fellow laying out there just prettier and brighter than the hybrid was with all the water. You keep that water off of him, he'll die. But where did he get his water?
And another thing, you have to go all along spraying them every day or two to keep the lice off of him. They don't, the lice will eat him up, he's so tender and soft. But there ain't a louse that'll get on that original. No, no. He'll crawl up to him and crawl away. He's original. See what the hybreeding has done?
E-196 That's the same thing in the church. They're trying to mix the denomination with the Word, to make the--try to make the Word say what the denomination says. And when you do that, you have to spray them, and baby them, and--and give them gold stars to come to Sunday school, and everything else. That's right. When a genuine, borned again Christian's borned with the Word of God, he's rugged, can't kill him. The lice and things of the world don't bother him. He's a eagle; he flies plumb apast it (See?), soars in the heavenly. See? It is true. Nothing...
E-197 Notice. Now, we must understand, that here the denomination, creeds and anything that's added of the leavened bread cannot mix with the unleavened bread. And the Bible foreshadows here in the sacrament of going into the worship, that no unleaven can be taken with you, and God will receive it.
E-198 You say, "I'm Methodist." Right there you die.
"I'm Pentecostal's." You die.
E-199 I am of Christ. That's right. You've got to stand on something. That's right. You're--you're standing on something.
E-200 Churchill once said, held up two fingers and said, "We are--got the victory." And England stood by that; they believed Churchill.
E-201 And believe it or not, this morning, you are standing by something. There's only one thing that you can live and stand by, and that's Christ, the Word. True.
E-202 Notice, nothing in the Bible types the denominations but Babylon. And Babylon was founded by Nimrod, and Nimrod was a renegade. And he had a bunch of women in there, was supposed to be his queens, that was prophetess. They even think that old Balaam come from that section; they had roots and so forth they worshipped, you know (And many of you scholars that reading Hislop's "Two Babylons," and so forth, and the history of the church), and how they--they did. And they had women that done this, and women, of goddess, and everything, and it was a forced religion. Everybody, every city around Babylon was compelled to come to Babylon to worship under Nimrod at the tower. See? That's right. They were forced to do it, to Babel. There's where the confusion come.
E-203 And that's exactly what the church is today, "If you don't attend Sunday school, if you don't do this, and have to hire you to do this and do this and do that; you're out of the picture."
E-204 Out there in Tucson is listening in this morning; I once wondered... I've always constraining people, "Go to church, no matter where you go." And I seen the people kind of pulling back, and going this way. And I thought, "What's the matter?"
E-205 I went to some of them. "The first day you're there, they'll approach you: 'Join our church.' If you don't do it, you're not welcome." See, see? It's a forced thing; it's forced upon you (See?), and that's Babylon. But in Christ, you come in by election, not by force; your heart pulls you in.
E-206 God said, "I'll not put His name then in Babylon." Closely now. He cannot put His Name in Babylon, the churches. Oh, they... They put His Name in there, but He never.
E-207 No, you say, "Well, now, Brother Branham..." Wait, wait, just set still; just... You asked me stay a little longer. That's it. See, see? No... Now, notice, they put His Name in there, but He didn't.
E-208 Now, He said, "The place that I'm going to meet you and receive your sacrifice is where I choose to put My Name. You come in at this gate, this door where I choose to put My Name. There's where you come."
E-209 Well, they put, "This is the Church of Christ." If there's anything that's wrong in that declaration, it left out one word: "anti." Uh-huh. All that He taught, they disagree with It: modern Pharisees.
E-210 But we must find where He did put His Name, for in It is His only provided Gate. Amen. Glory. Watch. Where did He put His Name? In His Son.
E-211 "Oh," you say, "now wait a minute, Brother Branham. That was the Son, not the Father."
E-212 The son always takes the name of his father in every case. I come to this earth in the name of a Branham, because my father's name was Branham.
E-213 Jesus said, "I came in My Father's Name, and you received Me not." You wanting a Scripture on that? St. John 5:43. See? "I--I came in My Father's Name, and you received Me not." Then the Father put His own Name, which is Jesus, in the Son. And He's the way; He's the door; He's the House; He's where God chose to put His Name. God never put His Name in me; He never put It in the church; He never put It in the Methodist, Baptist, Catholic; but He put It in Christ the anointed Emmanuel.
E-214 And the Name is in the Word because He is the Word. Amen. What is He then? The Word interpreted is the manifestation of the Name of God. No wonder... "Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father which is in heaven has revealed this to you Who I am. And upon this rock I'll build My place of worship, and the gates of hell can't shake it down." Amen. O living Church of God, standing firm foundation on Jesus Christ alone. You can sing the song, but if you're not on Christ the Word, you're on teetering, faltering sand. "But upon this rock," Christ, "My Word..."
E-215 He built the Lutheran message and they denominated it. It was growing, the footstool. Then He growed up into the leg part, the Methodist, and so forth. There's where He built His church, upon His Word. Now, He's not all foot or all thigh; He's a body; and now is the capping part. Did you notice in the pyramids, which I don't preach a pyramid religion, now.
E-216 But the first Bible was ever wrote, was wrote in the sky, the zo... [] Did you notice it? It starts off with the virgin, the first figure in the zodiac. The last figure is Leo the lion. He come first by the virgin; He comes next as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Just before that, a cancer age, a cross fish, all the rest the ages. If we had time to go through it; which we have at the Tabernacle...
E-217 And the pyra--pyramid being in those foundations, up into the king's chamber. And just before you hit the seventh wall, there's a little introduction plank there, where a messenger comes out to bring you to the king. (The messenger John the Baptist that introduced to the King...) But the Headstone was rejected. And they don't know, the Stone of Scone, or whatever it is, they don't know where it's at, because it's a rejected stone. But that's the stone that caps the whole thing, that makes it the pyramid through the complete seven church ages. Add grace, add this, add this, there's seven adds, the last one is Christ. Add this to your charity, add grace to your grace, add something else, and something else, till it gets up to Christ is the Headstone, "I am the Door."
E-218 Now, a son always comes in his father's name. Any son comes in his father's name. And Jesus said, "I came in My Father's Name." Then what is the Name of the Father? What is the Name of the Son? And He said, "A little while and the world seeth Me no more, yet ye shall see Me." He's come in the form of the Holy Ghost, the same Jesus. That was the reason they was worshipping, "O Jesus." See, see? Father, Son, and Holy Ghost: It's the Lord Jesus Christ. That's all. "I come in My Father's Name, and you received Me not."
E-219 Now, remember, He also added here and warns us, "Another will come," a denomination, a creed. "They'll come in their name and you will receive them. You won't receive Me, the Word vindicated and proved before you."
E-220 As He was right then, so is He today. Don't you miss that, people across this nation. "Another will come, a church, and you'll believe that, because you can just do any way. I won't vindicate it." He's never at any time, ever vindicated anything in any church outside of the Message that was give them: Luther's justification; Wesley's sanctification; Pentecostal restoration of the gifts. Ask it. And as soon as they make a denomination out of it, there it died. Search the Scriptures.
E-221 But He said, "I'll choose the place to put My Name." And the Name was Jesus. And Jesus is the Word: St. John 1. Is that right? That's the place of worship: in Christ the Word. "I come in My Father's Name."
E-222 The prophet said, "His Name shall be called Emmanuel." That's Matthew 1:23, if you want to wrote that down. Jesus, Jehovah, the Saviour...
E-223 Now, the 5th verse shows that He is the door. By now, many other invisible proofs, this gate, and Name, and place can be proved to be there's only one Place that God meets man to worship, and that's when he's in Christ.
E-224 Now, now the question is, "How do we get in Him?" Now, this may pinch just a little bit; but, you know, like taking medicine, if it don't make you sick, it don't do you no good. See, see?
E-225 Now, the Lutherans wanted to get in one way, by joining the Lutheran church. The Methodists wanted to get in by shouting. The Pentecostals wanted to get in by speaking in tongues. That still ain't it. See? No, that's gifts, so forth. But I Corinthians 12 says, "By one Spirit..." Spirit of God, which is the Life-giver to the Word, the Seed, to vindicate that Seed for that season. See?
E-226 Here's the Methodist age seed laying there; it taken the Holy Spirit to make that seed come to life and pure--purify the church by sanctification; Luther didn't preach that, 'cause he didn't know it. The Pentecostals wanted to speak in tongues for the restoration of the gifts. Each one declares, "That's it. That's it." See?
E-227 But by one Spirit we're all baptized into one Body, and that Body is a family, the family of God. And that's the house of God, and the house of God is the Name of Jesus Christ. "The Name of the Lord is a mighty tower; the righteous run into It and are safe."
E-228 Now, how you going to come in by a title? How's your check going to be received by saying, "Pay to the order of--of Reverend, Doctor, Minister"? See, see? You might be a reverend, doctor, minister. But the Name of the Lord is Jesus Christ. See?
E-229 "I have chose to put My Name at the Door of the house of My worship, for My family will be gathered in there under the Blood like it was in Egypt; anything outside died. And in there there's no leavened bread. There's no denominational mixture in It anywhere. "In My house, My children, borned of My genes..." Amen. Glory to God! "My genes are in them. My... I put My Word in them. I'll write them upon the tables of their heart. That's My family, the family of the Body of Jesus Christ: the family. And this door you'll come in, not Methodist, Baptist, or Pentecostal, but in the Door where I put My Name." It ain't Methodist. God's Name ain't Methodist. God's Name ain't Pentecostal. God's Name ain't Baptist. God's Name ain't Catholic. Stay out of the doors then. See, see? See?
E-230 "But in a place where I choose to put My Name..." Now, there's not another place in the Bible given where that God ever put His Name, only in Jesus Christ; for He is the Son of God taking the Name of God, and God's human Name. "And there's not another name given under heaven whereby you must be saved." I don't care, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, catechisms, or whatever you want to do; only through the Name of Jesus Christ where every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess to it, Him being Lord. There's how you come in.
E-231 And if you was just baptized in water like--like, and then deny the Word, then you're illegitimate; your birth wasn't correct. You claim that you believed Him then, and you deny Him.
E-232 How could I deny my family? When... How could I deny Charles Branham being my father? A blood test on the door shows it. See? Uh-huh.
E-233 My action, and the vindication of God's Word in my life shows whether I'm a child of God or not. Now, there's God's only place. See it? The only place that God will receive your sacrifice (I don't care how sincere you are.) is in Christ.
E-234 And remember... You say, "Well, I believed; I come in too." Remember, the Bible says... You say, "Well, the Bible said, 'Whosoever believeth that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, is saved, shall be saved.'"
E-235 It says that, but remember it also is written, also is written, "No man can call Jesus the Christ, only by the Holy Ghost." See? You might say he is, but he isn't until the Holy Spirit Itself, which gives Life to the Word, proves it by vindication that you are the son of God then. That's the Scripture.
E-236 "The place that I chose to put My Name. You shall not worship in any other gate, but in the gate I put My Name in; then I will receive you; you're in My family."
E-237 Now, the family of God obeys the order of the Father of the family. "And He is the Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father; and of His dominion and reign there shall be no end; the government shall be upon His shoulders." And Him being Governor, King, Emmanuel, First, Last, Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, everlasting Father, every one of His children obey every Word to the order, because they're a part of Him.
E-238 We live in our home like Branhams live. You live in your home, the Joneses, like the Joneses live.
E-239 And in the house of God we live by the Word of God and every One that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, and any other fraud we won't listen to him. See? "You shall eat unleavened bread, every church age, just as I give It to you." But don't try to go back and inject that over into This, because it's come into a stalk. "You shall take the bones and things that's left over of the sacrifice and burn them." Gone, the church age died, went on; we're in another one now. Amen.
E-240 "The place I choose to put My Name in." Oh, my. I Corinthians 12.
E-241 Notice Ephesians 4:30.
... grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed until the... (next revival?)... until the day of your redemption.
... grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed until the day of your redemption.
E-242 Now, notice. Let's apply that to our Scripture lesson. Then we better go; I think I'm wearing the people out too. Yes, sir People getting up and going home, see, 'cause they got--they got dinner cooking. And somebody they're wanting to meet; they didn't expect come down here and listen all day long. See? But look, you know the...
E-243 Ben, oh, I--I ought to go...?... Bless you. Thank you, Brother Ben. I love you, Brother Ben.
E-244 If you know what that boy's suffered for us in that war; he's shot all to pieces, and blowed up, and everything else. He's had a life of everything, but God's blessed him. He stayed true. His wife left him, run away and married again, and took his children. Oh, my, I just can't think about it.
E-245 And--but, anyhow, God bless you, Ben.
E-246 He's laying right now full of shrapnel, pressing against his nerves and everything else. Just... You have to know the background of Ben. You see? God, bless that boy. Yes.
E-247 ... whereby you're sealed until the day of your redemption.
E-248 Notice. Now, this might pinch just a little bit, but notice (Don't fall out with me.); just remember.
E-249 When Israel once looked on that door, with that blood on the door, the name (the blood, the life), and entered in under that blood, they never went out again until they went out of Egypt. "Grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby you go in and don't go out anymore until the day that you are redeemed out." See?
Well, the Bible's always right. He puts words in there you got to place It out where It goes, to make it--make the whole picture of redemption. See, see?
... grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed until your redemption. (till you're redeemed)
E-250 You're sealed in there; you're beneath the Blood. You don't go out no more. And then what are you? God's son in God's family, sealed in by the Holy Spirit. The Devil couldn't get you if he had to; for you are dead; your old husband part is dead, and you are buried, and your life is hid in God through Christ, and sealed by the Holy Ghost. How's he going to get you? How you going to get out? You're there. Glory. Now, I'll leave that alone; just enough so you'll know what I'm talking about.
E-251 Then a new creation, not to a denomination, but to the Word. You're a creation of the Word. Because the foundation stone was laid in you before the foundation of the world, predestinated to be sons and daughters of God.
E-252 And upon this come stone upon stone in each age to vindicate that Word that's coming up, just exactly as Jesus did in His age, which is the Capstone of it all. In Him laid every age. In Jesus was Moses. In Jesus was David. In Jesus was the prophets. Is that right? Look at Joseph, sold for almost thirty pieces of silver, throwed in, supposed to be dead, taken out, went and come to the right hand of Pharaoh. Look, exactly, Jesus was--Mo--a--Joseph was in Jesus.
E-253 And when He come, He was the fulness of the kings, prophets (Hallelujah); the Godhead bodily rested in Him. He come to redeem out of there a Bride, a Masterpiece, a Masterpiece that says to Satan that...
E-254 When he says, "Days of miracles is past. There's no such a thing as these things you're talking about."
E-255 "Get thee behind me, Satan." See? See, a Masterpiece standing in a garden...
E-256 Sometime the Capstone will return, the Head of all of it, and receive the Bride unto Himself; which the woman is took from the man, a part of the man. Every... Genes of the man is in the woman, what makes the woman. And that's the way the Word of God is in the church, what makes the church the Bride. Not a denomination, that's of the Devil, every one of them. I ain't calling the people in there that; there are poor deceived people, like Jesus said, "Blind leading the blind." And He could not call them out.
E-257 And they said, "Well, you are borned of fornication. Who tells you to come to you. What school, what seminary recognized you? There we have Moses. We are..."
E-258 He said, "If you'd have knowed Moses, you'd knowed Me."
E-259 'Cause Moses wrote Him in his four books, "The Lord your God shall raise up a Giver of the Word, a Prophet likened unto me, and who will not hear that prophet will be cut off from amongst the people." That's all there is to it. And what is He? The Word. And what is It? Don't leave none of the leaven left in the... Just don't put no leaven amongst It. Don't add any creed, any denomination, for it's polluted right there, your sacrifice is finished.
E-260 Let's hurry now, right quick, so you can go eat. Notice.
E-261 Now, then, you are a son of God in the house of God; you are a part of God's economy. Romans 8:1, "Then there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." For they are dead to the world, alive in Him, and living in this present day, making the Word that God has used them for, foreordained them, placing their names in this Bride Book. And when the Waters comes upon that seed that's in the heart, raises it up to the Bride of Christ. Oh, my. Just perfect as it can be. In every age it's been that way.
E-262 The Lutherans, under justification, the feet, raised it like that; Wesley, under sanctification. The Pentecostals under the arms, the works and deeds and so forth, had to be Calvinists... or had to be Arminian, had to be legalists. But now we come to the head, the capstone. "Grace. Grace." the capstone cried.
E-263 The headstone crying what? "Grace. Grace." Passed from death and creed into a living Word of the living God. God's only provided plan for His age, His sons in the Word age quickened by the Spirit like a spark that's lit off of something to make it alive; and seated now in heavenly places in present tense, already alive and subject to every promise in the Word. Then what does that do? You being a part of God's gene, a part of the Word, other men a part of God's Word, seated together, manifest the entire Body of Christ, because there's no leaven among you. (See what He's talking about, Brother Brown?) No leaven among you, just the Word only, seated in heavenly places in the door where He put His Name: Christ Jesus.
E-264 No leaven among you, that brings the entire Fulness of the Godhead bodily among you. Couldn't do it in Luther's age, couldn't do it in Wesley's age, couldn't do it in the Pentecostal age; but in the day when the Son of man will be manifested, revealed, brought back the church together with the entire Deity of God amongst His people, showing the same visible signs, manifesting Himself like He did at the beginning when He was manifested on earth in a form of a Prophet God (Oh, Glory.) promised by Malachi 4, promised by the rest of the Scriptures. Where you worship at? The house of God, seated, in present tense.
E-265 Now, quickly, let us look just real fast now, and then go in about... In ten minutes we'll be gone, the Lord willing.
E-266 Now, let us look at some that has been quickened into this house of God, of their age... Enoch... (In ten minutes we'll go, if you can just suffer that much longer.) Look, Enoch was the living Word of God of his age; he was a prophet.
E-267 A prophet is God's reflector. How many knows that? The--the reflector doesn't reflect itself; the--the reflector isn't the reflection. There has to be something strike the reflector--reflector to make it reflect.
E-268 So a prophet is a chosen vessel of God that cannot reflect nothing at all, but he's in direct line with that reflection, God, to reflect the image of Christ the Word (See?); nothing else can do it. You are a reflector; that's the reason the prophet had to eat the book. That's the reason he had to eat the scroll. He had to reflect that Word for that age. You got it?
E-269 Notice Enoch, God's perfect reflector in type. When God was through--through with him, He just translated him (See?), took him up. The mechanics that he had reflected become dynamics with the Spirit, and took him up.
E-270 Same in the days of Elijah. Elijah, even to his bones, where that reflection... Reflector of God in his body being made manifest the Word of God. They laid a dead man on it; he sparked to life again. We are flesh and bone of Him, as long as we are the Bride of Christ. You believe that? All right. He died for us, and we die to ourselves and are buried in His Name, that we would no more be of the world, but in Him, of which both the family in heaven is named after Jesus Christ. That's Ephesians 1:21. For both heaven--the family in heaven... What's the family in heaven named? Jesus. What's the family on earth named? Well, that's the house of God where the Blood's at. Is that right? That's the Door, that's the Gate, that's the place He put His Name, and the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us. It's the Word reflecting and sparking off the age that you're living in. That's what He was; that's what Moses was; that's what Jacob was; that's what the rest of them was: sparking off that Word of God, the reflector that God was reflecting Himself. And come to that perfect Image of God, Jesus Christ, God's Masterpiece; was struck that He might take the rest of them for a Bride that's been a reflector of Him.
E-271 Moses was in Him. Joshua was in Him. And if you are in Him, you was in Him before the foundation of the world, the family of God; you suffered with Him; you died with Him; you went to the cross with Him; you raised with Him; and now you're still with Him, setting in heavenly places, reflecting the Message of the age to the world, the Light of the world. "Ye are the Light of the world," but if it's hid by a denominational bushel basket, how are they going to see It? By your traditions, you make the Light of no effect. By trying, you denominationals, trying to keep the Light away from your church; you won't go in; neither will you let them. Amen.
E-272 Let's just stop. My, I got too much here. We--we just won't... Oh, my. Five minutes we got.
E-273 You see Who the door is? Where did God put His Name? In Jesus. How do you get in His Name? How do you get in there? By being baptized in there. How by? Water? By Spirit: one Lord, one faith, one baptism, that's Holy Ghost baptism.
E-274 The water baptism just put you in fellowship with the people, that you recognized that you have accepted Christ. That's the True. But it's Spirit baptism. I can call the Name of Jesus over you and baptize you; that doesn't make it so.
E-275 But when once that Holy Spirit really genuine Word comes into you (the Word, Jesus), then, brother, the message is no secret to you then; you know It, brother; It's all lit up before you. Hallelujah. Praise be to God. Amen.
I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me,
And purchased my salva...
E-276 Dear God, I pray that You'll heal these people, Lord, and make each one of them well, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Oh. Love... Oh.
Ever since, by faith I saw that stream
Thy flowing wounds supplied, (from that Masterpiece)
Redeeming love has been my theme,
E-277 How can you... God is Love. "He that loveth is of God," Divine, holy love, not dirty love; clean, pure, holy love, love of God the Word. "Thy laws have I hid in my heart, that I sin not against Thee," oh, my, that David crying out. Isn't He wonderful? Don't you love Him?
E-278 Now, there is a Way, a pure, holy Way, a only meeting place that God will meet you. Not because you say, "God, now, I'm a good Methodist. I'm a good Baptist. I'm a good Pentecostal." No. Because that you are in Jesus the Word, the part of the Word that's being manifested today, this day's Message, not Luther, Wesley, Pentecostal; but your Jesus, the reflection, that has come up into this. You can't go back to that; that's adding leaven to your holy Bread, that, "Man shall live by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God in Its season."
E-279 O come, Lord Jesus, the great Headstone. Look laying yonder in the dust of them Lutherans that died back yonder under martyrdom; look at them Methodists, those Pentecostals and so forth, coming up now, that real strain they come out.
E-280 You Assemblies of God went and organized, when the very thing God brought you out of, you turned right back like a hog to its wallow.
E-281 You Oneness, United, the old J. C. of--Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ. One for the colored, and separated yourselves because of segregation, you that did that, and then united yourself they call it "United," and then organized, and fussed at the Assemblies? "As a dog turns to its vomit." If the vomit made the dog sick in the first place, won't it make him sick again? Change your diet from your denomination to the Word, and live with Christ. Shame on you.
E-282 I've got a Father over yonder,
I've got a Father over yonder,
I've got a Father over yonder,
On the other shore.
Some bright day I'll go and see Him,
Some bright day... go and see Him,
Some bright day I'll go and see Him,
On the other shore.
Oh, won't that be a happy meeting,
Won't that... (Word goes to Word.) meeting,
(When the Bride goes up, Word by Word)... happy meeting,
On the other shore.
Oh, that bright day may be tomorrow,
That bright day may be tomorrow,
That bright day may be tomorrow,
On the other shore.
E-283 You say, "You mean that, Brother Branham?" Yes, sir. When the Lutheran of that age, the Wesley's of their age, the Pentecostals of their age (the true ones, not the denominationals); the Pentecostals, the one that added leaven, the denomination died. But this true Word moving on. See? Just like Jesus said, "At that day, you'll know that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me, and I in you and you in Me." It's all the Word.
E-284 Oh, won't that be a happy meet... (when His sons gather to His gate)... happy meeting,
Won't that be a happy meeting,
On the other shore.
E-285 Now, church, we're teaching now. But, remember, when you leave here, start moving out of the shuck now; you're going into the grain; but lay in the Presence of the Son. Don't add what I've said, don't take away what I've said. Because, I speak the Truth as far as I know It, as the Father has given to me. See? Don't add to It; just say what I said.
E-286 The thing of it is, just tell the people to come seek the Lord Jesus. And then you yourself lay right in His Presence; just make love to Him, "O Lord Jesus, Son of God, I love You. Tender my heart, Lord. Take away all the filth and the love of the world, and let me live holy in this present world before You."
E-287 Shall we bow our heads for prayer. Now, let's see, have you got anybody chosen to dismiss in prayer? Or, I will then. Be real reverent.
E-288 Dear God, we thank You that we have had our spiritual diet. We thank You, Lord, that the vitamin of the Word grows sons of God. It does not affect on any other type of character, only on sons and daughters of God. So we thank You for It. And we pray, God, that we will profit therewith, that we will not only thank Thee. We thank You for It, but may we use the strength to try to by love persuade people to believe in our God: the wayward, the sinners, the women, the men, the boys, the girls, in this age.
E-289 Seeing, Lord, that the mental conditions, the nervous age that the people's living in, is driving them out of their minds to exactly fulfill what the Scripture said and promised: the great hideous things would come upon the earth like locusts to haunt the women that cut their hair, they'll have long hair like a woman. And different hideous sights that they'll be able to see, Lord, in that mental, deluded conditions they're in, and then screaming for the rocks and the mountains. Women who would mother dogs and cats, and not raise children to honor You... Those that You did give children to and they did conceive them, turn them loose on the streets to do as they want to. No wonder You said, Lord, when You were going to the cross, "Then they'll begin to cry for the rocks and the mountains to fall on them."
E-290 We see every other thing moving right up to this time. We see the Scripture being vindicated, proved. And just as we see That, Lord, You with our own eyes being made manifest, someday there will be a rapture and we'll see the manifestation of that Word, "For the Son of man shall come in the clouds of glory with His holy Angels with Him, and we'll be caught up to meet Him in the air." It will then be... We hear of it now; then we'll see it with our own eyes.
E-291 May we be found in Him, the only provided Place. And He is the Sacrifice. We bring Him, what we've heard about, Jesus Christ, into the house of God by the baptism of the Holy Ghost, through the Name of Jesus Christ. And there our sacrifice is accepted, and we're brought into the family; because, yet straying out in the world, we were ordained sons and daughters of God before the foundation of the world. Thank You for that, Father. Oh, how could anyone ever turn back on something like that when they found the Truth, that God has selected them out of the world?
E-292 There were millions lost, the day that I was saved. O dying Lamb, how can I ever thank You? How can my heart ever be reverent enough before You? Help me, dear God, to live true. Help my people to live true. I pray for them, Lord, every one, that You will... God, somehow, I don't... I--I wouldn't know how... I don't know how, just how to ask, Lord; and I--maybe I'm not even asking that in the right manner. But You forgive my ignorance, Lord, and just look at my heart. I pray that not one of them will be lost, not one of them, Father. I claim them, every one, for You. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I love Him, I...
E-293 And if you love Him, you love one another. Shake one another's hand.